Alex ~ 27

109 6 1

~Toby POV~

I walked to the mansion in silence, when I came across it Jay was outside and waved at me.
"Toby! Are you helping me with project Kralie?" He had a different tone than normal, it was Skully, but I nodded.
"I think s-so, Masky t-told me to find you. But what's p-project Kralie?" I asked.
"Every 2 weeks me and Brian would check if Alex could come back upstairs, but for some reason Alex turned on Brian so now you can help me. We go down and see if he's sorta normal, normal enough to come back upstairs." He spoke, going to the door of the mansion. "If he's ever ready, he would've shared a room with you but stuff happens and now he would a room with Kate, she can keep him under control" Skully walked into the mansion and motioned for me to follow, I followed him into the basement. We walked into the hallway of cells, one of them was the one I've seen Jack in a lot, so much his name was on it at this point. We reached the end of the hallway and there was a door, Skully knocked on the door and opened it, I heard a gun cock.
"Alex? It's just me buddy, not Tim or Brian. No need to worry." He walked in and turned on a small light, there was a man sitting in the middle of the room with a gun pointed to the door. "I also have Toby, he's a proxy too. You can put the gun away." Skully came over to me "Hes insane. He's always angry, distressed, paranoid, whatever." He whispered into my ear, I watched as Skully walked to who I assume to be Alex and sat next to him.
"I need your help with something." Alex spoke, "I'm not crazy, and I've been working on a way to prove it." Alex got up and turned on another light, the whole room was covered in papers and string and marker and whatnot. Now Skully seemed distressed, he got up and came over to me.
"I feel myself switching, if Jay sees this he will freak the fuck out." He patted my shoulder, "You'll be okay, if he tries to hurt you just let him, he likes it when you put up a fight and if you don't he leaves you alone." Skully walked away quickly.
"Toby was your name?" Alex asked, I nodded and sat next to him. "I've heard about you, and I assume you're the kid who was crying over Jack? I heard that by the way, these walls are thin." He seemed nice enough, I nodded again. "What, are you two business partners?"
"Not exact-ly." I replied softly, "We're k-kinda.."
"Kinda what?" He turned to me.
"Dating." I mumbled.
"Dating? What the fuck, don't you find him scary? I mean he's a monster! He could eat you, nobody is safe with him!" He suddenly freaked out,
"Sc-cary? My god, no, he's... he's dev-vine. More th-than devine!" As I spoke he stood up and went to a small closet in the room and pulled something out, it was a small container. "He's the b-best monster I've ever m-met." I smiled under my mouth guard.
"That's weird." He sat down next to me and opened the container, messing around with... the air? "I'm feeding Tiny."
"Tiny, he's my pet." I looked in the container and still nothing, Alex didn't seem that bad, just insane. "I can't let him out though, he's tried to shoot me with my own gun!" Alex held up the gun and pointed it at the wall, firing it. I ticced and covered my ears. "The hell was that movement?"
"I h-have T-tourette's syndrome." I moved my hands back to my lap, "I can't c-control some of my m-movements and I t-twitch and make n-noises." Alex nodded, then went back to Tiny. A knock echoed through the room, then the door opened, it was Slender.
"Get the fuck away from me BITCH." Alex grabbed his gun and pointed it at himself. "Either I shoot myself or I shoot the kid. Sorry kid." I stood up and gave an offended look.
"Alex, I am not the Operator, he is a separate entity and is different from me. Put the gun down, I've just come down to check on you."
"Why d-does he have that?" I whispered to Slender.
"His sanity lies in that gun." Brian came up behind me, I jumped, "it's the only way he will stay here, but he understands he can't use it for bad, or else it gets taken." I nodded. "Alex is just different, like how, let's say, you remember Hobo? The boy who came for Christmas last year? He needs hearts to survive, unlike say, a cannibal who could live off other foods, Hobo needs hearts from people." I nodded again, "the gun is like life support for Alex." I stared at Alex as he put down the gun and stood up.
"I'm sorry, sir." Slender nodded.
"Are you ready to come upstairs?" He nodded slowly, "Toby? You think he's ready?"
"As long as he d-doesnt shoot anyone then y-yeah."
"Brian, go help T- I mean, you know who with reworking out the rooms. Perhaps put him in the small room across from your and Toby's." I watched as Brian headed off. I decided to follow Brian and maybe ask some more questions about what Marble Hornets was like.
"Brian?" I ran up behind him, he turned to me, tilting his head. "What was M-Marble Hornets like?" I asked, he thought for a minute. (Just an fyi, I'm using my messy MH AU in this fic, so the way Brian is gonna explain it will not line up with actual Marble Hornets.)
"It was great, emotional and messy, but great. We had fun working on it," he smiled, "until Alex actually went insane and tried to kill us, the Operator was real to him and he genuinely fell into a madness." I nodded.
"So it was j-just a series until Alex went c-crazy?"
"In a way, it was just Jay trying to figure out what happened, so it was real. But he posted it as a series, to make light of the situation. The Operator was real, and he got to all of us, thankfully we got rescued by Slender before we died. But Tim was under the influence we did die, which lead him to a, how do I word this? A depression, I guess." I listened as I watched Brian take out a box from under Jays bed, he put the box onto his bed and opened it, "In here is the footage Jay had to watch, footage of Alex Kralies series Marble Hornets, you wanna see some? It's kinda cool." I nodded, coming into his room, I had never been in their  room before, it was so small. Three beds with a window to the side, a bathroom that looked like mine, and another room next to the door to get into the room, that one had a lock on it though. A desk infront of the three beds and a wardrobe, Brian went into the locked room and came out with an old TV, he put it on the desk and put one of the tapes in. I sat there mesmerized by it, this was Marble Hornets footage.

About an hour had passed and Brian fell asleep, I was still watching the footage when I heard a bang from the hallway, I got up and opened the door to see Alex in the hallway.
"Oh hey kid, you sleep there too?" He looked different in daylight, dark circles around his widened eyes and now he had glasses on.
"No, I sleep d-down there. Two r-rooms down." I pointed to the door with my name on it, this hallway had the Proxies rooms. First, Tim, Brian and Jays room. Then Alex's, next Kates and lastly mine, and while yes Brian technically stays with me now it's not his permanent room. Alex shrugged at me and went into his room, I wonder how Tim was going to react to Alex living upstairs now.

[Total: 1400 Words]

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