Sneak In Gone Wrong ~ 26

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~Toby's POV~

I sat in a tree sharpening my hachettes when I felt the tree wiggle ever so slightly, I looked down and it was Jack, he didn't have his mask again and smiled at me, reaching up. I carefully fell out the tree and into his arms.
"I'm sneaking you into my room."
"Is th-that a good idea?" He shook his head.
"Nope, let's go." He held me bridal style and walked quickly to a rundown house not too far from the mansion, Jack went over to one of the windows, climbed onto it and onto another open window above it, throwing me into the room and onto the bed, then throwing himself in and closing the window. He sat on the bed and sighed.
"This is my room." He spoke.
"This is g-genuinely upset-ting." I replied, sitting up from being thrown. Jack nodded at me, I could hear screaming and banging downstairs, he moved closer to me and laid down in my lap, curling up.
"I've missed this." He said softly.
"Have you been sle-sleeping?" Jack didn't reply. "Jack-" he huffed.
"I haven't slept in a couple days." I furrowed my brows at him.
"Why not?" Jack sat up and leaned his head on mine.
"Why do you think? Everyone is always screaming, there's banging from shit being thrown, and you aren't here." I blushed, "I've gotten used to the routine."
"What r-routine?"
"Well, I'll be in bed writing and you'll come in next to me, facing the other way but nonetheless next to me. I'll put my journal away and turn you around to face me, I'll hold you and play with your hair till you fall asleep, then I'll contemplate biting you. After a while I end up falling asleep too." He contemplates what.
"Bit-ting me?" I turned my head to face him.
"The demons, they tasted your blood once on your birthday and they like it, I like it. It's not too sweet and not too metallic-tasting but just right, but we've come up with a compromise."
"What's the comp-promise?" I asked.
"The demons want me to trust people more, and you're the first person I've trusted in a long while, so I told them if they kill you because you taste sweet I'll never make any friends ever again. Also they'd get no more organs." I smiled at him, I was a compromise. "And plus, they uhm.. seem to like the uh.. you know." Jack turned a dark grey, meaning he was blushing. "Your birthday..." he mumbled, oh yeah! OH-
"OH.. Yeah- well-" I covered my face and looked away, it was so awkward to talk about.
"I wouldn't let them kill you either way, I like kissing you way too much." I turned back to him and he was a couple inches away, I smiled at him.
"I like k-kissing you t-too." I pulled his face to mine, kissing him, Jack kissed me back, cupping my face with his hands. A knock came before someone walked in, we didn't have time to react, I was basically on top of Jack.I didn't recognize the person who came in, she was a little girl though, similar to Sally.
"Jack, daddy said to-" She paused mid sentence, looking up to see us. "Who's he?" She asked.
"Lazari if you tell your dad I'll kill you." Jack growled.
"You know I have to, unless he's allowed to be here. Now who is he." She was kind of intimidating.
"I'm not telling you shit for dick."
"Jack! She's a ch-child."
"Yeah, Zalgos child!" Oh shit-
"Jack! Who is he and is he allowed to be here?" The girl, Lazari if I heard her name right, yelled at him.
"Get the fuck out of my room!" Jack covered my ears and yelled at her, her eyes widened suddenly.
"Oh daddy Zalgo! Eyeless Jack has one of Slendermans Proxies with him, and without permission!" She walked away and yelled down the hallway, I had gotten off by now, Jack seemed upset.
"Stupid fucking bitch ruining everything cause she's Lord Zalgos little special girl." He mumbled under his breath, going to the window, "jump out before she comes back." He stood there in fear, "if Zalgo comes back and actually sees you here I'll get killed, go!" I got up and climbed out the window, but instead of climbing down I climbed onto the roof, I wanted to hear what happened next.
"They were kissing too, the Proxy was on top of Jack." It was Lazari again.
"Jack, care to explain what Lazari just told me?" It went silent, "Lazari, go to your room please." Footsteps, then a door closing. "Jack, you know what happened to you last time you disobeyed my rules? You got put in the basement for a year. You want the basement? I'm sure Dr. Pain would love to have you again, Dr. Smiley grew weak, resorting to the Slender fuck house. Same with Ann, such potential my demons and people have, but they grow weak. Are you weak, Jack? Is that why you go off kissing boys, specifically one of Slendermans Proxies, behind my back?"
"Look Zalgo I-"
"SHUT IT. You are a weak demon." There was a crash, then Jack groaned.
"I wish I didn't owe Slenderman so many favours, so many of his residents are MY demons and MY residents. But he isn't tough enough, he's grown soft."
"Lord please, I didn't mean to, I just-" He stopped, there was another crash, then another, and then broken glass.
"Oh Stripes! Come here please." Footsteps.
"Yes Lord?" It was a girls voice.
"Bring Jack to the basement, and don't be afraid to use the chair."
"Yes Lord!" Jack started growling again, I peaked into the window and Jack was being restrained by a woman in a white and red striped coat, holes in her cheeks and a mouth on her leg. She had horns as well, red eyes and short brown hair.
"Puppeteer!" Zalgo shouted again, suddenly a tall man, about Jacks height, with long black hair and yellow eyes came in. "Tie him up." The man nodded, he wore all black as well with a black beanie. Yellow strings came out his finger tips and tied Jack down, the woman, Stripes I think, dragged Jack out the door and out of range. Zalgo followed close behind, I felt bad for Jack, really bad. I climbed down the building and when I got to the ground I looked into one of the windows, the people here looked like Jack, and by that I mean they looked inhuman and demon-like, the people back at home looked pretty human, minus Jeff. (lol I'm so funny) I watched as some of them fought and others cheered, it was really loud. I started to walk away and back to the mansion, I ran into Masky on the way back, he was up against the tree smoking.
"Where have you been?" He asked sternly.
"Somew-where." I mumbled.
"You came from Zalgos houses direction, you were visiting Jack. That's prohibited." I sighed.
"He brought me there." Masky took one last puff of his cigarette and then smooshed it on the ground.
"You know, we're supposed to let go of a lot of the pastas at the mansion, some of them won't budge though, like Smiley, he's grown fond of his office. Others are happy to go home, like the other Jack." I tilted my head at him.
"I didn't k-know we had so m-many of Zalgos demons at our h-house."
"Demons, Proxies, minions, whatever." He pulled his mask over his face. "You know Alex Kralie, yeah?"
"You and the other t-two go crazy when he's m-mentioned, especially you and Brian."
"Well, Jay needs help with something, something to do with Alex, you go help him." He pointed towards the mansion, "Me and Brian refuse to go near him, so nobody gets fucking killed." I nodded, walking off to the mansion.

[Total: 1350 Words]

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now