Trust ~ 7

208 13 1

~Toby POV~         


I had finished going through another page of Jack's notebook, and it just said stuff about a girl named Jenny. I sat in my bed watching a movie when Jeff busted down my door and Ben glitched out my laptop and appeared, they both screamed
"SNOW DAY!!!" which made everyone groan, and the power almost went out with Ben screaming. I looked out the big window next to Jack's bed and it was true, it was snowing. I hadn't enjoyed a good snow day in a while, I closed my laptop but not before Ben stopped me.
"Wait, Toby, you should ask Hannibal Lector out on a snow date~" My face immediately flushed red, thank the lord Jack wasn't in the room when he said that.
"Ben!! you a-are so lucky Jack isn't here, and besides, he d-doesnt even like m-e like that or almost at all!" Ben snickered.
"I've seen the way you two are, I'm always watching remember?" He got really close up, grinning wide. "He doesn't just talk to anyone, yes for medical reasons but he's yelled at you before~" He started backing up again, "He obviously likes you in some way, maybe as friends but who knows, Jack is stubborn and mysterious with all his demons. You should've seen him when he first got here, I was pretty new too, but he didn't even leave his room; when he did, we never saw him leave or go back in his room. You have cracked his ice-cold heart, don't know how you did that exactly but still." My face was still red, was Ben telling the truth? "Since I'm always watching, I see what everyone does even if they think I can't, I swear some people forget I have access to be inside of screens... Anyhoo, ask him to hang out, maybe he'll have some fun for once!" Then he disappeared, I got up and went to find Jack, who was in the living room for once.
"Jack! Jack!" I ran over to him jumping up and down, he tilted his head at me.
"Jack come on l-let's go on a snow day d-date!" Silence.. whoops
"As friends, duh." He sighed, got up, and grabbed my wrist bringing us to our bedroom. Then he spoke,
"Don't word it like that, then people will think we're dating."
"It's fine, now I have to change so leave or don't be weird about it." He took his tank top off and threw it into a pile at the end of his bed, the pile was just tank tops and sweaters, sweaters covered in blood and other human liquids.
"I c-could do your l-laundry?"
"Go ahead." I picked up the pile and it smelt absolutely vile, I made my way down to the laundry room and put the pile in the washer. Ben walked up behind me,
"Boo." I turned around and yelped. "So how did it go?"
"We're g-going as friends." Ben scoffed and then he spoke with a fat grin smeared across his face.
"Funny, you know, you actually got him to go outside for something other than training or a mission!" I looked up from the washing machine.
"I've noticed he doesn't l-leave our room much, or at all almost."
"Exactly! And he hasn't tried to kill you so at the very least one of his demons must like you!" I continued to put the clothes in, then the soap, and started the load.
"Male wife." Ben sneered.
"Excuse m-me?" "Male wife." And then he disappeared, probably into my phone. What the fuck was he on about? (He's calling you gay, dumbass.)  Ohhh... right... why? (Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?) (Or been on the internet?) (Or like, even had a SINGULAR thought lately?) (He probably thinks you and Jack are gay for each other.)  Me and Jack are barely friends, how could anyone think we're dating?! Plus I've never had a homosexual tendency before. (What about when you saw him without his mask? You wanted to kiss him) (You're a fucking loser, Toby. You want Jack, as friends or more.)  Please stop talking! I covered my ears to drown out the voices, they were being a bit nicer for once but it was so loud. I sat on the floor of the laundry room and waited for the laundry to be done.

~Jack POV~

I was sitting on my bed with a pair of slightly skinny jeans, a long-sleeved *generic band* shirt, and a hoodie. My mask was tilted to the side slightly, I didn't exactly care if Toby saw my face since I was pretty sure he'd already seen it. (Yes Jack!) (Trust building, ugh I'm so proud.) (You trust the zesty kid to see your face!) (Zesty?..) (What? He looks gay.. you think Toby would kiss a woman instead of...Jack?~) My face immediately turned red, what the hell!? (Awh fuck you set him off, good job dude.) (What? You've never imagined them kissing?) (NO?) And there they go, talking all at once. Wait... You guys are the reason I had that weird-ass dream?!!? Silence, wow.. Very mature guys. (Not our fault.) (No, it kind of is.) (Jack, are you gay?) I'm sorry, what. (Have you felt like...homosexual?) Please stop talking... Just then Toby barged in with a pile of clothes and dropped them onto my bed, his face was red and he looked.. upset maybe?
"Toby, what's wrong?" He didn't say anything, just crossed his arms and sat on his bed.
"Are w-we friends?"
"Are we fr-riends?" I stared at him.
"Sure." I wasn't sure. "Why do you ask?"
"Who's Jenny?" Oh shit.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Who's J-enny, she obviously m-means something to y-ou." Fuck, he must've seen me write in my notebook!
"She was a friend, hard emphasis on 'was.' She did something to me and I'll never forgive her." He paused.
"What did she d-do?"
"You've asked enough questions." He paused again, then he took off his mouthguard. If I had eyes they would've been wide.
"Wha-" Toby then cut me off.
"Answer what she d-did to you and I'll exp-plain." Well, shit. (Jack, you trust him.) (Tell him what she did, it might help you.) Fine, I sighed. Toby just sat and waited.
"When I was human, I was in med school. And I met this girl, Jenny, oh she was beautiful, but she didn't have friends. So I became her friend, and she gained my trust quickly. She'd bring me to these places, and I guess I gained hers because one day she brought me to... this place... and..." I stopped.
"A-and?" (You're doing great.) (Good work, Jack.) (Keep going, we're so proud.) I swallowed.
"And she sacrificed me, they took my eyes and sacrificed me to Chernabog. I was a key to paradise, they told me. They replaced my eyes with a mixture of tar and blood or something." Toby got up and hugged me, I hesitantly hugged back.
"Can I s-see?"
"See what?"
"Your face." I froze, I'm not sure why I did since I was 90% sure he had already seen my face.
"You don't h-have to, I know you don't r-really like me or maybe don't tr-rust me even at all, so don't feel pres-sured." I inhaled, and I undid the straps of my mask. I let it fall into my lap, I moved my head to look at Toby, and he smiled. His smile was... kind of cute, crooked because of the gash but cute. (Jack- That's- That's gay.) (Shhh! Their bonding.)
"Now what about that gash?" He sat back down.
"I can't f-feel pain, so I'd chew on the in-inside of my cheek without realiz-zing."
"You cant feel pain?"
"N-nope, not physical pain anyways." I laughed a bit, then I put my mask on.
"We both h-have a bad past with p-people we trust-ed"
"What do you mean" His eyes widened, and then he grabbed my hand.
"Let's go outside now.. please." Toby's tone was serious but his face was still full of personality, even under the mouthguard that I didn't notice he put back on. I knew he was trying to change the subject, so I let him. 

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⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now