Zalgo ~ 24

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Just a reminder that my Poly Proxy fic is out on my profile! "Loosing My Marbles" go check it out if you like this fic!
Tw vomit

~Toby POV~

I sat on the couch talking to Ben as Jack came out of our room and slumped onto the couch next to me, leaning his head on my shoulder and moving his mask to the side in a way of which he was comfortable and nobody could see his face still. Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my neck, I continued talking to Ben who ignored what Jack was doing and kept talking normally. Today me and Jack planned a walk in the forest but it's still wet out from when it poured rain the other night, it was almost summer too, I for one was excited for our annual visit to the lake this year, every year the creepypastas who can swim/want to go go on a trip to a lake just south of the mansion. When I say the ones who can swim and want to come I mean they have to do both to come, except Ben, he can't swim and won't swim, but this year I'm gonna get him to come along, I usually didn't go either because I had no one to go with or for, but I had Jack and Ben now, I was also getting chummy with Clockwork but nothing will happen from that I reckon. This year for Ben I was gonna pull out a bunch of floaters and stuff from the basement and force him to go, I'd lifeguard him! While Ben was ranting about his game Jeff came down the stairs and plopped onto the other couch face first, Ben snickered at him and grinned.
"You tired from last night, 'big boy'?" Excuse me?
"Don't ever mention last night EVER again." Jeff held up the middle finger at Ben, "I'll fucking kill you!" Ben let out a chuckle.
"Not much to kill if I'm already dead!" He said in a sing-song tone.
"Shut your mouth then, ghost boy." Jeff rolled over to look at him, "or I'll make you shut it!" Ben blushed and turned around to face him.
"You'll repeat last night?? Never again thank you, you suck at s-" Ben stopped, "it, you suck at it, whatever we did last night." OH! Shit! Did they Holy crap! I audibly gasped.
"Did you t-two have sex??" I asked quietly, to which Ben nodded.
"He sucks at it, by the way." Jeff growled at him and looked over at me, then back to Ben.
"You think their sex was much better?" I nodded.
"It was b-better, actually." Jeff rolled his eyes and huffed back into the couch, Ben turned back to the tv and turned on his game again. Jack stayed on my shoulder and fell asleep.

I was washing dishes in the kitchen when Masky came down into the kitchen and grabbed me by my shoulder.
"Rogers, your little boyfriend needs to get locked up, and we need to talk to you." He had his mask to the side, his grip was tight.
"Jack? What h-happened??" I got a bit worried.
"You'll see, just come down to the basement with us." He motioned to follow him, Brian and Skully. Skully had Jack in ropes—Jack was tied in a way it looked like a straitjacket—and a muzzle looking thing on him. I held back tears as I followed the others down, Kate came up behind me and closed the basement door, coming down with us too. Slender stood next to a chair with handcuffs that were up against the wall, Skully put Jack in the chair as he growled and tried to bite Skully, he smacked Jack lightly to catch him off guard while Kate handcuffed his tied up wrists.
"Jack, while you were washing dishes, attempted to kill someone, the person is now in the infirmary. We assume it's because Zalgo wants Jack back or Chernabog is trying to get out into the re world." Slender nodded as Masky talked.
"Indeed, if you didn't know Toby, Jack isn't my Proxy or a real resident here. He belongs to Zalgo, Zalgo lend him out to me for a bit while he got his other demons under control, and now Zalgo wants him back, but I assume Jack doesn't want to go back because of the... relationship you two are in, relationship of which I wasn't aware of until Timothy spilt it while doing paperwork." Slender spoke calmly, my eyes widened.
"H-he has t-to go back t-to Zalg-gos?" I started to cry, Jack started growling again and the handcuffs thrashed against the chains on the wall. Skully slapped him again, now normally. Jack tried to bite him, but ended up vomiting through the muzzle-thing. I felt so bad.
"I don't w-want him t-to go.."
"He has to, unless Zalgo lets him stay permanently. Which even if he did I'm still upset at you Toby, you never asked me about dating, that's against the rules." I was crying hard now, I kicked the table that was in the room and it broke before I left the basement, slamming the door closed. Kate called out to me for me to come back but I stormed into my room and slammed the door as hard as I could, I got into Jacks bed and cried until I couldn't breathe.

It had been hours since anyone talked to me, which was when I was in the basement, I heard Zalgo come over and since then it's been silent, I hoped Jack was still here and I think he was because his stuff was here. I had taken some of his sweaters and hidden them in case he did have to leave, I wouldn't forget his scent. I sat up and decided to go check on everything, but when I left my room and went to the hallway of the staircase I saw the mansion was empty except for Zalgo and Slender in the living room, then an arm reached out from behind a wall and pulled me into the cleaning supplies closet. I held my breathe but I recognized the sweater, it was Jack! I hugged him and he hugged me back, I went to speak but he put his hand over my mouth.
"I have to go to a place for a while, I might be back, I don't know. I love you." He whispered to me, his mask was off and he was holding back tears I could hear it in his voice. "Please don't forget me Toby, I have a gift for you." He pulled something out of his pocket and put it around my neck, it was a necklace with a dark almost navy blue pendent on it. "I was saving it for our one month since you confessed, but I guess that won't happen, I'm not sure if I had to take my clothes or what but please Tobs, don't forget-"
"Why.." I cut him off, "why did you try to kill someone." I asked seriously.
"It wasn't me, it was Chernabog, the demons, they got mad he was taking over, they wanted to protect me I-I didn't want to hurt Jane I just-" he stopped, inhaled, and continued, "I'm sorry, you're mad at me I know-"
"I'm not m-mad! I'm just worried a-about you, Jack. I c-can't I d-don't-" Jack stopped me by pulling me into a kiss, we were both crying before the closet door was opened, it was Masky, he pulled Jack out and threw him over to Zalgo, Zalgo then left the building.
"I love you." I said to myself, "I love you a l-lot." I held the necklace pendent in my fist and I was ticcing a lot, Masky looked at me with a inch of sympathy before walking away and over to Slender.
"Tobias, my office, now." I slowly walked to his office and sat in a chair, Slender pushed a paper to me with a pen. "You can date Jack, but he's going to be gone for 6 months or more, until then you need a roommate. Luckily Ben is offering for you to come into his and Jeff's room for a while, or Brian is offering to stay with you, since you're room isn't too far from the other Proxies." He spoke, "Who'd you rather stay with?" I thought about it for a while, Ben had Jeff, and if Brian came with me Masky would still have Jay.
"Brian." I signed the paper and got up, he nodded, indicating I could leave. I left the room and walked back to my room, closing the door softly, sitting on Jacks bed and staring off into space, what was I supposed to do now?

[Total: 1500 Words]

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