Hangover ~ 10

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~Toby POV~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, Jack was still cuddled up next to me holding my waist tight. Jesus, he had a good grip because I couldn't wiggle my way out of this, I sat there helpless.
"Jackkkk, we n-need to get up. we h-have to train."
"Today is an off day, Toby, and I have a massive hangover, I'm not going anywhere." After he spoke there was a knock on the door, I assumed it was someone knocking for breakfast, but then another knock came.
"Uhhh... Come in" I replied, the door creaked open. Jack hid his face with the blanket but when he realized it was just Smiley he let him see his face.
"Good morning you two, Jack I have some painkillers for you, I assume you have a hangover." Jack nodded. "And Toby, how have you been? Is there anything we should add to the logs? Do you need painkillers?" I shook my head.
"Not that I can think of. And no I didn't drink much at all last night."
"Well if you think of anything, let me know. Jack the meds are here with a cup of water, Toby make sure he has these. We'll be back in the afternoon with another round of meds, have a good day boys." Smiley left the room and went back to the hallway, Ann was there with a cart of meds and cups. Those two did that sometimes since after Tim's multiple overdose attempts Hoodie and Skully couldn't keep the meds away from him. Ann and Smiley keep his meds in the infirmary and give them to him when needed, Jack told me that. From what I've heard he's gotten better.
"Do you w-wanna take the pain m-meds?"
"Yeah.." I sat up, Jack held his head with his hand, I grabbed the meds and he opened his mouth, 3 tounges hung out in front of me.
"Dude t-take them."
"Put them in my mouth." I sighed and plopped them onto his middle tongue, I handed him the water and he drank it.
"D-do you have t-to roll them up like a fruit r-roll u-up?" He raised his eyebrow at me, I sneered. "Your tounges, d-do you have to roll t-them up?"
"H-how many tounges do you h-have even?" He shrugged, I grabbed his face and opened his mouth, he had razor-sharp teeth and from what I could see, 3 tounges. "Seems you h-have 3, c-can you grow m-more?" He shrugged, I gasped. "Are t-they like l-lizard tails?? C-can they grow back if c-cut off???" I asked with excitement lacing my voice, he laughed at my question.
"No idea, and please don't try to find out." I laughed. "Also please don't tell anyone about last night, please."
"I wont I p-promise." Jack smiled at me, his little fangs hanging out of his mouth, I smiled back. "W-wanna watch a movie?" He nodded.
"I think we're having a movie night tonight too, like the whole mansion." Just then another knock on the door came.
"Come in" Ben lazily opened the door.
"Slender needs someone to go get groceries and you're the only one who isn't hungover, go get groceries male wife." Ben's words were slurred and slowly spoken, I got up.
"Jack, sleep w-while I'm gone, you need it. Tell B-boss I'll head right out."
"Dress like a normal human remember?"
"Can do!" Ben floated away, back to his room I assume. I got changed and left to leave, but I wanted a snack, that's when I overheard the other non-hangovers in the kitchen.
"Why him, no offense he's just a kid, also, he's well known due to his lack of secrecy. So why not one of us? we're adults, and we usually go when we need a top-up in anything."
"Tim, Boss probably just wants to see if he can handle it, plus if he doesn't like it Boss will go back to letting us out." Then there was silence, I heard someone pull out a chair and sit down.
"Why? Why can't I be better than him why does he have to be good at this job?"
"You're spiraling, Hoods go get Dr. Smiley." I heard footsteps get quieter. "You could ask Toby to go along with him? Boss might allow it too since he's under 18 and it'd be a weird sight to see a kid buying a shit ton of groceries."
"I fucking hate this, Skully." Then more footsteps.
"Tim, can you come to the infirmary, Hoodie is waiting for you and Skully can come too, I just wanna talk." I guess he stood up because I heard chairs being tucked into the table, I walked out of the kitchen and Masky and Skully were walking to the infirmary, I decided to stop by Boss's office for the money. I walked over to his door and knocked.
"Come in." He replied, I opened the door.
"I need the m-money for shop-ping." He opened a drawer and handed me a stack of cash with a sticky note attached.
"Nothing more and nothing less than what is on the list, if we are short money, contact me. If we have extra do not spend it, I am trusting you, Tobias." I nodded. "Also tomorrow, we are heading to Zalgos to retrieve an old proxy. Me, you, Masky, Hoodie, Skully, and Kate. His name will be revealed tomorrow, now go." I nodded, turning around and leaving. An old proxy? Have I met him before? I decided to call Jack to ask him since he's been here longer than I have, I pulled out my phone and dialed his number, and then he answered.
"Hi! I have a question."
"What is it?"
"Was there another proxy before I came?"
"Man, probably, Slender has so many of you on a leash that it's hard to keep track."
"Thanks for the help" I replied sarcastically, he then hung up. I kept walking out to the store, the town was different from when I was last here. I reached the store and went in. 

After I was done I had bags of groceries, I made my way back to the mansion. When I got there I put the groceries in the kitchen, it was Boss's job to put them away. I walked out of the kitchen and saw Jack in the living room, wrapped in a blanket, a bunch of other pastas were there too, Jack waved me over to sit next to him so I did. I walked over and sat down, he pulled me over on his lap, then he laid down and cuddled me like a bear.
"Can you see the TV?" I nodded, the lights turned off and Ben appeared on the TV.
"Welcome pastas, tonight we engage- oh fuck this, let's watch a horror movie!!" He glitched away and the movie started, then he glitched onto the couch next to Jeff and Lost Silver.
"What're we w-watching?" I whispered, Jack shrugged.
"I wasn't paying attention." I heard Jeff snicker and look at us, I assumed Ben would tell him to stop but he joined in with the laughing, I assumed they were laughing because of me and Jack cuddling on the couch. But that's what friends do right? Weird shit? 

Sometime throughout the movie, I got cold so I turned around to face Jack, I huddled closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me.
"This isn't gay right?" I whispered.
"Not for me, this is what friends do right?" I nodded, we finished the movie and went back to our room.
"I'm s-supposed to retrieve an old p-proxy tomorrow with the o-other proxies." Jack raised an eyebrow.
"Is that why you called me?" I nodded.
"Boss said it w-was a he, remember any old m-male proxies?"
"I do remember one, but I can't remember if they identified as male or female because they dressed feminine but were visually obviously a boy. Either way, I can't remember their name, you'll find out tomorrow though huh?"
"Yeah, I will" Jack nodded.
"Alright, well I'm gonna head to sleep, night Toby"
"Night Jack" I pulled the covers over myself and drifted off.

[Total: 1369 Words]

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