Crush ~ 14

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Warning, the beginning of the chapter is triggering, but the end is cute :D
Also, I'm using the backstory for Toby that I've heard the most!!

~Jack POV~

I was down in the infirmary, when I had left my room Toby was still sleeping in my bed. I was sitting at my desk just doing work when Ben burst through the door. 
"JACK, YOU'VE GOTTA COME HELP, ITS IMPORTANT!" I thought it was one of his games so I didn't reply, but when I turned to look at him his eyes were filled with fear.
"It's Toby." He said in a soft tone, my eye sockets widened, I jumped out of my chair and pushed Ben out of the way. I ran up the stairs and tried to open the door but it was locked, I banged on it and started growling, Dr Smiley and Nurse Ann were there too. 
"Jack, Ben told us when he went to grab Toby for breakfast the door was locked and he heard sobbing, but when he tried to go through the screens to get Toby he saw... well it wasn't good." Smiley informed me, I let out a screech even I didn't know I was able to make. (Want us to open the door?) I nodded. 
"Tell Toby to back away from the door." I whispered to Smiley. 
"Toby, back away from the door please." I let go of all control of my body and I watched my body slam into the door and through it, by this point Slender had shooed everyone else away and was watching me, I landed on the floor in debris and wood. I looked up to see Toby on the floor shaking and crying, he was also having what seemed to be a tic attack, I crawled over to Toby and sat next to him, not touching him though. I grabbed his headphones from his bed but he didn't do anything.
"Go a-away, I-I d-dont wwwanna h-h-hurt y-you." His voice was trembling, and I didn't move.
"G-go! I d-dont w-w-w-wanna hurt y-y-you!!" I looked around him and there were bloody tissues, I got up and walked to Ann and Smiley. 
"Go grab me bandaids, a cloth and a small bowl of cool water, please make sure everyone stays away from our room." They both nodded and headed off, Slender nodded at me and stayed put at the door just to make sure nothing bad happened. I took my mask off and put it on the desk.
"Jack a-are you f-f-fuck-k-king d-dumb!?!" I nodded at him, it hurt me to see him like this. I watched his tic attack until he was calmed down, I handed him his headphones and he put them on his head. Ann had come back with the stuff I asked for, I grabbed them and sat on the floor.
"Roll up your sleeves, please." He shook his head.
"Now, Toby." He kept shaking his head.
"I'm not gonna hurt you or ridicule you, I need to clean the wounds." He kept weeping and shaking his head, I gently grabbed his arm and slowly rolled up his sleeves. Toby tried to back away from me and wiggle his way out of my grasp but I held on, I grabbed the cloth and dipped it in the water, gently rubbing it on his arm, I did that for both arms.
"You cut, why?"
"I felt u-useless o-on the miss-sion."
"You arent useless." 
"Y-yess I a-am." 
"Not to me." He stayed silent, I finished cleaning the wounds and they had stopped bleeding, so I put bandaids on most of them.
"Don't take these off." He nodded, I opened my arms and Toby fell into my lap, I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up. I walked over to my bed and sat down while Toby was curled up in my lap, I played with his hair.
"You k-know, there's a r-reason I'm like t-this." He spoke up.
"Which is?"
"My d-dad, oh gr-reat ol' dad. he was an alcoholic, he w-ould come home d-d-drunk and beat me, ma and sis. It became r-really bad after... the a-accident. He ab-bused me the most 'cause I c-cant feel p-physical pain, so h-he'd mentally abuse m-me too. "
"Toby, you don't deserve that at all, I don't understand why parents abuse their kids." I hold him tighter, rubbing his head. "Was the accident something traumatic?" He nodded.
"I d-dont like talking a-about it."
"Then I won't make you." 
"You wanna k-know why I c-couldn't fit in with a-any of my old room-m-mates?" 
"Well, for o-one they think I'm a-annoying as s-shit, and two, I i-isolated myself as a y-younger teen s-so much I f-forgot how t-to act with p-people." He paused. "Y-you're the first p-person whos tr-reated me like a h-human, the f-first to accept m-my annoying pr-presence, first f-for a lot a-actually." My face flushed a dark colour, why was this so flattering? Thankfully he couldn't see my face 

It's safe to read now, no more triggering stuff :D 

"I'm not a people-person either. I'm too shy and too quiet for my own good. And I've never talked this much to anyone else or shown anyone my face except for Slender and Smiley."
"I'm l-loud enough for t-two people!" I ruffled his hair and he hugged me. 
"Thank you... s-so much. I cant express h-how thankful I am t-that you put u-up with me." I hugged him back.
"Dealing with you is easy-peasy, you aren't as annoying as you think." 
"D-dont lie to me, I know I'm an-noying." Toby snuggled up against me, "Im u-used to it by now." 
"Maybe I don't think you're annoying because I like listening to you." He looked up at me, a genuine sparkle in his eyes.
"You... l-like listening to m-me?" I nodded.
"Your useless long rambles are cute-" Shit. Toby's facial expression changed as he saw my face flush a dark colour, he giggled and laid back down on my chest.
"You're c-cute." What- guys?? Help?? (KISS HIM!) (NO DON'T THAT) (Flirt with him loverboy.) (Ew don't call him that.) (:( ) You guys are useless in the relationship department. (You guys aren't dating though-) (Friendships are relationships, idiot.) (Ohhh...) Toby sat up in my lap and faced me.
"This isn't g-gay, right? Like w-what we do is j-just us as f-friends?" I nodded, but I wasn't sure if we were just friends, he laid back down and I thought. I wasn't sure if we were just friends, I've been having more thoughts of stuff I shouldn't think of my friends. (Care to share with the class?) (We all know what he thought of, we made him think of it.) (What, when we thought of kissing Toby?) (Yup.) (I honestly think Jack might be gay.) (Jack are you gay?) (Yes, he is.) (Most definitely.) (Indeed.) I'm not gay. (You wanna kiss Toby.) Stop, no I don't. (YES YOU ARE YOU WISH YOU WERE KISSING HIM RIGHT NOW.) Maybe I do... yeah, I think I have a crush on Toby.  

[Total: 1173 Words]

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now