Urges & Refusal ~ 28

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Me when a Headcannon is actually cannon (pls help me)

~Toby POV~

I was sat at the edge of my bed, it was 2 in the morning and I was woken up by Tim having a breakdown, but I was really hungry. I had already tried eating a box of cereal but I was still hungry, I was debating going out for a midnight walk.
(You haven't wanted this in a while.) (Do it.) (Go eat.) (Do it, Toby.)
I covered my ears, the voices rang in my head, they were right, I haven't wanted this in a while. I got up and walked to my wardrobe to grab an axe, careful not to wake Brian as he has just fallen asleep again after Tim's breakdown, I grabbed an axe and walked to the window. I tip toed passed Brian and opened the window, jumping out and landing. I made my way into the town, I did some thinking and maybe I felt this way 'cause Jack was gone? He was a cannibal, maybe I missed the fact that one of us ate parts of people.
I got to the town and made my way to a bar, waiting for someone to leave, and soon enough someone did leave. I grabbed them by their collar and threw them into an alleyway, this woman seemed to be in her 40s, I didn't care though. The sounds of her begging and pleading for her life as I raised my axe above her and slammed it down on her head, chopping her clean in half, chopping her arms off now. I threw her body to the side and sat down, staring at the limp arms. I took a small bite at the wrist, I haven't done this in a hot while, I only ate the wrist though, I didn't like the organs like Jack did, or even the muscle! I only liked the fleshy skin part just before the muscle, I sorta peeled off the skin and ate it like it was a gourmet 5 star meal. After I was left with two wristlets arms I stared at the rest of her body, I was still sorta hungry... no, I'm not eating more. Just the wrist, I got up and walked away, seeing if their was anyone else I could kill.

I had gotten carried away with this, I really missed Jack, and I didn't feel like going home...I could visit him! Nope, that's a bad idea, he got in trouble last time. I wandered around the forest until I heard my name being called and realized it was day time.
"ROGERS!" It was Masky, of course it was. "Rogers, what are you doing?? Why aren't you in the mansion?" He yelled.
"I..u-uhm.." I couldn't tell him, so I just shrugged.
"You are so lucky I am not getting Master involved, get your ass back to the mansion, NOW." He commanded, I really didn't feel like going back.
"No." I crossed my arms.
"Fucks sake Toby." He grabbed me by my collar and I kicked him hard, "Christ! Why aren't you listening to me?!"
"I d-don't feel l-like going back-k to the mansion." I muttered.
"And I don't feel like taking my meds today, I didn't feel like coming to get you!" He took his mask off to look at me, "We all have to do shit we don't want to, so get back to the mansion before I grab Slender." I shook my head.
"I'm not g-going back, I d-don't want to." Masky groaned and yelled for Hoodie yo grab Skully and Kate, to which Hoodie gave a thumbs up from the far distance. They were gonna drag me back, I knew it, and I didn't want to get into much trouble since I'm getting into a lot lately. But before I knew it I was running, I didn't know where I was running but I was running, Masky was still calling out behind him. When I stopped running I didn't know where I was, I was in a different part of the forest, a place I didn't recognize, although I heard something... eating? I walked toward the noise and I gasped when I saw Jack hunched over the woman's whose wrist I ate, I walked over to him and he was real focused.
"Hi J-Jack!" He looked at me, he wasn't fully him, probably one of the demons. "Are y-you one of his d-demons?" Jack slowly nodded before he shook his head quickly.
"Toby, hi, sorry." He said normally as he sat criss-cross, "I have a demon who always takes over most of my body when I eat, he's always real hungry." Jack said bluntly.
"I think I've m-met him before, once when you w-were eating in an alleyway before we d-dated, I wanted to apologize over s-something." I chuckled.
"Wait, why are you out here?" I went quiet, completely silent. "Toby?" He asked again, putting down whatever he was eating. "Why are you in this part of the forest, I didn't know you knew of this area." He looked at me.
"I was.. d-doing something l-last night and got c-carried away before I got c-caught by Masky and I was gonna g-get in a lot of t-trouble, before I knew it I w-was running really f-fast and I found you." I explained nervously.
"What were you doing last night?" He asked, I sighed.
"I was... eat-ting.. someone.." I fiddled with my hands.
"Eating someone? Like I do?" Jack sat up straight, he sounded shocked.
"Her," I pointed to the woman who was cut open and still wristless. "I eat the wrists s-somet-times, but I haven't in a w-while." I grabbed her hand to show him.
"Cool, I mean I thought it was weird she didn't have wrists but I thought she like.. cut herself and bled out or something?" He chuckled "either way, why didn't you tell me that?" I shrugged.
"Never c-came to mind." He hummed, I leaned on his shoulder. "I m-miss you.." I whined, he ruffled my hair.
"I miss you too, Tobs." He jumped when someone called my name. "Masky, you've gotta go." I groaned and looked at him.
"Can I have a k-kiss before I go?" I asked,
"My mouth is bloody, and probably taste like guts." I shrugged.
"Come here," I grabbed his face and quickly kissed him before getting up and walking to Maskys voice, I found him smoking while walking.
"Come with me. You're in trouble." He was stern, and I was scared. He grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me back to the mansion and opened the front door to throw me in the house, I landed on the floor and was met with Slender, I started shaking.
"What am I going to do with you, Tobias?" I didn't respond. "Skully, give Zalgo a call, see if he has room for Tobias, if he doesn't you are lucky." I almost started crying, I didn't though, I just stayed on the floor in a state of slight shock.
"Sir, he says he doesn't as he already has many demons in his detention." Slender thought for a second.
"Basement, chair for one day, that'll teach him." Slender walked away as Skully grabbed me and again, practically dragged me to the basement, the hell were they going to do to me? Skully placed me in a room on a chair with little restraints on the ankles and wrists, and clipped them down.
"Sorry dude, Masters orders." I didn't say anything, is this how Jack felt when he got locked up?"
(This is funny, you got yourself locked up like your loser boyfriend.) (That's low.) (Maybe your dad was right...) (You're just a ticking queer sack of shit.)
My eyes widened at that, the voices were right.
My dad was right.

[Total: 1340 Words]

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