Alone ~ 3

240 16 2

~Toby POV~

Today was our off day, we could relax today. I usually don't do anything on these days except listen to music as well as wander around the mansion. That's exactly what I was gonna do today. I woke up to the sound of crying again, although this time, I paid no attention to it. I just got up, got dressed, then grabbed my headphones and left, everyone else apparently left to go to an event together but I couldn't come since I was only 17. Only a couple of people were left in the mansion, one of them being, you guessed it, Jack. I still want to be his friend and have him like me but I've given up, he doesn't talk to anyone and just growls at me. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to grab a snack since it was almost lunchtime, I opened the fridge and looked around, moved stuff to see what there was. Over my music I heard Jeff, one of the creepypastas who stayed home, having another 'moment'. I sighed, he did this all the time! I'm surprised he hasn't been sent to Zalgo or something. I was going to try and ignore him, I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where Ben was, another one who stayed home since he's 13, and sat on the couch. Jeff came storming out of his room grunting and stomping like a child, I looked over at him and watched as he stabbed his knife into the wall. The entrance of the kitchen had hundreds of stab marks from Jeff, he loves stabbing stuff when he's mad, or in general.
"Someone's m-mad about s-omething, what's w-wrong now princess o-of ra-age?" Jeff slowly turned his head to look at me.
"Toby you shouldn't have said anything.." Ben whispered in my direction, I know I shouldn't have said anything but it was funny seeing him so mad sometimes.
"What was that, T-t-t-toby?" Of course, he was mocking me, Jeff always mocked me when I got him riled up.
"Would you r-rather Miss screams-a-lot? Or maybe Madam s-unshine s-since y-ou're such a f-fucking bundle of j-joy?" Now I was just having fun, he balled up his fist and grabbed his knife to throw it at me. Jeff chucked his knife at me and it landed on the wall next to me, I chuckled at him missing the throw which of course got him even madder. Jeff walked over to me and grabbed me by my collar, he pinned me to the wall and started yelling, I tuned him out because of how scared I got. Yes, I'll mess with him from time to time but he's never gotten this mad at me, Ben tried to get Jeff to stop but he kept going, I started ticcing a bunch and he just dropped me. Jeff slowly walked away to grab his knife and threw it at me again, it landed right next to my head, I touched my face to see that it was bleeding slightly.
"You m-mother fu-ucker!" I stood up and walked out, but Jeff grabbed me by the hood and brought me back into the living room, he threw me onto the floor and my vision blurred for a second. I sat up and heard growling... Jack?? Jack was standing behind Jeff and growled at him, most people were either afraid of Jack or were jealous he didn't have to eat dinner with everyone else. He pushed Jeff out of the way and stared at me, he looked at the blood on my face and motioned for me to follow him. I got up and followed Jack, he walked into the infirmary and sat down at a chair, he pointed at another chair and I said down. He grabbed something from a drawer and turned to me, he had bandages.
"W-why are y-you helping me i-if you don't like me?" I slightly pushed him away, my voice quiet. Jack turned around and wrote something down on his notepad, then turned back to me. 'Because I'm one of the medics, Ann and Smiley are out in case anyone gets hurt at the event.' Ohh..
"Oh yeah.. m-makes sense." He grabbed a cotton ball and cleaned up the blood, grabbed a bandage, and covered it. He opened a binder on his desk and wrote something, then left. I stayed seated for a minute before I heard yelling again, I left the infirmary and saw Jeff mocking Jack for helping me, I just left back to my room to lay on my bed. I stared at the wall for a bit before grabbing my laptop and turning on a movie, I connected my headphones to my laptop and sat there zoning out, I had watched this movie so many times I could recite it perfectly. My peaceful movie-watching was soon interrupted by Jack slamming the door open, then slamming it shut, He was growling as he stomped over to the wall and punched it repeatedly until there was a huge dent and some of the paint chipping off. "Whats y-your problem?" He growled again, it got louder and more demonic-sounding until I swear he was screaming, he kicked the wall and broke it before lying down on the bed. I didn't acknowledge him, just went back to my movie. After 15 minutes I looked over and my soul jumped out of my body, Jack was sitting next to my bed watching my movie with me.
"J-Jesus Jack! W-what are you doing??" He just stared at me blankly, I took off my headphones and.. He was purring?!
"Jack y-you're purring!! What the h-ell??" He kept staring at me, so I just hesitantly went back to my movie, but I took out my headphones so he could hear the movie, I wonder how long he's been sitting there? Either way, we finished the movie and by then he was back in his own bed just writing in his journal, he's weird, but I kind of admire Jack. He doesn't take shit from anyone, can scare anyone, is super gentle when working with a wound, for example, also he purrs? I think Jack might secretly be a cat.

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⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now