A Journey of Rediscovery

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There's this friend, from way back when,
Who smiled so cheerfully, with hazel eyes that twinkle then.
For so long, I didn't see, it felt unfamiliar, unknown,
Lost in a midday reverie, traveling back to the past I've outgrown.

We were best of friends, before we became a couple,
Fell in love and broke each other's hearts, words hurtful and subtle.
Went our separate ways, moved on, dated others too,
As time went on, we grew older, our relationship's residue.

Long ago, our love had faded, wounds healed with time,
We may not regain what we lost, the closeness of our prime.
But we chose to mend our broken bond and start anew,
Memories and nostalgia hit hard, pondering what we once knew.

I'm left to wonder about the past, the 'what ifs' in my heart,
Thoughts locked away, but not truly apart.
Back to our starting line, when we first met,
How did we end up liking each other? I can't forget.

I close my eyes, savoring the rush of memories,
Realizing I started to like you when we first crossed destinies.
You seemed immature then, but now much more mature,
You've transformed into someone different, that's for sure.

Looking back, our past relationship wasn't extraordinary,
We loved, fought over trivial things, made up, even after the contrary.
I couldn't find my place with you, afraid of someone new,
Yet, I never truly hated you, that much is true.

No discomfort lingered as we rekindled our friendship's flame,
There were times I thought you were cool and cute, without any shame.
Trusting each other willingly, we began anew,
Now I understand why my heart beats for you.

"Do you still love me?" I want to ask, so unsure,
How should I act, what should I do? My emotions obscure.
Oh my, why am I like this? A question without reply,
In this journey of rediscovery, I'll find my way, I'll try.

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