Birthday ~ 20

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Okay, I'm sorry for not posting more chapters, I've had writer's block and I've been a bit busy with my personal life + trying to start my comic series/other stories. (WHICH YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT WHEN THEY GET PUBLISHED!! If you like my writing!) Anyway, the day I'm writing this (April 28th) is Toby's birthday! So I'll do the birthday chapter I wanted to write for a while, also I want it to be a tad romantic, hehe, enjoy!~
Also TW for mention of self harm scars.

~Toby POV~

Today was the day! my 18th birthday, I was so excited. I woke up in Jack's arms like I usually do, and I poked at him.
"Jackkkk!" He groaned, his nose scrunching up. "Jack, wake uppp-uh!" He growled at me, flashing his teeth. "Ugh, fine." I tried to sit up but his grip around me tightened.
"Why do I have to get up?" He mumbled in my ear, I felt his mouth move on my neck.
"It's my b-birthday!" I felt his ear perk up.
"Your bir- oh that's right!" Jack sat up, bringing me with him. "Happy birthday Toby!" He kissed me on the head and my cheeks. "The big one eight today hm?" I nodded, I felt so warm in his arms. 
"Y-yup! You w-wanna come down f-for breakf-fast with me?" He nodded, throwing me over his shoulder, I yelped. Jack put on his mask and walked out of our room and down to the kitchen, there were already some people down there, Ben was talking to Jeff and they looked over at us.
"What's up you two? And Toby, literally, what's up." Ben chuckled.
"Well, I m-mean it's my b-birthd-day."
"Bro? Happy birthday! Doing anything special today?" 
"I mean, th-that's up to Jack." He tightened his grip on my waist, I yelped at the touch.
"Okay lovebirds, we won't waste your time~" Ben replied.
"Haha, have fun today~" Jeff followed, both said in a cocky tone.
"What is h-he implying w-with that tone?" I asked.
"Hes implying we're gonna have sex, which we aren't... right?"
"No! No!! Unless... No." I hesitated, why did I hesitate? The thing is, I trusted Jack, but I hated the way I looked, physically, and I couldn't imagine the thought of him seeing... well, me,  and being grossed out the way I am. Plus we're still teenagers! But we're dating... Im not going to overthink it, Jack put me down on the counter and started making eggs and bacon. What a cook, I loved him so much. I kicked my feet slowly and looked at the ground.
"Are y-you planning a-anything for today or a-are we just doing w-whatever?.." He giggled slightly at me, holding his hand out to me, I held it.
"Whatever you want Tobs." My whole body heated up at his voice, Jack walked over to me and spoke again. "Do you want to do anything special?" I watched his hand trail up my arm.
"J-jack we're in the k-kitch-" 
"I'm not doing anything Tobs." He moved his mask slightly. "Now, answer, you wanna do anything special today?" I shrugged. "Hmm, okay, I'll plan something." Jack ruffled my hair and went back to the food, putting it on a plate and next to me. "Bacon and eggs, enjoy." He moved his mask back. What was this tingly feeling I got when I'm near him? I got off the counter and grabbed my breakfast.
"Ill b-be right b-back." I speed-ran to Ben's room, hoping he was there. I knocked on the door and Ben answered. 
"Hey Toby, whadda need?"
"I need help." 
"Okay, come in, girl talk time I guess." He sat down on his bed. "Jeff, you wanna join girl time?"
"Nah, you two have your girly talk and whatever I don't care, I won't say anything." 
"Okay, Toby spill your drama."
"I feel a burning, a-almost electric f-feeling when I'm ar-round Jack. Almost f-feels like I'm h-holding back t-tics but... b-better?"
"Where... god I can't keep a straight face with this." Ben chuckled, "Where's the feeling when you're with him?" He laughed during the whole question.
"Where's the tingly feeling?" 
"I d-don't know, everywhere. I g-get weak in t-the knees and I f-feel like kissing h-him and-"
"Weak in the knees? Seriously?" He giggled, "You've gotta be kidding me, and you don't know what that means? I'm younger than you and I know what it means!"
"Ben! Just.. can y-you explain it t-to me?"
"I think you might be sexually interested in Jack, you feel?"
"Just have sex with him, Toby, it's your birthday, I was planning another drinking thing tonight for your birthday so maybe you could get tipsy with him and you know... " 
"I g-get it! But... I don't w-want t-to have s-sex." I mumbled.
"What? Why? Isn't he like... super hot or something? I don't know you told me that once."
"I me-mean he is, I just d-dont want to d-do that.." I looked at the floor, "I d-dont know."
"Okay first, why?"
"I don't l-like the w-way I l-look, I'm sk-skinny and c-covered in s-scars." 
"Toby, Jack is... sweet to you, he's nice to you, isn't he? I mean he talks to you, you sleep in the same bed. Just, maybe try something out of your comfort zone."
"Dammit Ben that w-was stupid p-poetic."
"I know, cheesy shit, whatever, okay get out so I can sleep." I nodded at him, got up and left. While standing outside his door I stared at the breakfast Jack made for me, maybe Ben was right, I'll step outside my comfort zone, for now, I'm gonna watch movies in the bathtub while eating a tub of ice cream like one would after a breakup and/or on her period. (Real shit Toby, real shit.)

Also, time skip because teehee.

I was still in the bathtub with another tub of ice cream and another movie when Jack knocked on the door before walking in.
"Toby, they're doing something in the living room for your birthday, and why have you been in the bathroom all day? Are you feeling alright? And that is a lot of ice cream tubs." I nodded, sitting up. 
"I'm f-fine, I just wanted t-to c-celebrate m-me." I groaned.
"That's okay, should I tell the others you're coming or?..." He walked over to me.
"Can y-you c-carry me?" He nodded.
"Okay, up we go let's go," Jack said as he picked me up bridal style, walking out the door. "I also got you a gift, but that's for later."
"Okay, I'm e-excited." We got out to the living room and he put me on the couch.
"Hey Toby, I tried to make a cake for you, it didn't work out the way I hoped so I just arranged another movie night with drinking."
"Because you're basic as hell, Ben."
"Jeff I will bleach you again you dirty bathmat."
"Not o-on my birthd-day, guys."
"You're right, what movie are we watching Toby?"
"Mmh, my favourite, Good Grief." (Shut up it's a good movie)
"Okay okay, I see you." Ben got up and put on the movie, as well as Jeff got up to grab drinks. Jack grabbed me by my waist, pulling me to him and taking off his mask.
"J-jack!" He put me in between his legs, his hands on my hips with his face in my neck. My whole body burned, Ben looked over at me and winked, I think he thought something else. Jack slipped his hands under my sweater, I twitched quite a bit at the feeling, I liked it but I hated- wait, he can't see me! He can't see my body, perfect. 
"Toby.." He whispered in my ear.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Is what I'm doing okay?" I nodded, he kept going up my torso, his hands going over some of my scars, some were from missions and others were self-harm scars. I twitched at his touch, suddenly he started kissing my neck, my ears heated up and if this was a cartoon there out be hearts in my eyes, god I loved this. One of his hands moved down to my inner thighs, slowly rubbing my leg. 
"Can I bite you?" Oh shit.
"Ca-can we g-go t-to our r-room?"
"But the movie, I'm multitasking."
"P-people are g-gonna look."
"I don't care."
"Jack, please."
"Okay." He got up, picked me up with him, walked us to our room and sat us on my bed. "Do you want to keep going?"
"Yes- I m-mean, l-like, c-can we k-keep the lights o-off?" 
"Yeah, of course."

ANDDDDDD chapter over, the next one can be... spicy? Romantic? Wholesome? Not sure, I have an idea for something but you know, we'll see. Anyways, cliffhanger idk. And I will try to upload more, more often posting schedule yk? Okay well, thank you for reading this fic, I truly appreciate it! 

[Total: 1425 Words]

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