Drunk on Life: Soaring on Cloud Nine

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Do you ever wonder what it's like
To be drunk and floating in the air?
Or if those drunkards, wild and excited,
Feel a joy that can't compare?

But I don't need to know their world
Because I'm on cloud nine, unfurled
Feeling so alive, I'm soaring high
In this moment, I touch the sky

I can't describe the sensation
Of this happiness deep inside
It's like a warm embrace, a celebration
Where worries and troubles subside

And I don't need to understand
The way those drunkards dance and land
For in my own euphoric state
I find a bliss that can't abate

I'm floating on a sea of dreams
Where everything is as it seems
Every worry, every care
Melts away into the air

So let me stay up here, I plead
Where happiness is all I need
Drunk on life, I'm free to be
In this moment, eternally

No need for alcohol to find
The joy that's coursing through my mind
For in this moment, I'm alive and free
On cloud nine, where I'll always be.

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