Gestures ~ 16

158 11 4

~Toby POV~

I had asked Boss if I could go to the store today, I was going to buy something for Jack to hint my feelings towards him. He said I could but I had to go with Masky. I was waiting outside Masky's room when he suddenly came out, looking like he was in a bad mood. He didn't have his mask on when he looked at me.
"Are we gonna go or what?" He glared at me, I nodded. 
"So what are we getting.. and why?" He asked as we started walking to the doors of the mansion. 
"You'll see." I answered as we left the mansion, it wasn't a far walk to the store UNLESS you're stuck with Masky, ergo, me and I didn't talk the whole time because one; he was smoking and two; we don't get along that well. At some point we reached the store, I opened the door to the store and walked in, there were so many people. I walked around as Masky followed closely behind me keeping an eye out. Suddenly something caught my eye, I knew what I wanted to do, I wanted to make me and Jack bracelets. I grabbed a pack of thread and a pack of beads and looked back at Masky.
"Let's g-go pay." He didn't reply as he started walking to the self-checkout, there were so many people, that I felt overly nervous which set off my tics and so of course people stared at me. I tried to ignore it but some lady whispered to her friend, I assume.
"Look at him, what a freak. wearing a mask and twitching." I felt horrible.
"Right? He looks like a young adult, what is he doing with beads?" The other woman replied, Masky was in the middle of paying so we would be leaving soon, I didn't like this anymore, Masky seemed to have noticed because he went right up to the two and looked right at them.
"Do we have a problem, ladies?" They sneered.
"Are you that boy's dad?" The one asked, Masky crossed his arms in response.
"Is he okay? He seems to be twitching and wearing a mask, what is he hiding under there?" Masky got up close to the woman but he didn't reply. 
"Are you gonna answer me about your freak of a son?" I felt like he was going to punch her, I finished paying and ran over to Masky as he balled his hands into a fist, grabbing his now-fisted hand. 
"You c-ca-ant just f-fucking p-pu-unch some-b-body!" I uttered out, fairly loud. Masky turned to me, his facial expression changing. He tried to wiggle out of my grasp.
"Watch me." He whispered, I tightened my grip on him, people were watching.
"You t-think Boss w-wo-uld let you j-j-just get away w-with t-thi-is!?" He stopped, the woman looked terrified. 
"I am s-so s-s-sorry, ma'am." 
"Don't talk to me freak!" I took that as our queue to leave, I rushed out of the store with Masky in hand.
"What t-the f-fu-uck?!" He shrugged at me.
"Y-you can't p-pun-nch people IN P-PUBL-LIC!!!" I yelled, he seemed taken aback by that, Masky started walking back to the mansion, and once we got back I ran upstairs and busted open the door. I threw the bag of things on the floor and threw myself onto Jack who didn't seem phased by it at all, I started ticking and stuttering quite a bit.
"What happened Tobs?" Jack asked, his tone smooth and soft.
"I g-g-got m-ma-ade fun o-o-of."
"Oh no, by who?" 
"S-s-someo-one at th-the s-sto-or-ore." Jack didn't reply, he just started running his finger through my hair, it was so calming when he did that. I laid on him for a bit longer before he spoke again.
"Would it be weird if I kissed your head to comfort you? Like I wouldn't kiss you in a gay way, just for comfort." My face heated up and my ears burned, I was... not expecting that. I looked up at him with my bleary eyes and red face, without time to reply Jack gently took my head and kissed the top of it, I felt like internally screaming but in a good way.
"Shit! Holy shit I am sorry!" He started apologizing immediately, and I smirked at him.
"I d-didn't say I d-did-dn't like i-it, did I?" He looked a bit shocked.
"Weirdo." I laid back down on Jack, who continued playing with my hair. "So what's in the bag?" He spoke up again.
"Just s-someth-thing for you." 
"For me? I'm flattered."
"Don't g-get your hopes u-up." Jack chuckled, I felt so relaxed right now. I leaped off of Jack when a knock echoed through the room, after that, Boss walked in and started speaking.
"Toby, come with me." I looked at Jack and nodded, following him out of the room.
"You are not in trouble, this has to do with Masky." Phew, I was worried, I followed Boss to his office. He opened the door and walked in as I followed him and closed the door behind me, Masky was sitting in a chair with his head down.
"Toby, Masky, I got the sense that something bad happened while you were out, Does anyone care to share?" Masky shook his head and glared at me, I was getting nervous.
"Masky alm-most punched s-omeone because t-they were making f-un of my tics." I quickly uttered out, Masky stood up and went to leave.
"Masky, if you leave, you lose this job."
"Good, you think I want this 'job'? To be manipulated by you? To be forced into this life? I don't want this." Masky finally spoke, then he clutched his head firmly, holding fistfuls of his hair. He knelt on the floor and his eyes were wide and full of fear and pain.
"FUCKING CHRIST!! FINE, ILL STAY, JUST STOP PLEASE." Lines appeared on Bosses face, indicating he was 'furrowing his brows', which meant he was putting Masky in horrible mental pain.
"Toby, you can leave." I sat up and skedaddled outta there, to avoid that type of mental abuse you just did what the Slenderman said. If he asks for it you go get it, make it happen. I ran to my room and busted the door open, throwing myself back onto Jack.
"What was that for?"
"Boss needed to talk." Jack nodded, and he started to run his fingers through my hair. It always gave me a tingly feeling when he did that, a good feeling, I could just let him do it forever. I turned to face Jack, grabbing his face and cupping his cheeks. I flicked the ends of his ears, which made them twitch and his face turned a dark grey, is that what he looked like when he blushed? I smirked and flicked them softly again, which made him furrow his brows.
"Toby-" I did it again. "Toby." He grabbed my wrists, looking at me seriously... which I could not take him seriously because holy shit was Jack hot when he was serious. I looked back at him with wide eyes, I kinda wanted to kiss him, more than kinda, I wanted to kiss him. 

[Total: 1177 Words]

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now