Try ~ 18

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Ehehehe this one might be a tad bit sad, but also longer (to make up for the last chapter). I hope you enjoyed chapter 17 while it lasted. <3 And tw for headcannons boohoo I have a hc on a character that was left to the fandom, shush.

~Jack POV~

There I was, sleeping in my bed with Toby in my arms, we did this a lot, why did it feel different? 
(Uhm, remember yesterday? The bracelet, flowers, confession-) (THE KISS??!?) (Does this mean he's our boyfriend?) Everyone calm down, I think it does mean we're... boyfriends. That sounds so weird to me, do I like this feeling? The feeling of being loved? The sense of loving someone? While lost in thought I noticed Toby had woken up and was staring at me with tired eyes, jeez he was cute. 
"Good morning Jack." He smiled at me, his crooked smile.
"Morning Tobs." Toby closed his eyes again.
"Does... Does this m-mean we're like... d-dating?" Toby asked me.
"I- uhm... I don't know, this feels too fast, doesn't it? Or is that just me? Are we taking this too fast? We've only been friends a few months, how could we fall in love this fast-"
"I won't d-do anything you don't w-want to, if you wa-wanna take this s-slow, we can. We d-dont have to even s-say we're d-dating, we c-can stay friends un-until you're ready." Toby cut me off, looking up at me.
"Are you saying you'll wait for me?" He nodded. "I like you, I do, I just think this might be too fast. You're my best friend, I cherish you, you're amazing. But I don't want to be stupid about a relationship and screw something up, hurting you or anything."
"Of c-course I'll wait f-for you, and I be-lieve that you l-like me, I have so m-many things w-wrong with me and y-you've been s-such a good friend to me. A-and now you l-like me?? I don't w-wanna screw t-this up either, loosing y-you would be one of the sh-shittest things to happen t-to me." He sat up. "I'd wait a th-thousand lifetimes f-for you Jack, as l-long as you're c-comfortable." I sat up to look him in his eyes, I didn't know what to say or do, so I just hugged him and he hugged me back. Fuck he gave the best hugs, I felt so at ease in his arms I could just melt away. Without thinking, I picked him up and held him in my lap, his legs and arms around me.
"Are you okay with this?" He nodded.
"Just u-unexpected." I continued to hold him, then I let go slightly to kiss him, we sat there kissing until a knock on the door came. I tried to pull away to see who it was but Toby didn't care.
"Breakf-" It was Ben. "This, this right here, not sure if it makes me wanna throw up or cry happy tears." Toby finally let go and giggled at Ben's remark. "So what, are you two dating?" Toby looked back at me.
"Not t-till Jack says he's re-eady." He smiled
"How cute, get your gay asses up and downstairs." Then he left, Toby got up and held out his hand, and I grabbed it and my mask and went downstairs together. We sat down and got a couple of looks, mostly because I was at the table. Food came out and Toby and I were chatting quietly, his head on my shoulder, our hands intertwined, this was perfect. 
"Jack?" I looked at him. "After breakfast, do y-you wanna go down t-to the river a-again?" I nodded. "Yay!!" I couldn't help but smile, he was just so cute, such a dreamy guy. Suddenly, Jeff spoke out.
"So, Jack, what's the deal with you and twitchy?" Ben nudged him at the insult, but I stayed silent. 
"Just ignore him guys." Ben said.
"No, I wanna know what's going on between gay and gayer."
"Jeffery, that's not necessary. But I too would like to know, don't you think Slenders gonna ask about it?" Masky stopped Jeff. "I mean, while under his control, we've gotta do what he says, so wouldn't you have to ask him first?"
"Y-yeah, we aren't t dating t-though, not till Jacks r-ready." I nodded to confirm that. "But yes, w-we're gonna have t-to ask Slender.."
"After your birthday." I whispered to him.
"Also, another question to Mr pill-popper," Jeff said in Maskys direction. "What with you and YouTube vlogger? Are you guys dating? And what's with you, vlogger and frowny face?" Jeff sneered at them, and Masky, Skully and Hoodie all stared at him. Skully found this funny, Hoodie... I have no idea, and Masky was upset.
"It's none of your business what we are," Masky said. "It's none of your business who is what with whom."
"Well, we all live together, it is kinda my business if twitchy and Hannibal Lecter are kissing each other behind closed doors." 
"Enough, it is not your business dude," Skully said. "Why do you care anyway? You and Nintendo's #1 fan probably kiss and who knows what else!"
"Skully, be mature about this." Masky put a hand on Skully's shoulder.
"No, why does the burnt chicken nugget get to just shit on everyone?-" While they all argued, Toby covered his ears, it was getting quite loud. I grabbed Toby's hand, started growing and stood up.
"Why do you care Jeff? Do you wish you could kiss Toby?" I said, fairly loud. "So what, does shitting on other people's happiness make up for what you've done in your past? Even still, are you jealous I get to sleep with Toby every night and you don't?" Everyone stared at me, speechless. "Let's go." Toby got up and followed me out of the mansion, sticking his tongue out at Jeff, who was blushing and speechless.
"Why d-did yo-u do th-that?" Toby asked.
"To get everyone to be quiet." I took my mask off, resting it on my head.
"T-thank you.." 
"Of course." I kissed the top of his head. "Still wanna go to the river?" He nodded. "We can talk about our relationship when we get there." We walked in silence most of the way there, there was a slight breeze making the way there feel crispy. When we got to the river Toby had taken his shoes and socks off, rolled up his pants and sat in the river, he waved me over. I walked over and sat next to him, taking off my shoes and socks and rolling up my pants. I took my mask off and put it next to me.
"So.. What are we?" Toby asked, looking at me. I knew what I wanted us to be but... was that us?
"I want to be boyfriends, but does that fit us?"
"Jack, we talk a-all the time, we sleep t-together, we've k-kissed now what? Twice? We h-hold hands sometimes, we l-like each o-other too, maybe this is a b-bit ob-obvious..." He fiddled with his thumbs while talking, I sighed, he was right, but was I ready for this? God it just seemed too fast. 
"Not yet, please, can we stay.. 'friends' till your birthday?" I asked quietly. "If that's okay with you of course."
"'Friends'?" He titled his head.
"I mean, label ourselves as friends but do everything we've been doing, I like sleeping with you and holding your hand I'm just not ready."
"That doesn't m-make sense th-though." Toby looked back into the river. "Why won't you date me, lets st-start there." Wait... why won't I?
('Cause of fucking Jenny, you will not let that thing go dude. Now it's getting in the way of Toby, our sudden dream guy!) (Because of Jenny, you're scared of commitment. 'What if he hurts me as she did?' That's what you're thinking.) ('What if this is just a game? To hurt me, to break me more?' 'What if what if what if.') (Also, he's under 18.) (2 year age difference!! The gap isn't weird its the age, 17 and 19, it gives the ick) (No fucking way you just said 'ick'...) 
Maybe you guys are right.
(We are, embrace it.)
"I'm scared of commitment-"
"S-so am I! It's okay, remember, I'm n-not Je-Jenny. I d-dont wanna hurt you." Shit, he was right, he's a different person.
(Are we just realizing this... now?)
Shut up. 
"Let's try, let's try this. It's new for both of us right?" He nodded. "Let's give this a shot." Toby squealed, he seemed excited about that. I picked him up, he wrapped his legs around me. He giggled at me, we spun around in circles for a bit. I was kind of excited about this too. After some spinning, I pinned him up to a tree to speak.
"So we're just gonna do everything we did before but romantically?" 
"Y-yes!" I smiled at him, I was nervous sure but excited nonetheless. "Now that w-we're dating," He paused. "What's the d-deal with y-your ears?" I frowned, my ears pointing downwards. "Awwwhh!" I growled. Toby flicked his finger against my ear and I snarled at him, my teeth showing. "Ooo, p-pointy teeth." He stuck his finger into my mouth, I bit down softly but he didn't flinch. "I can't f-feel pain-" 
"Oh yeah." I replied, but it was muffled. Whoopsies. I curled one of my tongues around his finger and pushed it out my mouth. 
"And w-whats this... substance?" His finger was lightly coated in the same liquid as the one coming out of my eyes.
"Blood and tar, it leaks out my mouth from time to time."
"Ewww!" Toby wiped his finger on my sweater. "Can you cry?" I shook my head.
"I mean, when I try to, more of this stuff comes out. If I could remember what crying felt like I'm sure it feels almost nothing like my version." I paused. "That makes no sense."
"No, it d-does. Also, what do you mean if you could remember?"
"I don't remember almost anything from my life as a human, except Jenny. It's all the demons helping me remember stuff from 'that day'. They also keep me alive, and the tar wet."
"So th-that's how y-you see? From th-the de-demons?"
"They gave me 'powers' I guess, they also have their pros and cons." He giggled at me.
"I'm s-still against t-the tree." I rolled my head at him, walked back over to the river and sat down with him now sitting on me. I stared at Toby for a while, he was just so... pretty? His messy hair complemented the rest of his face, his eyes, God his eyes and his crooked smile. This is what love feels like, right?

This chapter is getting longggg, the next chapter will be from Toby's POV of them going back to the mansion yada yada you'll see!

[Total: 1771 Words]

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now