From Trust to Treachery

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The hardest blow, betrayal's bitter sting,
From one we trusted, a painful offering.
A bond once strong, now shattered and torn,
Regretful echoes of trust, forever mourned.

Oh, the weight of deception, heavy and deep,
A wound inflicted, secrets buried so steep.
Innocence shattered, like fragile glass,
Regret's haunting presence, a shadow we amass.

How could they, the one we held so dear,
Turn their back, fueling doubt and fear?
The heartache lingers, a constant ache,
A betrayal's mark, a scar we cannot shake.

In hindsight's grasp, we question and rue,
The signs we missed, the trust we once knew.
Regret's bitter taste, a bitter pill to swallow,
As we navigate the aftermath, in sorrow we wallow.

But amidst the pain, a lesson we find,
To guard our hearts, to be more refined.
For in betrayal's wake, we rise anew,
Stronger, wiser, with lessons to pursue.

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