Lakes and Late Nights (pt1) ~ 29

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Part of me wanted to reunite Jack and Toby for Pride Month, cause happy Skittles recognition month (/j, happy pride though guys! If you didn't know I am a nonbinary/genderfluid, pansexual, asexual grayromantic :D)
And sorry I've been away, I've been busy.
Trigger warning, I ship people who you may not ship, boohoo, deal with it ❤️ (I say this in the nicest way possible)

~Toby POV~

Summer was just around the corner, and because of that the whole mansion as a collective decided that we were going to the lake down the path. Today was the day we were going, and Ben had already started throwing a mini tantrum because well, he didn't want to go swimming or drown. I sat up in bed and almost squealed when I saw Jack texted me.
[Just got out of the detention thing they have here, it sucks, but at least I'm out] First one read, [I missed you, how've you been Tobs?] The second one read.
[JACK! HI I MISSED YOU TOO!!] I texted back, then he called me.
[Hi Toby, I miss your voice and am too tired to type. How have you been?] He sounded tired.
"I've been g-good! Today I have t-to go to t-the lake to g-go swimming bec-cause the Mansion as a c-collective have a-agreed we should. But Ben doesn't w-want to go, also you s-sound tired."
[Something Slender and Zalgo have in common is that for the punishment they keep you awake the entire time.] He chuckled [But I think its a combined activity, Zalgo said we're going out too, maybe their on good terms right now?]
"That would b-be amazing! To see y-you and not be in r-risk of getting in t-trouble."
[yeah it would, I'll see you later then?]
[Alright, bye Tobs!] He hung up, I squealed with excitement, I got up and out of bed and walked to my wardrobe. It was pretty hot out, maybe I should wear shorts? I picked out a pair of shorts and then hesitantly picked out a t-shirt, my scars were pretty faded, it was fine. I got dressed and made my way downstairs for breakfast.
When I got down there some of the others were down and ready for the lake, I spotted Ben and noticed he looked pretty upset.
"Hey Ben, why th-the long face?" I leaned against the wall next to him.
"I don't like water." He huffed,
"Oh right, because y-you drowned once, r-right.. But didn't S-Slender buy you those f-floaters?" Jeff came out of the kitchen chuckling,
"He did, but Bens phobia of water is bigger than the arm floaties." Jeff playfully punched Bens arm, "but Slender is forcing him to go."
"Well I have to, everyone else is going!" Ben scoffed.
"I'm excited t-to go, I get-"
"You get to see your boyfriend, we know, Zalgos mansion is going too." Jeff cut me off, I smiled a bit.
"Yeah, and hey a-aren't we leaving soon?" Jeff nodded,
"Go get changed." I nodded and walked back to my room, Brian was still in there sleeping, I wasn't sure if he was supposed to be going or not, so I went to Tim and Jays room to confirm.
I stood outside their door, I didn't hear anything so I just entered.
"Tim? Jay? Is Brian sup-" I stopped, the sight in-front of me was... unnerving.
They were... making out. Tim and Jay had their hands all over each-other, I honestly felt like vomiting and laughing at the same time.
"Rogers get the hell out!!" Tim shouted, letting go of Jay who was now laughing. Tim pushed me out and slammed the door, I sorta stood there for a minute before snapping back to reality.
"So uhm.. is B-Brian coming o-on the trip?.." I asked nervously,
"Yes for fucks sake! Go!" Tim yelled, that was very unsettling. I left with that image in my head, I opened the door to my room and looked at the still sleeping Brian.
"Brian, w-wake up, we're going t-to the lake with Z-Zalgos mansion." I shook him a bit, he groaned and sat up slowly.
"We're going to the l-lake."
"How soon?" I looked at the clock,
"10 minutes." His eyes widened,
"Fuck- okay." He got up and went to the bathroom, I walked to my wardrobe and got my swim-shorts, changing into them.
(idk what the hell to call them tbh, I call them bottoms, but who knows.)
Once I was changed I put on a different shirt, a loose white and blue one. I left my room and went downstairs to find Ben, who was still leaning against the kitchen doorframe.
"Fancy shit, man, wearing one of your boyfriends shirts that he left behind?" Ben teased, shit he was right, this is Jacks shirt!
"Well I'm going to see him today, so yeah." I crossed my arms,
"Ugh, gay." Jeff stood behind him, I rolled my eyes at him, then Slender came out and opened the front door.
"If you're ready you may go." He spoke, I looked at Ben and left with him.

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now