Roommates ~ 1

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~Toby POV~

I was walking out of Slender's office, I was on my last strike for roommates. They all said they couldn't handle my night terrors and tic attacks, I was bummed since if I couldn't find another roommate id be kicked out. Slender did say there was one other creepypasta who couldn't stick with someone either, Eyeless Jack. I mean I've run into the guy and I've had a couple of conversations with him but mostly business-related, I was a proxy and had different missions than him. Slender said if we can't handle each other we're both done so I'm gonna try my hardest to get along with him, he doesn't talk much so it should be easy as long as he doesn't kill me or eat me or... I'm thinking about it too much. I walked up the stairs and into my room, pealing off the name tag of my last roommate and walking into my room, sitting on my bed. I grabbed my headphones from the nightstand next to the bed and put them on, putting on my playlist. 

After a while I woke up to a knock on the door, I guess I fell asleep? Slender opened the door and looked right at me, I took my headphones off and he spoke.
 "Toby, this is Jack, Jack this is Toby. you both have had an insane amount of roommates and if this doesn't work you're both done." and with that, he left. Jack slowly walked into my room and threw his stuff onto the floor, glaring at me.
"Hi! I-Im Toby, as y-you h-heard." I waved at him and smiled, he just growled at me. I watched his movements, they were inhuman, I knew he had demons possessing him but it freaked me out a bit. He suddenly swung his head around at me and growled again, I guess I was ticcing and it was cracking my neck, and I guess he didn't like the sound of cracking bones but I think I've tuned it out now. once he was done with his stuff he left, I assume to grab his bed stuff. I lay there in my bed, put my headphones back on, and closed my eyes. Suddenly the door slammed open and Jack waltzed in and threw his stuff onto the other bed, I looked over at him and he was making his bed. He was way more mature and responsible than I was, he made his bed and it was so tidy. He walked out and then walked back in with... a mini fridge?
 "whats t-that for?" He sighed and opened the door of the fridge, it had 2 jars of kidneys and a couple of other jars of other organs, they were all nicely labeled and put together.
"not much of a t-talker a-are you?" He growled again, slamming the fridge closed.
"I see y-you get mad a-at almost anything t-hen?" Jack stared at me, rolling his head. He didn't have eyes so I guess that was his way of 'rolling his eyes'. 
"Look I-Im sorry you h-ave issues but s-so do I and i-if you wanna s-stick around t-this place you've g-gotta pretend l-like you l-like me. Or at the very l-least try to tolerate m-me." My voice was stern, and I looked at him with a serious expression too. He grabbed a notebook and wrote something down, he turned it my way and it said 'fine.' He closed his notebook and put it on the other nightstand next to his bed, then he sat on his bed and huffed.
"w-whats your p-roblem now?" Jack stared at me again.
"C-come on! I'm t-rying to be f-friendly and y-youre pushing me a-away, what is y-your issue?!" I slightly yelled at him, he stood up and started to growl, and I cowered away slowly as he got closer. Then he stopped, sighed, and went back to his bed. He muttered something under his breath.
"what w-was that?" Growl.
"F-fine! I'm s-orry for b-eing nice!"
"I said I don't do friends." I was shocked, he spoke? But he never speaks, at least not verbally. Who knows if he speaks to other people verbally or even at all? I managed to utter some words.
"well, why n-not?" He growled and sat back down on his bed. There was a knock at the door some time later followed by Ben's voice,
"Toby, Jack, dinner!" I sat up and took my headphones off, "Coming!" I yelled back and skipped over to the door, I noticed Jack wasn't getting up.
"Jack, it's dinner.. come on!" Jack pointed at the fridge.
"Oh yeah, alright" I left to go back downstairs, as per usual, I sat at the spot I always do; at the end of the longer end of the table, next to Jack's spot, but he never came down for dinner so I sat next to no one. Nobody wanted to sit next to me, and frankly, I wouldn't want to sit next to me either. I grabbed my food and sat down at my seat, staring at my food.

After I ate I went back to my room and Jack was sleeping, I think, his mask was off and he was under the blankets. I walked over to my bed and flopped on it, making a fwump sound. I crawled under my blanket, got comfy, and stared at the roof. I tried to fall asleep but I was scared I would have another night terror and Jack would hurt me. But I couldn't stay awake forever, my eyes felt heavy and they closed. Suddenly my eyes shot open and Jack was standing over me growling and shaking me, I sat up, very out of breath.
"Sorry, d-did I ha-ave a-nother night t-error?" He nodded, I noticed his mask was back on. "Did y-you put your m-ask back on just t-to wake me up?" He nodded again. I also noticed I stuttering more than usual, I laid back down but Jack didn't, he just stared at me.
"Are you g-gonna go b-ack to b-bed?" He  didn't respond, just looked at me, then walked over to his bed and laid down. I closed my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.

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⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now