Unreal ~ 19 (Quick AN)

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Holy crapoly I JUST REALIZED WE HIT 1.2K READS?? Thank you so much what the flip? I started this thinking only my friends would read it, AND I HAVE RANDOM PEOPLE VOTING ON MY STORY!! Which is a good thing! Thank you, random people. I will post more stories, I have 4 drafts currently; an aroace 'love' story (I am going to make this into an actual story either on here or elsewhere), living with my creepypasta OCs, the Standler family (an RP I do with my friends), and a Xmas theme creepypasta slender mansion story. So if you like my writing, consider following me to read my other stories when they get published! Thank you for reading this one though, it means a lot.


~Toby POV~

"Can w-we participate in t-tonights movie n-night again?" 
"Of course, we can even hold hands. Like real boyfriends." I wasn't used to hearing that about us, boyfriends. It felt so unreal. I inched myself closer to him, to hold hands, but he suddenly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I yelped as I felt a hand go on my back, Jack rested his head on the slight curve of my waist, and my face heated up immediately. As we approached the mansion I heard Jeff.
"Did you and your kissing buddy have a nice outing?" I felt Jack nod, I looked at Jeff.
"You're j-just jealous you c-can't kiss me!~" I stuck my tongue out at him, Jack went inside and threw me onto one of the couches, then laid himself on me. I let out some sort of wheeze, he got up and sat on my legs, I furrowed my brows at him.
"Get off meee!" He shook his head, Ben glanced over at us and smirked.
"Are the lovebirds blessing us with their presence at the movie night tonight? Slender is visiting his brothers again for a couple of days, leaving Mr. bossy-pants and his boyfriends in charge, so movie night it is!" Jack growled at him. "Pipe down dude, it would be like a miracle if we saw you more than once a week." Jack continued to growl. "Don't act like you're better than me just cause you could eat me- oh wait, you can't, I'm dead. Plus you'd get in trouble and separated from your husband." 
"Jack c-calm down please, he's m-my friend." I sat up as best I could with an almost 180-pound man on me, I put my head on his shoulder.
"But y-yes Ben, we w-will b-be joining."
"Sick! Don't tell any of the three musketeers but I'm sneaking alcohol~" My face flushed red, I remembered the last time Jack was even slightly tipsy. This was weird, did I want that to happen again?
"Jack, can you g-get off me?" He nodded and moved, I moved too. I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled under my mouthguard. 

Timeskip... again!

When we got back for the walk, I took a long-ass nap, because if Jack got drunk, I knew I wasn't sleeping tonight. Speaking of Jack, he was working in the infirmary all day, either way, it was movie time! Jack grabbed the blanket off his bed and wore it around him, he looked genuinely adorable. He walked over to me and sat down on the couch, some of the other creepypastas were there. I sat down next to Jack, he opened the blanket and I sat between his legs. 
"Alright guys, I got alcohol!~ Nobody tell Masky or his boyfriends though," Ben said carrying in a tray of bottles and glasses, some people cheered. "Also, we're watching a classic, Texas chainsaw massacre! Requested by Jeff." A shoe was then thrown at Jeff, I looked over at Jack who had his mask slightly lifted, I turned around to face him.
"Are y-you gonna drink?" I asked.
"Probably, why, should I not?" He whispered to me as he tilted his head, fuck, my weakness!
"I-I mean.. I-If you w-wanna.. g-go ahead. You're o-of age."
"Hm, okay cutie." Jack chuckled a bit, shit!! He pointed at one of the bottles on the tray, Ben noticed and brought it over to him smirking.
"Here you go, sir." Ben said in a forced sophisticated voice, Jack opened the bottle, took a swig and gagged.
"Ew.." Jack mumbled, and then he just took another drink. The lights went out and Ben started the movie, I turned back to the screen laying on Jack's chest. I zoned out for the first quarter of the movie, and I only snapped back to reality when I felt Jack's head on my shoulder, he was so close to my neck, and my face was so red. He was mumbling drunk nonsense into my ear.
"Toby~..." Jack practically whined into my ear. "I'm-*Hic* tired, can we go to our room?" I turned around to face him and one of his tongues was sticking out slightly.
"But I w-wanna watch the m-movie." 
"Please~..." I don't think he knew what he was doing, his one hand was on my waist and the other was on my upper thigh, we couldn't exactly move either since the couch was filled with other creepypastas. Jack sighed and nuzzled his face into my neck, then he bit my shoulder.
"Jack w-what the-" He let go of my shoulder
"I wanna go to our room." He moved his head up to my jaw, kissing it. "Please, I'm r- *hic* really tired." I was internally dying, did he not realize what he was doing? And... did I like it? We've been dating only a couple of hours, but god dammit did I live for this.
"F-fine, let's g-go." I felt him smile against my neck, Jack turned me around and picked me up, going back to our room. We got stared at the whole time, when he reached our room he walked over to his bed and sat down against the wall, and the way he was holding me forced me to sit on his lap. Jack cuddled me and mumbled nonsense to me, I wasn't sure what to do with him right now. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"You smell nice." 
"Th-thank you." I pulled away from Jack to look at him. "Are y-you honestly tired o-or did you say that t-to get away from e-everyo-one?" He groaned.
"Am I wrong for wanting to be with you alone?" Jack took his mask off and he was blushing slightly, I was so weak right now, what the hell. "I just wanna be with you alone so we can do this without being judged or looked at." He laid his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck softly, shit!! Jack let out one of his tongues, licking along the side of my neck, I shuddered at the feeling. My whole body burned, he put his hands under my sweater, holding my waist. He let go of my neck and...
"Toby?" Jack was poking me. "Toby, w- *hic* wake up." Wait, where am I?? I looked over at Jack who was staring at me confused. 
"Where am I?" I sat up, rubbing my eyes.
"On the couch, the mo- *hic* movie just finished, and you fell asleep like an hour *hic* ago." I looked around as the others left.
"So it was all j-just a dream?!" I bashed my fist on the couch. "God d-dammit!"

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⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now