Tics ~ 4

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~Toby POV~

I had just finished training, I was exhausted and wanted to go back to sleep, so I went up to my room and belly-flopped onto my bed. Jack glared at me, he was writing in his journal again, I just ignored him though. I leaned over to my bedside table, grabbed my headphones, put them on, and listened to music for a bit. My peace was interrupted by Jack punching the wall, I turned up my music to try and tune him out but it didn't work, each of his punches made me tic and it was bothering me. I sat up, turned off my music, and looked at him.
"Jack! C-can you do... t-that somewhere el-se? Please!" I yelled, he started growling again and kept punching the wall out of spite I assume. I stood up and looked right at him, my tics worsening as I got closer.
"D-ude. Loud n-noises s-set off my t-ics. can y-you not p-unch the wall w-while I'm in h-here? Because I've n-oticed you are o-one of the m-many who g-get annoyed with my t-ics, and it s-sets you off l-like t-his. So ju-ust stop." My tone was stern and serious, he laid down and huffed.
"Th-ank you" I went back to my bed and continued listening to music, which did calm down the ticcing to my normal amounts. That's something Jack is going to have to deal with. Soon my peace was interrupted by someone else, Ben, he knocked on the door which meant dinner was ready. I got up and went downstairs, sitting down in my chair. As other people came down it became loud, which made my tics go off, I tried to suppress them even though I knew that was a bad idea, I did things like sitting on one hand, and with my other I held my neck. When the food came out I suppressed them completely which was a reallyyyy bad idea, my stomach churned, my whole body felt hot and electrical. 

Dinner was shit, it was so loud, and holding back my tics was terrible. I got back to my room and started crying, I shoved my head into my pillow and just cried which was followed by a bunch of tics, which slowly turned into a tic attack. I tried to suppress them because Jack was still eating but I couldn't, I got up and went to the bathroom but Jack stood in front of me and blocked the door.
"M-m-move I'm h-aving a t-t-tic a-tta-ck a-and I don't w-want t-o to t-to a-nnnnn-oy y-you" My stuttering was out of control because of my crying and the tics, he stared at me for a bit before pointing at my bed, I was confused for a bit before he started to growl... ohh he wanted me to sit on my bed. I walked back to my bed and sat down, and then Jack got my headphones and held them out to me, was he trying to help? I took my headphones and put them on, putting on my playlist at the same time. I'm not sure how long the attack lasted but Jack didn't touch me or come near me, he stayed on his bed and just did his own thing until the attack ended, which I appreciated. Some of my previous roommates didn't leave me be, they tried to stop the tics or held me down and it made them worse. This is actually helping, even with the voices too. Once I calmed down I took my headphones off and Jack looked at me.
"Did that help?" Huh?!! Did he just... speak???!!? Holy shit..
"Y-you can speak.." He chuckled.
"Yeah, surprising. Answer the question." He pulled out a piece of paper from his nightstand and got a pen.
"Are you gonna write this d-own?"
"For the medical logs, I've noticed when Ann and Smiley log your injuries half the time there's an extra note that says something about tic attacks. I assume this is because you usually hurt yourself during those?"
"Y-eah I tend to, it's mostly if I b-bang my hand against the f-floor or the w-wall."
"Now did that change because of the bed?"
"Now I know you can't feel pain but I have to ask for the logs, does anything hurt?"
"Nope." He was writing stuff down, I was still shocked he could speak, I've only heard him speak once. His voice, how do I describe his voice? It sounds like a bunch of voices overlapping, some sound very demonic. He kind of sounds like Ben but with a way deeper voice, it sounds scratchy like a record player. His voice is very different and oddly calming. He suddenly got up and left and I assumed it was to put the paper in my files or something, now I'm kinda glad we are sharing a room, now he'll be there for my tic attacks and make sure I don't hurt myself or make any bad choices. I laid down and closed my eyes until Jack came back, he came in and sat down.
"So... you talk, I always thought y-you couldn't talk." He grabbed his notebook and wrote something down before turning it towards me, 'only for medical stuff, then it doesn't take as long and we can figure out what's wrong with the patient.' Ah, that wasn't a sign of anything then, noted.
"Oh, I've never h-ad you as a doctor, why?" He started writing again, he wrote fast but neatly. 'I'm only supposed to look after certain pastas, and since I'm usually on the night shift, so Ann and Smiley can sleep, I deal with the night incidents.' That... actually made sense, I've only had Smiley as a doctor, and Ann if he's busy which is more often than you might think. I've never had Jack as a doctor, which is weird but now I have!
"Are you g-gonna be taking care of my tic attacks and night terrors t-then?.." He nodded, I guess I'll have him as a doctor as much as Ann or Smiley. I noticed the time and decided to shower and go to sleep, I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom.

After my shower I went to my bed and laid down, getting under the covers. I had a hard time falling asleep but I ended up staring at the wall for who knows how long. Slowly, I started to drift off...

I suddenly woke up sweating and panting, I didn't know where I was for a second but Jack was sitting at the edge of my bed staring at me.
"Are you okay?" His tone was soft and soothing, this was new..
"Y-yeah, just one o-of my night t-errors."
"Do you need me to do anything?" I shook my head, I assumed he was speaking instead of writing because it was late and it was dark. He stayed there for a second before I started crying, during the night terror I had another nightmare about Lyra, of course, I wouldn't tell Jack that but I thought he was gonna ask why I was crying.  I curled up into a ball and cried into my knees while my twitching got worse, Jack didn't touch me or even say anything. After a long while of me crying Jack looked back at me.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded
"Y-eah, I'm o-okay."
"I'm going back to bed, if you need me, wake me up." He got up and went back to bed.
"G-goodnight Jack..." No response. I was a bit happy I got to talk to Jack even if it was for medical file reasons and not getting to know each other, it was still something, and you know what, that's better than nothing.

[Total: 1300 Words]

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