Whispers of Fear

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I told you too much today, sharing every detail of my day,
From encounters with people to what we talk and do, I convey.
But what I truly feel, fear keeps it locked away,
Exhausted and tired, I can't find the words to say.

It's overwhelming, the weight I carry, too hard to bear,
A constant battle, a fear that lingers in the air.
I'm on the edge, wanting to give up and escape,
The uncertainty ahead, a future I can't reshape.

I'm afraid, for I don't see a better outcome in sight,
A sense of hopelessness, enveloping me in the night.
My heart longs to cry, but my lips curve into a smile,
Fear controls my words, keeping me in denial.

I confess my flaws, the cowardice and failure I see,
Yet, I can't voice it out, afraid of how you'll perceive me.
The fear of disappointment, of judgment and disdain,
A social suicide, a loss I can't sustain.

These may sound exaggerated, but they stem from genuine dread,
Restless and fearful, trapped in thoughts that fill me with dread.

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