Quick Fix ~ 12

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This is gonna be another shorter chapter, I have almost no idea on what to write also I am EXTREMELY behind on schoolwork, but enjoy this chapter!

~Toby POV~

It's been a couple of days since Scissors moved in, Jack has been so weird. I've noticed hes distanced himself from me, especially when I'm with Scissors. I asked Dr. Smiley what to do if a friend won't talk to me as much just after I've made a new friend and he said jealousy. As of late, I've just been letting it happen, yes it's bothering me and yes I wanna try and repair what we had but I'm getting worried, I'm going to talk to Smiley again today. I got to the infirmary and hesitated knocking, but I did.
"Come in," Smiley said from the other side of the door, I opened the door and walked into his office, he looked over and smiled.
"Toby! Always great to see you, what seems to be the matter?" He greeted me in the most joy-filled tone I've ever heard
"It's uhm, a-about Jack." I sat down in the chair across from him. Smiley nodded, grabbing a file from a drawer.
"I'm just gonna keep this in his logs, please tell. Has he been making bad choices or does this have to do with our previous chat?"
"It's about the j-jealousy, we a-already think he's distancing from me because he's jealous of my and Scissors's f-friendship, but now h-hes not eating or doing a-anything. He w-wouldn't get out o-of bed the other day and i-it got him in trouble. He's also s-stopped talking to me almost complete-ly." Smiley nodded, jotting it all down.
"Seasonal depression, I must assume, some of the other pastas feel it too. I've been getting a lot of pastas telling me that they can't eat or train or do missions or any of what you've explained."
"Is Jack g-gonna be okay?" Smiley nodded at me.
"Yes, he'll be okay. Between you and me, he's just scared of getting hurt again." He rummaged through a drawer and handed me a bottle of pills with Jack's name on it. 'Jack Nyras', what a pretty name, better than 'Tobias, Toby, Erin Rogers', seriously, who named me??
"Old antidepressants of his, yes get him to take those tonight please."
"Okay c-can do." I got up, "Thank you, Dr." Smiley waved goodbye, and I waved back. On my way back I heard screaming from Masky's room and then Hoodie frantically left the room, I wanted to ask what happened but I knew it wasn't my business, although... I am a proxy.
"Hoodie!" I yelled out to Hoodie. "What's g-going on with Masky?" He turned to face me.
"Crisis." He said before leaving again, that's all I expected really, Hoodie and Jack were similar in the fact they rarely spoke, I waited to see if anything happened but then Jack left our room quickly.
"Jack, what's g-going on?" I tugged on his sleeve.
"Masky." He removed himself from my grasp, I knew this feeling, the feeling of nobody listening or paying attention to me. I sped-walked back to my room slamming the door open and closed, Scissors' head jolted up at the sound.
"Fuck dude what's got your panties in a knot?" He looked up at me, raising an eyebrow.
"Stupid f-fucking- I hate everyone!" I walked to the bathroom and slammed the door open, putting the pills in the cabinet and mumbling to myself.
"Toby, talk to me man, whats got you upset?" Scissors yelled out to me.
"Why w-wont anyone t-take me seriously?! The other p-proxies t-think I'm a f-fucking joke and Jack i-is jealous that w-we're friends! I'm s-so fucking done w-with this." Scissors seemed surprised at my last statement.
"Jealous, hm?"
"Yes! Hes got j-jealousy issues c-cause of attachment i-issues."
"Huh, funny." I got up and left to go see what was going on in the infirmary, when I got there I took a peep in the door window and there was Smiley, Nurse Ann, Jack, and Hoodie running around doing stuff, Skully was trying to comfort Masky... or Tim? He didn't have his mask on so it was probably Tim, he hadn't been out for almost 2 months, and Jack had said he expected when Tim came out again that he'd have a breakdown. I watched it happen until Hoodie saw me and shooed me off, so I left. I went back to my room and opened the door quietly just to slam it shut, it made a really loud sound, I looked around the room and noticed I was the only one there. I sat on my bed and started pulling on my hair, I couldn't feel it of course but it stimulated me enough to keep me from having some sort of attack whether it be a tic attack or an anxiety attack, either way, it kept me from exploding.

I was lying in bed, alone, Scissors had a mission and Jack hadn't come back from the infirmary, but everyone else left. I was on the verge of tears, why when someone becomes my best friend someone else comes and befriends me? If I knew I'd lose Jack as a friend I wouldn't have befriended Scissors, I hid under the blankets of my bed and stared at Jack's bed and Scissors' mattress on the floor next to the bathroom, then I looked at the photo on Jack's nightstand, that's when I started to cry. It was a photo of us from the snow day, he had scribbled out his face since the original photo had his face in it, I loved that day a lot. I cried silently into my pillow when my door opened, someone walked over to my bed and sat down.
"I'm sorry." I sat up and looked at the person, through bleary tear-filled eyes I saw Jack, he raised his eyebrows and his eyesockets got wide.
"I'm sorry, really sorry."
"What a-are you s-sorry f-for Jack?"
"I distanced myself for a stupid reason." I looked at him, he had taken his mask off, I couldn't stay mad at Jack, mostly because I was scared of losing him if I stayed mad. I threw myself onto him, pushing him down on my bed and hugging him. Jack hugged back.
"Are you not mad?"
"I m-missed y-you." He rubbed my head, and we laid there in my bed for a bit while I sobbed into his neck, I didn't want to get up but I did.
"Are y-you u-upset I'm f-friends with Noah?"
"I was, not anymore, thanks to Smiley I've now realized you can have friends other than me no matter how scared I am that I'll lose you" He wiped my tears and smiled, his stupid smile with his little fangs sticking out, I couldn't help but return the smile to him. Someone knocked on the door and I jumped off, Ben creaked the door open.
"Dinnertime." He said in a tired tone, closing the door again. Jack sat up and shooed me to dinner.
"We can watch a movie or something when you're back." I nodded, grabbing my mouthguard and leaving to go downstairs. Things were back to normal.

[Total: 1189 Words]

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now