Night Refill ~ 23

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Im back baby! I got my phone and logged into this acc, Woo! I hope you guys didnt miss me too much lol, funny story, I tried to write some of this in class but my friend/crush tried to name the chapter "ass licker" so I gave up haha. Anyways, enjoy!
TW: VOMIT AND KILLING, but mostly the vomit

~Jack POV~

"Jack.." I heard Toby whisper into my ear, it was 1am and I couldn't sleep but Toby fell asleep in my arms while I was writing, I had turned off the lights about 3 hours ago hoping for some sleep but that didn't work. I rolled Toby over onto me so I could look at him, I was still nervous about this whole relationship thing, while yes I did give him a special 'present' on his birthday I wasn't fully myself. I liked him yes but feelings confused me, I didn't know how I was supposed to feel with anyone because of how isolated I was and always have been, I debated trying to hurt him so he wouldn't like me anymore but knowing Toby he probably wouldn't care if I hurt him. I sighed, he was whimpering in his sleep, my first thought was he was having a night terror but he usually cries and falls out of bed while ticcing profusely. Suddenly Toby woke up and jumped, almost falling out of bed.
"I-I.. Jack?" He whimpered softly.
"Toby." I replied calmly.
"I-I don't- w-where.. where did?- where d-did they?" He kept cutting himself off before he just started to cry and sat up against the wall, he dug his heels into the bed. I rubbed my sockets before dragging myself up and next to him, my whole body had pins and needles but that's fine, he was more important right now. I scooched over to him and let him cry, then he leaned his head onto my shoulder and fell asleep, this was a normal occurrence for us now. I felt my stomach grumble and realized something, I was supposed to go food hunting yesterday! Shit, alright, well it was night time, I could go now. I laid Toby back down and wrote a note best I could while in the dark and stuck it to his forehead, what a dork.
"What a dork, heh, my dork." I said to myself while putting on my mask and grabbing my bag of jars, opening the window and jumping out. "Shit-" I landed in the oddly placed tree outside my room, holding on by my leg. Then my leg gave out and I fell to the ground, I growled at myself for being that stupid about landing. I got up and started heading to the town, I'd find all the drunks walking home while stumbling and what not, I started walking to the town before I bumped into Jeff.
"Jack? What're you doing out?" I grunted past him, I was too hungry for his bullshit. "Wait, Jack, I wanna talk." He came up behind me, grabbing my shoulder and turning me to him. I tilted my head at him. "I'm, I can't believe I'm saying this but," he mumbled something under his breath. "God dammit, I'm sorry for being such a dick to you, freakazoid." I growled at him and he backed up quite a bit. "Never mind." Jeff huffed and walked away.
"It's okay." He stopped in his tracks, "If you want to be friends, you've gotta earn my trust." I spoke again before leaving for the town, I felt good about that, I left for the town again before I saw a young man throwing up by the road, target! I ran across the street, he turned his head into my general direction before sitting down and pulling out his phone, I assume to maybe text someone? I came up behind him and grabbed his shoulder, digging my nails into the skin, I licked my finger and smiled, he was healthy! I grabbed his now punctured shoulder and threw him into a what I thought was an empty alleyway, but instead there were stoned teenagers smoking weed, I cringed at their little hideout, not because it was cringe because it was sad they threw their life away like this. I threw the bleeding guy onto the floor before grabbing one of the three teens and slitting his throat, if he was healthy I'd take his organs too, then I would be stocked for a bit. I cut the side of his throat and licked it, he wasn't healthy. So I assumed the others weren't, since they were stoned I wasn't too worried about them but I took bleeding guy and dragged him to another area of the town, an abandoned antique shop. I threw him into the back before I grabbed some jars out my bag and opened them, placing them on the ground next to him. He was starting to pass out but he was definitely still awake, but I wanted him fully alive and awake, it was fun to watch drunks freak out on me, I grabbed a piece of bandage from my bag and wrapped it around the wound, it wasn't bleeding too much so I didn't worry much.
"Are you the cops?" He asked, his words slurred.
"Nope, I'm worse than the cops." I replied, he whined.
"Nooo I drank once don't drag me to hell, I'm a first time drinker but I go to church! Do I go to church?" He looked up at me and then at his now open torso. "Woah, you have my insides... YOU HAVE MY INSIDES!!" It finally clicked for him he was dying, he started crying and saying nonsense to me but I thought it was kinda funny. I continued taking out his organs and shoving them into the jars.
"You want me to kill you or do you wanna bleed out?" He was wheezing at me, I decided to kill him and put him out of his misery. I grabbed a scalpel and stabbed him in the neck, he coughed before passing out, I licked the blood off it and walked away satisfied. In front of me was another drunk with her mouth wide open, then she smirked at me.
"Did you fuck him? You wanna fuck me next?" She giggled at me and started taking off her dress before gagging and leaning over to the road, swallowing the vomit and looking back over at me.
"No but I want food." I chuckled at her, she had no idea what I meant.
"I can give you food, I'm a whole snack." She pinned me against a wall, I grabbed her hair and smashed her face into the brick wall and threw her onto the other guy. I walked over to her and did the same thing as the last guy, grabbing jars and cutting her open, taking out the organs and putting them in the jars. I licked her blood off my fingers and she was also healthy, when I was done I started making my way back to the mansion.

I got to the weird tree outside my room and climbed back in through the window, I was trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake Toby. I walked over to the mini fridge I started unpacking my jars and putting them in the fridge.
"Jack?" Toby said tiredly, I turned my head to him and he was sitting up, rubbing his eyes, then he realized the note and took it off. "What's this s-say?" He asked.
"It says 'Going to get food, I'll be back before 9.' Because I wasn't sure how long I was gonna be out." As I was talking I took out my phone and looked at the time, 2:37, perfect timing. I put away the jars and climbed back into bed next to Toby.
"Why'd you l-leave?" He mumbled to me.
"I was getting food, cause I was hungry."
"Okay.." He whimpered into my ear before drifting off again, I didn't usually go out at night so I wouldn't be surprised if I shocked him, I started playing with his hair, it was really soft and it felt really nice. Despite the unhygienic living conditions of the mansion Toby was surprisingly clean, so was I, at least I tried. I finally let myself fall asleep, at 2:45, my sockets felt heavy and I drifted off.

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⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now