A Father's Betrayal

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The daughter stood there, watching as her father's eyes perceived her,
In those eyes, she saw a learned affection, expressed so clearly.
She knew her father loved and cherished her, that much was true,
He said, "For your future, remember, I love you."

But amidst his words, chaos danced in his eyes,
A silent question lingered, asking her why.
Why did she do things that bothered him so,
His eyes betrayed the love he claimed to show.

Her heart froze as time seemed to stand still,
"What have I done?" she wondered with a chill.
Her courage gathered, she looked him in the eye,
Only to find blankness, a shocking lie.

No longer a daughter, but an item to save,
Love on his lips, but in his eyes, a grave.
Domination disguised as love's sweet embrace,
She felt disposable, with no hiding place.

She was but a fragile object in his sight,
Easily broken, discarded without a fight.
A pawn in his game, sacrificed with no remorse,
Her worth diminished, her spirit taking its course.

The daughter, once cherished, now felt so small,
Disposable, like a failed product in his thrall.
Her tears stained her cheeks, a silent plea,
To escape the monster her father came to be.

In his eyes, she saw her importance fade,
A painful truth that left her dismayed.
Betrayed and disposable, she yearned to be free,
From the father who saw her as a commodity.

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