Lakes and Late Nights (pt 2) ~ 30

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Tw I ship people you might not ship :3
~3rd person POV~

Toby and Jack were laid on a towel, they just finished dinner and the sun was setting. Jack inched his hand closer to Toby's in hopes to hold hands, to which Toby noticed and held his hand, intertwining their fingers.
"I missed you." Jack muttered, looking over at him.
"I missed you t-too." Toby looked at him, Jacks heart almost melted, Toby was so damn cute to him, and for Toby, there was just something about Jack that was almost magnetic. They looked back up at the stars above them, then Jack sat up suddenly, looking over at his boyfriend.
"Wanna go wander into the forest and make out?" He saw Toby tense up before nodding, he wasn't expecting Jack to just ask that out of the blue. The taller man stood up and reached out for Toby to grab his hand. He grabbed it and the two immediately started walking off with a grin on both their faces, they walked off into the forest laughing at each-other as they stumbled over their own feet, not paying attention to where they were walking but merely to the others face, they couldn't keep their eyes off one another. Toby suddenly stopped walking and just stared at Jack, he smiled and inches closer.
"You look so d-dumbfounded." He snickered, Jack furrowed his brows jokingly.
"I'm wounded." He rested one hand on the small of Toby's back and the other on his waist, pulling him closer.
"You're s-so impatient." Toby commented, leaning towards him and resting his hand on Jacks shoulder and the other on his neck.
"I guess you could say that." Jack pulled him close and kissed him. Toby smiled against his lips, to which Jack smiled back. The two stood there and made out slowly, their attraction for one another simply growing with this small gesture. Toby's hand intertwined with Jacks hair, pulling him down more. Their height difference making this all the more interesting, Toby lifted his one leg ever so slightly, resting the toe of his boot on the forest floor. The two were in their own world, their own little world of affection for the other. It was obvious to just about anyone they had it bad for each other, obvious to everyone but themselves. Even if they admired every little think about the other, all their quirks and what makes them them.
"Toby." Jack pulled away slightly,
"Hm?" Toby tilted his head.
"I uh.. I love you." Jack blurted out quickly, Toby's eyes widened before he started laughing quietly.
"You f-freaking dork." Toby laughed at him, "I love you too." He pulled Jack closer once again, kissing him. "You're a d-dork." He muttered into the kiss.
"Wow, okay." Jack said sarcastically in between kisses, "you're so mean to me."
"I know," Toby laughed a bit, "I wanna sit d-down." Jack let go of him and sat up criss-cross (apple sauce) against a tree, Toby sat in Jacks lap, facing him, and grabbed his face to kiss him again. Jack kissed him back, setting his hands on Toby's hips.
"I've never seen you in shorts before, or a t-shirt." Jack commented, "wear shorts and t-shirts more often." Toby giggled.
"Of course you think that, you're my b-boyfriend." He spoke between kisses.
"Well it's true." They continued to make out before Jack spoke up again, "do you think the others are going to wonder where we are?"
"Nope." Toby quickly replied, then he heard someone else talking, Jack did too, his ear twitched at the sound.
"There's other people here." Jack whispered,
"No shit." Toby chuckled, he covered both their mouths with his hands and waited, Jack then licked Toby's hand so he would pull it away.
"They're from my mansion." Jack whispered,
"Oh shit." Toby held back a laugh, the two looked behind the tree and nonetheless were Jonathon and Helen sitting down and talking with one another, they were holding hands and Helen was leaning on Jons shoulder.
"Puppeteer and Bloody painter.." Jack whispered, "I knew they had something going on." Jack looked back at Toby, "can we keep making out and pretend they aren't there?" Toby nodded, grabbing his face again and kissing him. The two continued to make out in the dark, the only light being the slight shine of the moon and the stars, the trees casting shadows over the ground.
"You know, it's funny." Jack spoke between kisses,
"Hm?" Toby hummed.
"I used to write in my journal about wanting to do things like this with you, I never thought it would actually happen."
"Because you're t-too ant-tisocial?"
"Yup." Toby smiled against Jacks lips, the feeling sent a jolt of sentiment through him.
For Jack, the feeling of someone being attracted to him was new, especially in the form he was in. It lit little sparks of joy in him, to know that someone was emotionally and physically there for him, and would make out in the woods with him. But he thought Toby was just wonderful, Jack was like a lovesick puppy.
For Toby, it was also sorta new, the thought that someone didn't want to beat him for being him, he could be himself around Jack. Being around Jack was unreal to him, to feel this way for someone and the feeling be returned.
Their little make out session was broken at the sound of someone being pushed up against a tree, specifically the tree they were sitting against. Toby looked over and saw Jon and Helen, also kissing, he quickly covered his and Jacks mouth.
"Jon-" one spoke, the voice was flat and monotone.
"What if someone sees us?"
"We can go back to the mansion then."
"Do you really want to do this?"
"Yes." Then, footsteps.
"We should probably go back to the others." Jack whispered, Toby nodded, he stood up and grabbed Jacks hand. The two started to walk back to the others, who were having a campfire. Toby's eyes widened in excitement,
"They s-started a fire!"
"It's not an invitation for you to burn down the forest." Toby pouted,
"Can we sit n-near it?" Jack nodded, the two found a spot close to the fire so Toby could stare, multiple times he went to out touch it but Jack pulled his hand back. Jeff meanwhile was sat far away from it, Jane and Nina were trying to push him towards it. Toby leaned on Jacks shoulder, their fingers still intertwined with one another. Toby let go of Jacks hand and wrapped his arms around him, Jack rested his hand on Toby's waist.
"You're quite touchy tonight."
"I've missed you, it's weird n-not falling as-sleep with you." Jack hummed,
"I guess it is weird without my human heater." Toby snorted.
"Human heater? Is that all I am t-to you?"
"Maybe so."
"Wow." Toby smiled, "I'm just saying, Brian d-doesn't snore right in my ear."
"And the wall doesn't kick me in it's sleep." Toby looked at him confused,
"I kick you?" He nodded
"It was a tic, I think, you'd kick me right in the knee."
"Oh shit- Im s-sorry then."
"It's fine, I got used to it." The two continued to sit in relative silence, listening in on the other conversations that were being had.
"Jack." Kage sat next to him, "do you know where Jon went?" Jack went silent,
"Why do you-"
"You two went off to make out in the woods, it was sorta obvious, but did you see Jon anywhere?" Jack growled at him,
"He went home with Helen."
"Thanks bud." Kage got up and left to talk to someone, Toby was still staring at the fire.
"You little pyromaniac." Jack commented,
"I set my own house on f-fire, I thought the p-pyro thing was obvious?"
"It is, especially now." Jack ruffled his hair, Jack looked up at the sky, it was star filled, this felt oddly romantic. "Hey Tobs, look at me for a sec'" Jack spoke up, Toby complied and looked up at him.
"Hm?" Jack kissed him,
"Im gonna miss you when I go back to Zalgos." Toby whined.
"Im gonna miss you too."
Going home was definitely going to be hard.

[Total: 1400 Words]

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