Explore ~ 21

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 "Is 20 chapters long enough for them to get spicy?" I ask myself, the answer is; probably not, but I do me and you do you yk? Anyways they aren't having 'sex' sex... well... you'll see, haha, also they are getting RIGHT TO THE POINT. Mostly 'cause I'm impatient, and this chapter might be kinda cringe-, either way, enjoy!~
Also, the time I'm starting this (April 28th 22:26/10:26 pm) means chapters within the same day/two days, I'm on fire! Or I just wanna make them make out, you're the judge here.

~Toby POV~

We both sat on his bed, sort of staring at each other, we couldn't tell if we were or not because the lights were off. 
"Do you want to uhm... maybe-"
"I wanna m-make out." I blurted out, cutting him off. I heard Jack shift over and put his mask on the bedside table, grabbing me by my waist and sitting me on his lap, this was more like it.  I threw my mouth guard onto his bed whilst cupping Jack's face and kissing him, he left his hands on my hips. I ran my fingers through his hair, dammit his hair was soft. Jack ran one of his tongues against my lips, I slowly parted them as he slipped a tongue into my mouth and wrapped it around mine, this was so hot. My face burned, and surprisingly my tics had calmed down almost completely! Jack moved one of his hands up my sweater to place his hands at my waist, pulling me closer, then he pulled away from the kiss while slowly unwrapping his tongue from mine.
"Alright, birthday boy, switch spots with me, I wanna treat you." His voice was so soothing, so gentle. I got off of him as he stood up, I sat down where Jack was, and then he sat on the floor.
"If you want me to stop, just tell me... uh... Haha, we need a safe word, you choose it." He tilted his head slightly, my eyes had adjusted to the dark so I could see faint outlines.
"Blueberry, n-no reason why, just the word sounds f-funny." Jack nodded.
"Alright sweetie, if you want me to stop just say blueberry, got it?" I nodded, "And you're comfortable with me doing something more.. sexual?" I nodded again, his voice goddammit, it was so soothing and soft and urgh, I could listen to him talk all day. I snapped out of a trance when I felt his hands go up my sweater, taking it off completely.
"Y-you can't see m-me, right?"
"Just a faint outline, we're in the dark, I won't see anything you don't want me to." I sighed, relieved. Jack was standing on his knees, he was taller than me so he was at about my chest area, this was stupidly embarrassing. He ran his hand along my stomach up to my chest, it gave me tingles, which made me tic. Jack glazed his finger along my nipple, I ticced at that too. He came up and started kissing my neck while one of his hands rested on my thigh and the other undid my jeans, I involuntarily spread my legs slowly as he slowly ran his finger against the waistline of my boxers. Jack ran his tongue along my neck before biting my shoulder, licking it and sucking it. My face was burning, and my whole body felt electric.
"Tobs, sweetie, can you take off your jeans or do you need me to do it for you?" He spoke almost directly into my ear, I looked away before he spoke again.
"I'll do it for you then, lay down for a second." I did just that, Jack stood up and lifted my lower end, taking off my jeans, and then sat back down.
"You have an immaculate body, I don't know why you're insecure of yourself." He ran his fingers along my inner thighs, going on top of more self-harm scars, though he didn't say anything about them- "They're like tiger stripes if that makes sense." There it is.
 "Scars mean you went through something hard, or tough, but made it out alive." He kissed some of my scars, moving my legs apart to do so, that was kind of hot. "I know you've been through tough stuff, but you're here now, and I'm glad you are." I covered my mouth with my arm to keep myself from making any noise, assuming I knew what he was going to do next. And I was right, he slipped a hand up the leg hole of my boxers, grazing along my, embarrassingly semi-hard dick. I think Jack could Tell I was embarrassed about it.
"C-can I p-put my s-sweater b-ba-ack on?" He nodded, softly grabbing my dick and rubbing near the tip, I let out a whimper. Shit!! He took his hand out of my boxers and came back to my face, kissing me. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Jack pulled away from the kiss and sat back down on the floor, taking off my boxers. His sockets visibly widened at the sight of... it. Then he smirked, Jack put a hand around my dick and I whined at the feeling. Slowly he started stroking up and down, using his nails randomly just to tease. I kept whimpering and whining, but not giving him his desired sound, which is what I knew he wanted.
"Move your arm from your mouth." I didn't move. "Tobs," I stared at Jack, he moved his hand to the tip and rubbed it, oh fuck-. I tried hard not to moan but alas, one slipped out, Jack smirked at the noise he so badly wanted and finally got. I covered my mouth but as I did Jack stood up and went to his bedside table.
"Just a sec, you'll see." He walked back over with a short rope- wait why the hell does he- no never mind, I don't really wanna know. He came back and tied my hands together behind my back. "There." He ran his nails against my back, over my shoulder, over the bite mark, my stomach and then against my dick, I let out a whimper. Jack started to stroke me once more, and now that I was tied up, I couldn't be as quiet as I would've liked. He quickly rubbed against the tip, making me twitch and moan, before snaking out a tongue and wrapping it around my length.
"Oh m-my f-f-fuck-king god!" I yelped, I was not expecting that. Jack bobbed his head up and down, but he went fast this time, unlike when he stroked me. He grabbed my legs and held them up and out of the way, I tilted my head back, my mouth hanging open letting out small whimpers and moans. I felt his tongue swirl around the tip, I threw my head down.
"Ah ahahh~ mmph hnngh.." Shit! what was that sound?! Jack looked up at me with some look on his face that just gave me tingles, I was ticcing quite a bit, mostly from the stimulation this was giving me. 
"Jaaahck~... goddammit mmph.." He let my dick go with a *pop!* and looked up at me while jerking me off slowly.
"You're brave for letting a cannibal give you a blowjob, you know~" 
"Mhhm.." I mumbled, he rubbed the tip with his thumb making my legs twitch and one of them kicked out to the side. 
"Such a brave boy, my brave boy~" 
"Jack- god f-fuck-" He shut me up real quick, grazing his teeth along my length. "Aha!~" My whole body was shaking, I was getting closer, Jack probably noticed since he had sped up a bit too. He swirled two tongues around it and used the third to mess around with the tip, god this felt amazing. I threw my head back and my body tensed up.
"Holy sh-shit, Jaaaack!~" I yelled, with a voice crack, I looked down at Jack with a flustered face and teary eyes, and he looked up at me with a surprised face and... oh fuck, I think I-
"In medical terms, semen, in sexy bedroom atmosphere, cum." He swallowed, "You taste nice~"
"Y-you can't j-just say that, y-you're a c-cannib-bal." Jack chuckled. 
"Mhm, but I wouldn't eat you in a cannibal way. Even if I was dying and needed food." He got up and kissed my forehead, "You did good, good job birthday boy." He walked to the other side of my bed, untying the ropes. I was still ticcing and out of breath, I looked down at my shaking legs. "Let me get some pyjama pants on you." Jack grabbed a pair of pj pants from the closet, walked back to me and lifted me to put my pants on me. He softly placed his hand under my chin and made me look at him, kissing me. I kissed him back, Jack grabbed my thighs and lifted me, I wrapped my legs around his waist while he walked over to the wall, pinning me against it. One of his hands moved from my thigh to my waist, going up my sweater and to my chest, he made circles around my chest which gave me tingles, and I pulled away for a moment.
"Th-thank you for t-tonight, I didn't eh-expect it to g-go like this but... i-it was fun." 
"I didn't go too far? Like I didn't cross any lines?"
"No, I k-kinda wanted to do som-something like this I w-was just nerv-vous." He chuckled, leaning his head on my shoulder.
"I was nervous too, but I wanted to treat you." I giggled, he started kissing my neck, going to bite but never fully biting. 
"You c-can bite me, if y-you want, just n-not my n-neck then people will see." I felt Jack nod, then he lifted my sweater and lifted me a bit higher to reach my chest. He quickly bit the side of my chest, sucking on it too, it felt sweet and tingly. Then a knock came at the door. "Jack, s-someones at th-the door-"
"I don't care, they couldn't see us anyways." I sighed.
"Okay, c-come in!" Ben opened the door and spoke.
"Toby where di- ohhhh, heh, alright then." I looked over and Ben had a cocky grin on his face. "So you two left to have sex, got it, alright, I'll leave you two alone then." He closed the door, Jack was still going at my torso, but he had switched to the other side, and then he looked back at me.
"I'm tired, are you?" I nodded, "You wanna go to sleep?" I nodded again, he walked over to his bed and laid down, bringing me with him and holding me tight in a hug. "Alright, goodnight then Tobs." I shuffled around a bit before looking at him. 
"Goodnight Jackie."
"Don't call me that."
"No, I think I will call you that."

Holy shit, that was a LONG chapter, I hope you enjoyed it though (unless you're Emma (same Emma from my bio) then you uh... did not enjoy it!) Also hi Penny, critic me on my sex chapter, haha.

[Total: 1840 Words]

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now