My Turn ~ 5

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~Jacks POV~

This new roommate stuff is going well so far, I don't know how to feel about Toby though; he seems like he has good intentions, but I thought that about Jenny, and that didn't work out the way I'd hoped. He's been really nice to me even though I'd assume after all the things people have said about him Toby wouldn't be so nice to people, I want to be his friend because of how much he's heard me talk, medical reasons obviously but most people don't want me as their doctor and most just don't think I talk. And that time in the bathroom, he came to see if I was okay and wanted to help me. He's a good kid, don't get me wrong, I'm just scared I'm going to get hurt again. Anyway, this morning I woke up to Toby's alarm like I usually do, and waited for him to get dressed and go for breakfast before I got up to get dressed. I picked out a pair of slightly baggy black ripped jeans and a navy blue hoodie, grabbed my mask, and got something quick to eat out of the fridge, speaking of the fridge Toby is the first roommate to even let me have the mini fridge in the room, I had to keep it in the basement because it was "too gross." I appreciated not having to go into the basement at every meal, once I finished my meal Toby came in.
"Morning Jack, h-how was your sleep?" I grunted, I was too shy to make small talk but for some reason, I could talk in the medical sense just fine! I guess that's just the med school student in me. I don't think Toby knows but I want to talk to him and I want to have weird meaningless conversations with him, I've heard he tends to ramble about meaningless stuff and that sounds great, but I guess since I'm not close with him he doesn't do that. I started mumbling to myself to hopefully get a response out of myself to reply to him, then suddenly I did reply.
"I slept good, did you?" Toby swung his head over at me and gave me a confused look before responding.
"Yeah, I did.. you're talking and this isn't medical..." That was all my social meter could handle, I grabbed my notebook and wrote down 'I'm trying to tolerate you like you said I had to.' Then turning it to him, he read it and flashed me another confused look.
"Now you a-arent talking, is everyth-thing okay?" I nodded, and he nodded back slowly with the same confused look plastered on his face. (You're doing it, Jack!) (You're being social and talking in a non-medical sense!) (I've waited for this day my whole life in your body.. *sniff*) Thanks for being so supportive guys, those are the demons that possess me, they're pretty nice to me...most of the time. I watched the clock on the wall tick for about an hour before I had to go out and train, the only thing is, I don't train. I hang out with cats. I walked past Toby and everyone else in the mansion before heading outside and to my normal spot, most of the cats were already there waiting for me, others jumped from low tree branches when I came over. I sat on the forest floor and just watched as the cats jumped all over me, I felt calm enough to take my mask off but something felt off, there was someone nearby. I started to worry and got up, the cats seemed worried too. I hurriedly started walking to another small opening in the forest and sat back down, the cats noticed and hurried over to me, one even brought me a dead mouse. I took the mouse and put it in my pocket, but I still felt like I was being watched. The leaves in the trees rustled and my ear twitched at the sound, slowly I swung my head around at the sound and it fell silent, I went back to the cats. Some of them were purring at my neck, some playing with my hair and ears, some were just in my lap now sleeping, and some were playing with each other in front of me. Most of the cats were adults but there were kittens here and there, the kittens especially liked to nibble at my ears or claw at my clothes, which is why so many of my clothes have little rips in them. The leaves rustled again and my ear perked up and twitched again, the rustling was followed by the sound of a branch cracking and that was followed by someone falling out of a tree. I swung my head around, and... Toby?? He was lying on his back with his legs up in the air against the tree, he started adjusting his goggles and sat up to look at me. Under his goggles and mouth guard he was blushing immensely from embarrassment... I assume... I had never seen Toby in full gear, he only wears his mouthguard around the mansion and puts his goggles on to go out on missions or to train, I stared at him blankly.
"W-wait I c-can explain, l-let me explain." I started to growl, and to think he was a good person! He was probably going to snitch that I wasn't training, instead I was hanging with cats. I can't believe it!! I felt like crying, I tuned him out but I think he was trying to explain himself, I kept growling at him, but because of how upset I was I sounded overly demonic and distorted and it might've been scaring the cats. He got my message nonetheless and left. I honestly felt like crying. (Don't you think you might've been... overreacting? Just a little bit?) (I agree, you should've let him explain.) (Why did you assume he was going to snitch?) (The whole Jenny thing was so long ago, you've gotta try to trust people again.) What the fuck you guys?! ME? OVERREACTING?!?!.. Wait, yeah, maybe a bit. (You should go apologize.) (I think you should too.) Okay, later, now... I want to lie down and cry while cats climb all over me. I laid down and spread my arms and legs out while the cats played on me, I closed my eyes... eyesockets... and relaxed for a bit.

I'm not sure how much time had passed but when I opened my eye(socket)s the sun was setting, which meant it was probably dinner time soon, most of the cats had left and the ones that didn't were asleep on a nearby tree stump. I heard someone calling my name, it was Toby, he was close by. I got up and climbed a tree, I just wanted to be alone. I guess Toby heard the leaves rustle because he got even closer, I held my breath while he walked by. He sat down next to the tree stump and sighed, he seemed distressed. Then he started to cry, he took off his goggles and I saw his hair was wet, either from sweat or he had showered. I felt bad for growling at him and not letting him explain. I stared at him for a while before he muttered something to himself, I needed to apologize.

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⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now