Reminder ~ 22

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~Toby POV~

I woke up to Jack mumbling in my ear—nonsense of course, sometimes he mumbled in his sleep—I could listen to him talk all day, his voice was soothing. Nonetheless, I rolled over to wake him up too. I shook him a bit to hopefully wake him.
"Jack, wake up." He groaned at me.
"Whattt..." He opened his sockets, "Shit."
"What?" I replied.
"Haha.. go look in the mirror, Tobs." I got up slowly, I was so comfortable though, I walked to the bathroom, rubbed my eyes and- oh shit. I looked in the mirror and my eyes widened, there where Jack bit me last night, on my shoulder, was a large bruise with small dents where his teeth would go, and my shirt didn't cover it all. I started laughing uncomfortably.
"We're screwed a-arent we?" Jack nodded, chuckling. 
"Sorry Tobs."
 "It's fineeee." I returned to him and sat on the bed, "May-maybe nobody will notice?.." I laid down on top of Jack.
"No, people will notice, hah.." I groaned into his chest, then came the usual 6 am knock on the door for breakfast, and in came Ben.
"Breakfast time lovebirds!" I groaned.
"Ben, I have a p-problem. Come 'ere I'm t-too comfortable t-to move." Jack covered his face with his hands and Ben walked over to the bed, looking at me. I moved my arm so he could see my shoulder. "Look what Jack did t-too me." Ben covered his mouth, snorted, and burst out laughing.
"Oh my god! You know Slender is gonna notice at some point, and you might get in trouble~"
"Shut your d-damn mouth, Santa's little helper."
"Insult me again and I'll tell Slender myself." I rolled my eyes, Ben walked out of the room grinning, and I went to grab a sweater to try and hide the bite mark.
"Shut up."
"Do you want breakf-fast?" He groaned.
"Mmh, no, I'll just have a kidney." 
"Alright." I left the room hesitantly, walking down the stairs and to the kitchen. I was determined to grab food and run back to my room, but things rarely go my way around here. I grabbed a plate and looked at my limited options, I grabbed a bagel and popped it in the toaster, since I was lazy and still quite tired I didn't even cut it I just shoved it in there (That's what she said!), when from across the kitchen I saw Jane and Clockwork staring at me, I tried to look away but they were overly fixated on me.
"Take a pic-picture of me, it'll last longer." I mumbled to myself, turning around to my bagel.
"What's on your shoulder?" Clockwork asked, I froze, shit. That's what they were looking at! I tried to speak but all that came out was air, so I just made some kind of a wheezing sound. And at the perfect moment, Jack came out and put his hand on my waist.
"I thought you didn't want breakfa-fast." He shrugged at me, I leaned my head against him. "I made a bagel." He nodded at me, and now we were getting a lot of looks, my bagel popped out and I caught it on my plate, not buttering it since I didn't cut it. "You wanna g-go back to bed or sit a-at the table?" Jack sorta pulled me to the table, his hand on my waist was giving me butterflies.
"Toby, answer my question! Whats on your shoulder, it looks like a bruise of some sorts." Clockwork sped up behind me and Jack, I adjusted my shirt to hide the mark.
"Nothings on my sh-shoulder, maybe you're seeing things C-clocky." I replied nervously, sitting down with Jack at the table. 
"No, wait, she has a point, there is a mark on your shoulder and you know we can see it." Jane said, "Follow-up question, where were you last night? You and Jack kinda disappeared within the first half of the movie."
"Yeah Toby, as the superior Proxy, what's on your shoulder?" Masky sort of appeared behind me,
I jumped, god dammit.
"Try t-to conne-ect the dots... Me and Jack l-left throughout the movie a-and I have a b-bite mark on me, use some of that brainpower M-masky." Everyone stared at me for a second before most of the jaws in the room were on the floor, surprisingly I don't think Masky understood, but Hoodie and Skully who stood with him were giggling to themselves.
"What? What are you two laughing at?" He asked.
"Masky... uh, remember what we did on your birthday?" Skully whispered between chuckles, to which Masky nodded. "I think that's what Toby and Jack did..." Masky took a minute to process before slowly walking away, Skully and Hoodie were still laughing while following him.
"Nice one Toby, get that dick dude!" Skully said to me, I blushed and laid my head on the table. Jack put his hand on my back.
"I wanna g-go back to bed." Jack pulled on my shirt, making me sit back up. "Please.." 
"Okay, before you go, did you get lucky last night?" Clockwork spoke again, "Like did you guys-"
"Why do you care if we had sex?" Jack shouted, his voice distorting, "It's genuinely none of your business, so stop harassing my boyfri- Toby." I was honestly about to scream.
"I'm going to my room." I slammed my hands on the table, standing up and leaving. "And Jack, please d-don't follow me, I want t-to be alone for a bit." I stormed up to my room, flopping onto my bed before the door opened, I looked over at who it was and, surprise surprise, it was Jack. "What." I said to him.
"Do you think we're going too fast?" He asked, closing the door and sitting on the floor. I tilted my head in confusion at him. "Like, maybe I trusted you too fast or I fell in love too fast or we had 'sex' too fast-"
"Are you s-saying you regret get-ting with me?" I leaned forward at my statement, my voice raising.
"No! Of course not, I really like you I just.." Jack sighed.
"You just w-what? Do you n-not want to d-date?"
"Toby!! Listen to me," He inhaled. "Ever since I moved in I felt different around you and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing, you know? I get butterflies when I'm with you alone in a room, I always want to be with you, I like cuddling with you or falling asleep together, I like everything about you about us I just," As he spoke I got up and walked to him. "I don't understand these feelings, you confuse me, Toby. I like that about you but it also worries me, what if this isn't real?-" I moved his mask, pressing my finger to his lips.
"Well, I believe you, we're b-both broken in a sense. And I th-think being broken with you is a better fe-feeling than being broken alone." I smiled at him.
"I love that smile of yours." I giggled, blushing and turning away from him.
"Sh-shut up, you like everyth-thing about me."
"Yeah but that just makes your smile even better." He moved my chin to look at him, he smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "Wanna do training together?" I nodded, he was the man of my dreams.

This chapter makes no sense, but it's a chapter, take it and be grateful /nm. Either way, if you enjoy my writing (I've said this so many times) CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORIES PLEASE! As I'm writing this I just posted my new story, an aromatic story! Feel free to check it out <3

[Total: 1250 Words]

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now