Snow ~ 8

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EHEHEH WERE BACK!! TAKE THAT DEPRESSION, PEOPLE LIKE MY WRITING!! Also, happy late Valentine's Day so here's some gayness 

~Jack POV~ 

Toby had my hand in his, and I was okay with it, does this mean we're friends? Cause usually I HATE physical touch. (IT MEANS YOU'RE G-) (Yes! It means your friends.) (BUT-) (Shut your mouth before I make you look even more deformed than you already do.) Guys- shut up. Please. As Toby rushed me down the stairs, he stopped by the kitchen to grab a snack, Ben was there and he winked at Toby; what was that for? Ben then looked at me and grinned, I just growled. Toby grabbed an orange and shoved it in his pocket.
"Let's go! This is gonna be amazing!" We got a couple of looks from people in the living room, but that wasn't anything I wasn't used to. We got out the door and it looked... very white outside, Toby looked so amazed though it was adorable. (GA-) (STOP.) He didn't let go of my hand, and I didn't let go of his. He ran over to a large area of the forest with little to no trees and belly-flopped into the snow, I walked over as he sat up and his face was covered in snow, I couldn't help but chuckle. He rolled over and started moving his arms and legs to make a snow angel, I couldn't not watch him. (Jack, do you think you might... trust him?) (You've been nice to him lately.) (GUYS, LISTEN. HE'S GAY) (He's not gay) (Actually, he might-) (Guys..) Toby looked over me, looking concerned, I guess I was zoning out.
"Jack? Y-you good?"
"Oh!- yeah, I'm fine, the demons are just all talking at the same time." Toby raised an eyebrow at my statement.
"You h-have voices t-oo?"
"Well, their demons, so yes. They help me see and stuff like that." The last sentence was slurred and mumbled. Toby got up and walked away, I zoned out again because of the demons. Then something hit my back, I turned my head around and Toby was giggling with a snowball in his hands. I could tell he was having fun with that, as I got up he hit me again, I bent down to grab some snow mushing it into a ball, and threw it at him. He stumbled, I guess he wasn't expecting it.
"You throw hard you know" He giggled softly, staring back at me with his... woa... his eyes are extremely pretty. (Jack, focus!) Right! Toby threw another snowball and we had a snowball fight, I hadn't had this much fun in a while. I think I was genuinely smiling, is this what having a friend is like? My whole body fluttered. (You've made a friend!) (We should celebrate!) (With what?) (Let me get back to you all on that.) After our fun we both lay in the snow looking up at the setting sun, the view was breathtaking, with the trees at the edge of my view. It was something from a movie.
"Toby." I turned my head to face him.
"Jack." He turned his head to face me.
"You have pretty eyes." I just blurted that out, because suddenly my face burned and his was red, oh shit!!
"I bet if you s-till had eyes they'd be pretty, t-oo." He smiled at me, I pictured his goofy crooked smile under the mouthguard, god was this normal to think of someone like this? I mean he's just my friend.
"I consider you a friend, you know."

~Toby POV~

"I consider you a friend, you know." Jack said as he looked at me, I sat up quickly and my eyes widened, then I smiled.
"R-really?? Were f-friends??" I smiled so hard my face hurt, he nodded at me, yes yes yes!! Holy shit!!! Jack sat up too, then he got up.
"I'm wet from the snow, want to head back?" He held out his hand offering me help up, I took it, his hands felt long and cold, but muscular. I stared at his hand before he sorta pulled me along as he walked, I was still focusing on Jack's hand, his skin was a greyish blue fading to a black at his hand, his skin did that at the tip of his ears. I noticed Jack was purring which I still found adorable, speaking of his ears, they twitched in sync with my tics, were they supposed to do that? Either way, Jack seemed like a cold heartless son of a bitch, but he's really just misunderstood and a sweet guy under all the tough outer shell. I kinda admired the guy. When we reached the mansion he didn't let go of my hand, so I didn't either. We went up the stairs to our room and then he let go of my hand.
"I'm gonna change, don't look at me, please." I nodded as I turned around, I sat on my bed.
"Alright, I'm done." I turned arou- HOLY SHIT. I turned my head around and my face burned a red colour, jesus he was built. 
"You.. have a-abs."
"Yeah, I do." He sat in his bed and pulled out his notebook and pen. Holy shit holy shit holy shit!! I lay down in my bed covering my burning face, This isn't normal!! What the fuck! I turned over facing the wall when someone knocked,
"C-ome in.." I mumbled loud enough the person could hear me, the door creaked open and it was Ben with a huge up-to-no-good-looking grin smeared on his face, he gestured to me to come over to him. I sighed and got up, walking to the door. Ben grabbed my arm and brought me to his room and closed the door.
"How was it???" He started glitching as he spoke, I guess he was excited?
"Is it n-normal to think Jack i-is hot?" Ben's grin washed away and a confused look found its way onto his face.
"I'm sorry... rewind, w h a t?"
"Jack! h-hes kinda hot.. he's g-got abs and his h-has such c-cute details o-on h-him like his ears and h-ands and-"
"That's gay, Toby." I heard a voice say, it was Jeff.
"you two better wrap up the girly boy talk, 'cause I wanna sleep. Also, Jack's a freak, he's gonna hurt you, Toby. Hes a monster." My heart sank at Jeff's words, how could he say that about him?
"Ex-xcuse me??"
"We're all freaks, but he's plain weird and demonic." I stood up.
"Then J-ack is the sweetest and the m-most caring freak d-demon I've ever met! If people just g-gave h-him a chance t-hey'd figure that o-out." I shouted at Jeff, Ben gestured for me to stop but I didn't. "Hes h-helped me th-through a lot, y-you k-now." Ben stood up.
"We can talk tomorrow, the piss baby is moody. Night Toby."  Ben grabbed my shoulders and spun me around to push me out the door, closing it quickly. I walked back to my room and opened the door.
"I t-think me and Ben a-are friends." Jack jolted his head in my direction,
"Good job." I sat in my bed, thinking.
"Does e-everyone think y-youre a freak or a monster?"
"Why?" He was still looking at me, I turned my view to him instead of the floor.
"Jeff s-said you were a f-reaky monster." Jack sighed. "Jeff is balding, he has no right to call me a freak." I choked out a wheeze.
"He is, y-you're r-ight." Jack laughed. "I know I'm right, now get some sleep, we've both had a long day." Jack put his notebook and pen away, turning off the lights. I lay down, pulling the covers over my body. Things are different now, good different. 

I woke up at around midnight sweaty, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking around the room. Everything seemed distorted, but it was late. I noticed Jack was snoring in his sleep, I stared at him as he slept peacefully. Jack had his mask off and he was real beautiful without his mask, I don't know why he always wears it, one thing I found adorable was the little fangs hanging out of his mouth, I watched as his lips slowly parted and one of his tongues stared to hang out. Jack was a funny sleeper. His foot hung off the side of the bed, I noticed like his hands his feet were bigger but human. They too had the black fade at the bottom. Jack was an interesting creature, to say the least, but he was fun.

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⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now