Apology ~ 6

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~Toby POV~

I was sitting down on the floor next to a tree stump, I was on the verge of tears, Jack had been missing since this morning and I guess I was the only one who noticed he was gone. I had another tic attack and my hand turned black and purple, I liked Jack, but I don't think he felt the same. I watched the moon as it sat right above me, the shine of the moon's light and the fog in the distance made it mysterious. My cheeks were suddenly drenched with tears and I squeezed my eyes shut, I started to cry quietly as the leaves in a nearby tree rustled, and then Jack jumped out of the tree and stood before me.
"Holy s-s-shit, Jack! Where h-have you b-een?!? It's been h-h-ours!!" He sat down in front of me, then he started purring. I wiped my tears and looked at him as he slowly looked down, I continued crying while Jack purred and stared at the ground.
"J-Jack, P-lease. Why did y-you l-eave?" He grabbed my hand and looked at it, he examined it for a bit before growling a bit.
"It h-happened d-uring a  tic at-t-t-tack. I didn't m-mean to." Jack sighed, he got bandages out of his pocket and started to bandage up my hand, but it reminded me of something so I just started to cry again, he stared at me for a bit before I stopped.
"I'm s-s-s-sorry J-Jack.." He kept staring at me before pulling me into a hug, which made me shudder and tic, I haven't been hugged in forever. It felt unnatural, but I knew he was trying. I awkwardly hugged him back while crying into his shoulder, he didn't push me away or anything, I just kind of sat there in his lap while he purred. After a while I felt my eyes get heavy, Jack stood up and I did too, we both walked to the mansion while I cried silently. Once we got there I flopped onto my bed as I ticced and cried into the pillow, I felt Jack staring at me while I cried, I turned over and he was sitting next to me. His hood was down so I could see his features, his pointed ears were showing as he stared into my eyes. He was a little scary but it was oddly comforting.
"Things should disturb t-the comforted and c-omforts the disturbed" I mumbled, Jack tilted his head at my mumbling, I just laid down to try and sleep, Jack grabbed me and made me sit up to look at him.
"I'm sorry!" He said, slightly yelling. I jumped at the sound and it set off a trail of tics, "I'm sorry..." he whispered, he sounded sincere
"I wanted to be alone. Sometimes I just want to be alone."
"T-then why didn't y-ou t-tell m-m-m-me?"
"Because I wanted to be left alone by myself with no one knowing where I am!!" "T-tell me when y-you're going t-t-to be al-l-l-lone!" He stood up.
"We aren't dating or something! You don't need me with you ALL THE TIME!" Jack yelled, I flinched at this voice, it became distorted, and walked over to his bed, he sat down and looked back over at me.
"I don't mean to yell, but it's true. We aren't dating, we're just barely friends, I'm like your doctor. Goodnight Toby." And then it fell silent. I sat in my bed, we're...friends? That's a good note to end on, I can sleep now, and that's what I did. I slept.

(Gore warning) I woke up to my usual 6 am alarm, and the sun peeped through my window and blinded me, I sat up and saw Jack was missing. Then I remembered our conversation last night, he said sometimes he wants to be alone with nobody knowing where he is, so I assumed that's what he was doing, being alone. I went downstairs but I wasn't hungry, I still grabbed a bagel since my body was used to the routine; 6 am alarm, go get breakfast, get dressed, go train, do a mission if asked to, and then bedtime. And sometimes I shower. I went back to my room and looked around a bit, I noticed Jacks's notebook was open and on his nightstand, I've always wanted to read it but that's an invasion of privacy... (you should read it.) (read it read it read it read it) Enough! Okay okay, I'll read it! I picked up his book hesitantly and read the page it was open on; 'I trust him more than I think I should, good kid, annoying sure but he can't help it. I'm sure one day we'll be friends.' With something black at the bottom, I didn't touch it. But that's enough notebook for today, I set it back down and sat on my bed, I didn't feel like training today but had to. Once I was dressed I went downstairs and outside, but I didn't go out to where I usually go, I wanted to go out to the town today and lure people into the alleyways. I walked through the forest before reaching the city that hides the forest, I walked behind buildings to stay hidden, I found a place to sit and hide but nobody followed me, I guess people got smarter since I last came here. I heard a chewing sound nearby, I went back behind the buildings again and my heart dropped when I saw a pile of people with organs and blood spilling out everywhere. I looked to see who was making the sound and... it was Jack?? I stared at him as he slowly turned his head towards me, he had a small intestine hanging out of his mouth with his mask lifted slightly while his hands were covered in blood and a heart. I almost gagged but it didn't phase me too much, he slurped up the intestine and kept chewing as he just stared at me.
"Hey, f-fancy seeing you here." He nodded before taking a bite of the heart in his hand, then grabbing another organ and taking another bite, god it would be disgusting if I wasn't used to gore like I am. He stood up and came over to offer me a half-eaten heart, I assumed this wasn't fully Jack and mostly one of his demons.
"No thanks." I kindly declined, he shrugged and shoved it into his mouth, veins and nerves hanging out of his mouth. I sat down and sighed, he just kept eating, I watched as he popped out the eyes of each person and put them into a jar
"D-do you keep the e-eyes." He shook his head, pointing to the label of the jar. 'Lazari's eyes'. Interesting, I kept watching as he ripped a lung in half with his hands while ripping out a tongue with his teeth and slurped it up, he continued to rip apart each person and dine on their internal organs, leaving a sack of skin and blood behind. Jack took jars out of the shoulder bag he had and put the organs he didn't eat into jars, I find his diet and the way he eats fascinating. Is that weird?

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⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now