Minho Part 7

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Minho's Pov

Carter is now seventeen. Where did the time go? It was crazy and Lacy was now sixteen. I'll admit, I'm a little worried about those two. I don't think I've prepared myself for the day they'd start dating. I knew it was coming but I wanted to push it off for as long as possible. Carter had just been given a job the other week as a Slicer. He told me he hated it. He just had to deal with it. It was early in the morning and I was getting ready to go running when I saw Carter waiting for me by the Maze entrance.

"What's up sport?" I asked.

" Dad, I've decided I want to be a runner and I'm coming with you," He replied nonchalantly. My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. There was no way he was going in the Maze. I wasn't not putting him in a position to meet Grievers and possibly get hurt. I couldn't live with my family getting hurt. I had made Emma quit for that very reason. No way was i sending my only son out there.

"Absolutely not."

" Why not?"

" I'm not going to risk you getting hurt."

" But dad! I can do this. I'm not some little boy anymore. I can handle it. "

" I don't care what you think you are. My answer is no. And we're going to have a talk with how much time you're spending with Lacy when I get back." I didn't wait to hear his reply and ran into the Maze. He'd been spending an awful lot of time with Lacy recently. I was beyond terrified of what was actually going on. The whole time in the Maze I thought of what i would say to Carter and what he would say back. I knew I had probably ticked him off. He just needs to understand my point of view. I'm his dad, he should treasure my opinion. After hours I came back dreading the talk. I opened the door to our room to see Emma and Carter sitting on our bed together.

"Minho, Carter has something to tell you, Emma stated.

Emma's Pov

"What's up?" He asked. He seemed really nervous. It wouldn't last long because I knew what Carter was going to tell him would make him flip.

" Lacy and I are dating. As in boyfriend and girlfriend. I asked her out two weeks ago," Carter said calmly.

It was a if a switched flipped inside Minho's head. One second he was calm and the next was furious.


" I said we're dat-"

"I heard what you said. Don't say it again. I don't approve of this. You're too young. "

" But you and mom were my age when you started dating."

" Yeah, and it was hard. But we didn't have parents in the Glade ,you do. You need to go break up with her right now."

"Dad no! I love her. I'm not breaking up with her "

" I don't care."

"Ugh. Just stay out of my life. I'm old enough to do whatever I want."

Carter got up and stormed out of the room. I looked up at Minho with a look that said good going. Minho huffed and plopped down next to me.

" Babe, Carter's right. We can't hold him back. He's old enough to date her. We can't keep treating him like a little boy. He isnt our little boy anymore, " I said gently.

He looked at me and replied, " I know but I'm just nervous. "

" I know. You're an overprotective dad. I get it and I'm sure Carter does too. Minho, you've got to let him go ."

" You're right Emma. You always are."

He kissed the top of my head and walked out the door to go fix things with his son.

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