Jacks Back! ~ 25

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Okay, massive trigger warning for future chapters, long story short I got out of a toxic relationship recently and I'm coping, don't read a chapter containing something that might trigger you.
Anytbing in [] indicates anything over the phone wether that be texting or (example) Toby over the phone, anything in () is voices in either Toby head or Jacks demons
Also to my ex gf Rue, don't read my shit anymore, fuck right off.

~Jack POV~

I woke up to the sound of someone banging against the door and screaming, this place was so much worse than the Slender mansion. Kagekao came through the door with Stripes, they rolled around on the floor trying to punch eachother before Suicide Sadie came in through the door yelling at Kage. I didn't miss this bullshit, the Slender mansion was so much calmer than this, fights didn't happen every five seconds.
"You fucking asshole! I'll kill you bitch!" Kage yelled at Stripes.
"Not before I kill you first you stupid dead whore!!" Stripes yelled back.
"Both of you get the fuck out!" I growled, they didn't listen to me, oh yeah they're demons too... Zalgo came into the room, dragging the two out as Sadie yelled at them all, I groaned, I hated it here. I grabbed my phone from under my pillow and texted Toby, asking to call, he immediately answered and called me.
[Jack! I miss y-you, how's it been? I k-know it's only b-been a week-k but it's miserable w-without you.]
"It's horrible, I hate this place, but details, how's it miserable without me?"
[I just miss you, I d-don't even wanna leave my room. You k-know who I have to share a room with n-now?]
"Who?" I chuckled
[Brian, since my room is down the hall from Masky, Jays and K-Kates room I had to choose to go with B-Ben and Jeff or have Brian m-move in with me. He b-brings me food at b-breakfast lunch and d-dinner but I never eat because I d-don't feel like it-t. I c-can't bring myself t-to get out o-of bed without y-you.] He sounded so sad, I felt bad.
"Oh Tobs sweetheart you need to do your job or you're gonna get in trouble." I sat up in bed.
[I've already got-gotten into trouble..] I whined, suddenly a knock on his side and then Brian speaking, but I couldn't hear it. [Sorry, Brian's going to b-breakfast and as u-usual he's as-asking if I want any.]
"Toby please g-"
"Jack? Eyeless Jack himself? When did you get here buddy? Haven't seen you in forever!" Kage came into my room, talking in a sarcastic tone.
"Kage, fuck off." I moved my phone away from my ear.
"Oooh who are you talking to? Someone from the bitch Slenderman mansion?" He jumped onto my bed and punched my leg.
"Dude fuck you, get the fuck out!"
[Jackie? Is e-everything okay?]
"Who's that? Sounds like a whiney femboy."
"Kage, get out before I destroy your ass!"
"Wait, he called you Jackie, nicknames?? You never let anyone do nicknames! Oh my god DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND???" He yelled the last part, "HOLY SHIT, the cold heartless demon himself has a BOYfriend! You gay as shit!" He got up and went around the hallway yelling about this, Toby was still on the phone
"Tobs Im gonna go, text me later." I hung up and got out of bed, putting it in my pocket and going to find Kage. "KAGE I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" I found myself in the kitchen and Kage was talking with some others, I grabbed the back of his head and threw him onto the floor, grabbing breakfast and leaving.
"Aha he's still got the same strength as the day he left, good to have you back buddy." Kage said while getting up, he wiped blood off his face and patted me on the shoulder. I chuckled and left, I used to be super close with Kage before we got shipped to other places while Zalgo figured shit out. I went back to my room and sat on my bed, this room was like a prison cell, it was just a bed and a side table with chains and blood on the walls, just like when I left my name was also on the door. I sighed and got back into bed, there was screaming and banging downstairs, I tried to tune it out but it got really annoying. I heard my phone ding and grabbed it from my pocket.
[I finally ate something!]
[Thats awesome hun, what did you have?] I smiled while typing.
[I had french toast, reminds me of you.] I chuckled, blushing slightly. [Ive gotta go, training, ttyl <3] I hearted his message and let my arm collapse.
(You love him, don't you?) (I think he really does.) (This is sweet.) (Okay Gaylord's, this is too much for me.)
I laughed at the demons, I turned over in bed and thought for a minute, I'm gonna go visit Toby. I knew how to sneak out, I got up and locked my door, then going back to the small window by my bed, I stayed in this room even before the slender mansion. I opened the window and jumped out, sticking the landing this time, I began to walk to the mansion, it wasn't a long walk from here.

After a bit of walking I found Toby's usual training ground, he was sitting on a log panting and sweating, I ran over to him, picking him up and spinning around.
"J-Jack!" Toby yelped, I held him close and sat on the ground, I sat there inhaling his scent for a minute before letting him go, I missed him. Toby smiled at me and kissed my cheek, I in return kissed him on the lips, he kissed me back and we made out for a minute or so before he pulled away. "Aren't you s-supposed to be a-at Zalgos? Are you g-gonna get in trouble?"
"They can't keep me away from you for that long, I can't comprehend being away from you for too long." I said softly, he giggled at me and blushed. "You're so pretty when you smile." He hid his face from me, I grabbed his chin and made him look at me. "Don't hide your face, I wanna see you, that's why I came out here." He grabbed my face and kissed me again, I kissed him back, Toby wrapped his arms around my neck and ran his fingers through my hair, I practically melted at the feeling. He pulled away from me and got up, holding his hand out to me, I took Toby's hand and he twirled around before hugging me again.
"I m-missed you, a l-lot, I'm glad y-you came t-to visit." He spoke with his face in my chest, I smiled at him, playing with his hair. Toby started ranting about something, while I was paying attention to what he was saying I kinda wasn't, he was so cute while rambling I couldn't help it. He was going on and on about how it's weird sharing a room with Brian now and all that, at some point he stopped talking and stared at me. "Are y-you gonna answer m-my question or a-are you gonna keep st-taring?" He asked, I came back to reality.
"What was the question?" He sighed.
"Do you have a r-roommate at Zalgos?" I shook my head.
"Nope, single person room with a small bed and small nightstand, that's the entire bedroom." I laughed, "Although, my usual wake up call has changed from your alarm to Kagekao kicking open my door and screaming at me." Toby tilted his head.
"Who's K-kagekao?"
"Another demon at Zalgos, we used to be good friends and we're trying to reform that bond." He smiled at me.
"I'm glad you have friends th-there." I smiled back, he pulled me into another kiss, I kept my hands at his waist and his hands rested on my shoulders. I pulled him closer to me, Toby was on his tip-toes and I was slightly bending over since our height difference was 5'4 to 6'3. I jumped when I heard someone call my name, the person was close to us, too close. Toby pulled away but kept his face about an inch away from mine, when the voice didn't call out again he kissed my cheek, I smiled at the feeling. I picked him up and Toby wrapped his legs around my waist, he left kisses all over my face until the voice came back, with slow clapping.
"Wow guys, really wow, this is the gayest shit I've seen." It was Kagekao, I turned my head to him and he was chuckling to himself. "So is this the famous Tobias?" I nodded, Toby furrowed his brows at Kage.
"Tobs thats Kage, it's okay." Toby waved at him, Kage waved back.
"So Jack, you've gotta get back before Zalgo realizes you're gone. I've been trying to cover for you while you came and had a kissing fest with your boyfriend, so come on we've gotta head back." Kage motioned for me to follow, I put down Toby and kissed him one last time.
"I'll be back, not sure when but I'll visit when I can, and maybe I can sneak you into Zalgos one day." I kissed his hand and ran up to Kage.

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now