Another Outing ~ 13

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Hi! I want to start this off with a couple of things, one, sorry I've been gone I've been a bit busy and didn't have time to put another hiatus AN. Two, this story is my coping mechanism. I've been in a very odd place mentally for the past couple of months, so if the next couple of chapters are sad I am sorry, writing is my coping mechanism and I like to put my problems into my writing. I'll put trigger warnings at the top of each chapter if it contains something 'gruesome' (i.e. S/H) DO NOT FORCE YOURSELF TO READ CHAPTERS THAT CONTAIN THINGS THAT TRIGGER YOU.

This chapter has cannibalism, murder, SH scars.

~Toby POV~

Things were back to normal, just how they should be, me and Jack were teamed up on a mission, Boss was teaming up the others with their roommates to see how everyone did together 'in the wild.' I was in the living room waiting for Jack when he walked out of our room, he was wearing something different today, instead of his normal dark navy blue hoodie, he wore a t-shirt, which wasn't normal for him. I liked it either way, Scissors also had to come with us so now we had to wait for him. He finally came out wearing his usual outfit, cargo shorts with a belt of scissors, a tight body suit and a loose crop top with the proxy symbol on it, and a mask. He had style, don't get me wrong, he felt more modern than the rest of us.
"We all ready to go?" Scissors asked us, to which me and Jack nodded in response. We all walked out the door and started heading out to the addresses we needed to kill at, the first one was pretty close so we didn't have to walk too far. The house looked like an older one, something that was built many moons ago. The person was sleeping in their bed which was next to the window, Jack cut open the window silently with his claws and took the piece he cut out, then he took the rest of the window off and climbed into the person's bed. He stared at them while Scissors scraped a pair of scissors against the glass Jack took out, I watched as the person woke up and went to scream but Jack covered their mouth and motioned for me and Scissors to come in. Scissors went in and covered the person's mouth and held a pair of scissors against their neck, Jack moved their pants and started cutting open their lower stomach.
"Wow, you just know where to cut now don't you Jack? Remember when you had to locate the kidneys?" Scissors teased, Jack growled back at him, the person looked ready to pass out. Jack took a kidney out, lifted his mask slightly and took a bite, he nodded in satisfaction. The person had passed out by now so Scissors did his thing, he sat on the chest and cut their face off taking it off like a slice of ham. He cut open their mouth to their ears and stabbed their eyes. Jack continued to cut them open and put organs into jars, taking a bite of them from time to time. After they were done we moved onto another house, While Jack and Scissors did their thing I found a kid in his room crying in the corner, he looked like me... shit... he looked like me... (He does.) (Kill him, it'll feel like you're killing your younger self.) (Chop him up, Toby.) The voices got louder and louder, I dragged my axe on the floor and over to the kid.
"The a-adults downstairs, w-were those y-your parents?" He nodded.
"Do y-you have any other family?" He shook his head.
"Well now y-you have nothing, and w-when you have nothing..." I raised my axe above my head. "Youve g-got nothing TO LOSE!" I screamed as I slammed my axe into his head, he started screaming and I smiled as I imagined I was killing younger Toby. I whacked my axe into his head so many times his head didn't even look normal, I sliced my axe down the middle of him and left a straight line down to his legs, I cut both legs and both arms off this kid too, putting them inside a box I saw in his closet and put it back into his closet. I slowly cut his head off at the neck, watching what blood he had left squirt out, it sprayed onto the walls and the corner he was once hiding in was covered in blood and his own dead body. I grabbed his head and put it inside his pillowcase, I then hacked my axe into his stomach once more and walked back downstairs to greet Jack and Scissors, they looked almost done this portion of the mission,

After a couple more houses we went back to the mansion bloody and tired. Me and Jack went to our room to clean off, he went into the shower and I got changed into a new pair of pants. I stared at my shirtless body in the mirror and almost gagged at the sight I was greeted with, a shirtless scrawny and scar-covered shit, I hated how I looked. I grabbed a sweater and threw it over myself, I walked over to my bed and laid down till Jack was done showering. Once he did he looked and me and spoke.
"You seem sad, something on your mind that's bothering you?" I shook my head.
"I... don't w-wanna talk about I-it." Jack nodded.
"I won't force you, but if you need to vent or anything," he looked over at me again, and gave me a weird smile. "You can always talk to me." I couldn't help but chuckle at his response.
"I'll k-keep that in m-mind." He went back to drying his hair while I got up and went to the bathroom, I looked away from the mirror as I undressed, even looking at myself made me feel sick. I closed my eyes as I took my pants off but when I opened them again I saw my own body staring back at me, my arms and legs covered in old self harm scars and other scars from previous missions. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and into my gash, I looked at my gash in the mirror and just... cried. I watched myself cry until my face was red and it looked disoriented, I couldn't even make out my own features. I showered how I normally do, without looking down or looking at anything almost at all. Once I was done I dried my hair and got dressed, then I laid on my bed. Jack looked over at my face which still burned from crying.
"I heard you crying, somethings bothering you." I shook my head.
"I w-wasnt c-c-crying."
"You're stuttering more than usual." Dammit he's good.
"Just, l-leave m-me alone." I turned over in bed and hid under the sheets, until a knock on the door came.
"Dinner!" Called out Ben, I groaned and got up.
"Tell slender I'll be joining tonight."
"Mkay." I muttered back, I pulled my hood over my head and scrunched it up. When I arrived at the table I told Boss that Jack was joining, he just nodded at me. I sat down at my spot until Jack came down and moved me over a bit so he could fit, I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, I was tired, Jack grabbed my shoulder and held me closer to him, I smiled. He started to rub my shoulder, our chairs were touching and so were we, Jack did that almost the whole time during dinner and it was strangely comforting.
I think I ended up falling asleep because I ended up waking up next to Jack, my face flushed a rosy red and my heart skipped a beat. He was wearing a tank top and shorts, while he tongue hung out of his mouth, I was laid down next to him and he had one arm around me. I didn't mind this at at all, it was just surprising. I watched his movements until I fell asleep myself.

[Total: 1388 Words]

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