Happy Night ~ 9

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Most of my chapters have been sad, my bad guys, here's another happier chapter :D Also, I'm using everyone's cannon age AND the legal age of drinking here in my country (in Canada it's 19 unless you're in Quebec, Alberta, or Manitoba then it's 18. But I'm in Ontario.) So keep that in mind in this chapter!!

~Toby POV~ 

I had just finished training, when opening the door to my shared room I was greeted with a maskless Jack lying on the floor. I flashed him a confused glare, but he seemed zoned out. I walked over to my bed and sat down, my face in my pillow, I felt a poke at my back and when I turned around I saw Jack.
"Wanna do something fun tonight?" I sat up.
"L-like what?" He shrugged.
"Some of the others are gonna do truth or dare involving alcohol, I know you're underage so Id make sure you don't get too drunk 'cause Slender said you could have a few since he's letting Ben, Jeff, and Nina join. So Masky and Hoodie will supervise the other underaged ones but I'm in charge of you if you join." I gave him a weird look, I sighed.
"Why n-not, what t-ime is it at?"
"In 20 minutes, you had a long mission today huh?" I looked at the time.
"Huh.. I guess I was out for longer than I usually am." I got up, took my sweater off, and threw it onto the floor. I grabbed my headphones and laid down.
"I'm j-just gonna listen to mmmusic till it's time, get me w-when it's starting."

20 minutes later because of laziness

I watched Jack get out of the bathroom after showering, he was wearing his usual... 'pjs' if you could even call them that. He walked up to me and motioned me to follow him, I took off my headphones and got up.
"Is i-it time?" He nodded, I followed him downstairs to which most of the others were gathered around the dining table at their normal spots. Except Masky and Hoodie who were at the head of the table where Slender usually sits. I sat down and Jack sat next to me, and then Masky spoke.
"Evening, Boss is out visiting his brothers, so he has allowed us to partake in a night of responsible and reasonable fun. So here is a list of rules we've made." Hoodie handed him a list. "If someone does not want to answer a truth or do a dare, they don't have to. As well as if a dare would not be allowed on regular terms we aren't allowing it. If you feel like vomiting please inform one of us, adding to that tomorrow is an off day to deal with the hangover. The way to play is like normal but every time you deny a truth or dare, you take a shot, and yes you may just drink as the night goes on." Hoodie nudged Masky. "Oh, yes, and NO getting violent with each other.. Jeff." A couple of people chuckled at Masky's remark. Hoodie walked into the kitchen and came out with a large tray of shots, "Let the night begin." the two sat down in the chairs they moved to the end of the table.

It had been an hour or so, I was typically ignored during questions but people were having fun so I was having fun. I was zoning out a tad but tapped back into reality when I heard Jack make a squeak, I looked up at him when Jeff spoke again.
"I'll ask again, are you and ticking time bomb friends?" Masky snapped.
"Jeff, refrain from the nicknames."
"Hes not answering me!" I stood up.
"I'll go g-grab his noteb-book, he's un-comfortable talking in l-l-large gr-roups." I heard Jeff snicker, I went up to our room and grabbed the notebook and pen he uses for talking to people, then I ran back down the stairs. Jack looked over his shoulder to look at me, I handed his notebook and pen to him and sat back down. Jack quickly wrote something down and handed his notebook back to me.
"Y-yes we are f-friends, d-do you have a p-problem with that you- maybe I should stop m-myself there..." Jack took his notebook back and Jeff stared at him.
"Really? Him? Are you not annoyed with his constant s-s-s-stuttering?? And his annoying... well.. presence?"
"Jeffery. Stop it. He cannot control the stuttering, it's part of his illness. Now shut your mouth before I make your head more demented than it already is." Masky's voice boomed over the room, everyone went silent and stared at Jack and me, he gave me his notebook again.
"Liu, t-truth or dare?"
"uhh.. truth?"
"W-whats it like having a-an alter e-ego or whatever s-sully is called?"
"It's.. something, tiring sure, sometimes it's funny." After that Liu asked someone else etc, I think I zoned out at some point because suddenly I felt Jack's hand slide across my back and rest on my hip. I yelped when he did which caused a couple of people to look at me but not a lot, my face turned a pinkish colour, I looked back at Jack and I assumed he was a bit drunk since he had passed up every truth or dare asked of him, so I assumed he was a bit drunk and the demons were a bit outta wack. I let him do it. Then he pulled my chair closer to his, our legs touching, what the fuck was happening?? I pulled away a bit but he gripped my hip and pulled me back to him, he looked down at me, suddenly laying his head on mine. Without thinking I pulled his hood down and started to pet him, making Jack purr. That got a few people around us to stare, I scratched behind his ear and he purred louder, his ears perked up as well. He flung his head into my lap, his face looking right up at me.
"J-JACK!" I yelled, and everyone went silent, the people near us looked at my lap to see Jack staring back at them, I was just as confused as they were. "Jack, I think it's time for bed..." Just as I said that Jack stood up and picked me up bridal style, walking to our bedroom. "This i-isn't what I m-meant!!!" When we got to our room he put me down on his bed, closing the door and coming back. He took his mask off and put it on the table, immediately putting his head back in my lap and purring. I took my mouthguard off, throwing it onto my bed. "Can I lay d-down?" He got up, I laid down and he laid next to me, putting his head onto my chest and hugging my waist. I was still slightly blushing, I put my hand on his head and played with his hair which was actually really soft. Jack started purring and his ears perked up again. I honestly thought this was fucken adorable of him. "You act l-like a cat, and people t-think you're a violent monster?"
"I don't usually trust people enough to let them see me like this, maskless and purring like a cat. The only other people in the mansion who've seen my face are Slender and Dr. Smiley. Although I assume you know I trust you." I smiled, moving my hand around and back to his ear, I scratched behind his ear and he started kicking his leg. "Mmmm..." He mumbled, I kept scratching him and Jack seemed overjoyed.
"How m-much did you have to d-drink?"
"A lot..." He paused "Tobyyyyy"
"Can youuu" He paused, turning over to look at me. "Can you sleep with me tonight?" My face flushed red.
"Y-you mean like...in the same b-bed right?" He nodded, I thought he meant the other way for a minute... "Alright, I w-will." Jack got up and went to our closet, grabbing a pair of pants for him, and then looking back at me.
"Do you sleep with a shirt on?" I nodded. He threw me a pair of my pants and a shirt. "I can change in the bathroom if you want." I nodded again. He walked to the bathroom and closed the door, I got changed and laid back down on his bed, he came out of the bathroom and turned off the room lights. He turned on the small blue LED lamp he had next to his bed and laid next to me, his face in my chest and his arms around my waist, he tangled his legs into mine. I couldn't help but blush, I pulled the covers over us and started to play with his hair again. I accidentally touched his ears and he made a sound I didn't even know he could make.
"Do that again.."
"W-whatd you say?" He groaned,
"Do that again, please." I touched the ends of his ear again but he made a... very not so... 'friendly noise' If you know what I mean.
"What the f-fuck?- Dude you're d-drunk, is that why you're being weird??"
"Im sorry"
"Are t-the uh.. ends of your e-ears sensitive?"
"Yeah" I kept petting him, I think this friendship is my favourite friendship. As I was petting him, I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I remember is my alarm ringing.

[Total: 1580 Words]

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