Old, but new ~ 11

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~Toby POV~

I woke up this morning ready to get the new... old... proxy. The others and I waited in the kitchen, Boss walked out of his office and we all looked at him.
"Are we all ready?" We all nodded, Boss opened the portal to Zalgos and he walked in, then the others and me last. Once we arrived on the other side we were met with some of Zalgos... proxies? demons? Whatever, they didn't look much different from the people back home. Zalgo came up behind them.
"Back for your proxy, I see, I should just keep him you know. Hes so easily manipulated and he does such great work for me."
"We had a deal."
"Yeah yeah I'm just playing, 1 and 2, lead the proxies to room 3RD570 to retrieve their old friend." His demons nodded and motioned for us to follow, I just followed the others while admiring the place, I felt Skully grab my hand since I was falling behind. We got to the room and one of the demons pulled out a key and unlocked the door, the door creaked open and the proxy turned his head to us.
"Masky, Hoodie, Skully, Kate, is that you guys? Finally, you guys came back for me, it's been ages! where the hell have you guys been?" The guy stood up, he was wearing some sort of uniform.
"Yes yes, hello Noah, we've come back. Let's go."
"But we haven't caught up yet- oh! Who's the little one with the twitchy neck?" I waved.
"That's Rogers, Tobias Erin Rogers. Proxy name Ticci Toby."
"Hi! I'm Toby, I as-sume you're the old p-proxy who left before I c-came here?" He nodded
"Yes, I guess I am! I'm Scissors, or Noah." He held out his fist, I fist-bumped him.
"Alright enough, let's go home." Skully finally spoke up. "Noah grab your stuff."
"Do you guys still have my clothes?" Masky nodded.
"Yes, my god, let's go." The new guy didn't seem half bad. I waited for everyone else to leave before I did.
"So, how long have you been a proxy?"
"Long enough I've a-alm-most been kicked out, I've had so many ro-oommates and I'm w-ith Eyeless Jack now."
"Oh Jack's a fun guy to be with, I'm not sure why people don't like him. He's a good guy, just misunderstood." I nodded. The whole way back me and Noah spoke, just small talk, until we got back to Boss.
"Scissors, replace your patches." Zalgo held out a hand, it had two small patches. Scissors took the patches that were on his face off and replaced them.
"You h-have a gash t-too?"
"I have two, actually. One on both cheeks."
"Whoa! Did y-you also get ab-bused and neglected b-by your parents?"
"Yeah, I did!"
"Did you get b-bullied at s-school then got p-pulled out of school t-to be h-homeschooled?"
"Holy s-shit, did you get in a life-changing a-accident and k-kill your father?"
"Yes, I did! Although I killed both my parents." Boss lit up the portal again and we all went through.
"Toby, could Scissors stay with you and Jack for a bit while we get a room for him?" I nodded, I led Noah to my room, and knocked before opening the door. Jack saw me, got up, and hugged me. He waved at Noah
"Jack, how've 'ya been?"
He gave a thumbs up, I hugged Jack back, he carefully threw me onto my bed, I giggled. He walked over to his bed and wrote something in his notebook. 'I assume you've gotta help Scissors move into his new room?'
"This i-is his room! For now a-at least." Even though Jack was wearing his mask he seemed annoyed at my reply, why?

~Jack POV~

"This i-is his room! For now a-at least." Even though I was wearing my mask, I raised an eyebrow and gave an annoyed look, why was I annoyed? Was I jealous? Guys... (No, no no no don't go blaming us!!) (Actually, it might be us, don't go assuming he's blaming us for no reason.) (Dammit! Kevin, are you making him jealous?) (Who's Kevin?) (We have names?..) (Are we stupid?) (Maybe a bit..) (I'm the reason you're jealous, Jack. Toby is our friend! Why'd Noah have to show up and relate to him so much?) (Woah, calm down edge lord) (Edge lord? EDGE LORD? ILL SHOW YOU FUCKING EDGE LORD) Suddenly I didn't have control of my body, my hand balled up into a fist and it slammed into the dent in the wall. Toby and Noah stopped laughing and looked over at me, they both raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged at them even though I knew it was the demons, I laid back down, Jesus guys, why'd you have to set him off? (We were being funny, someone doesn't understand humor.) Whatever, Slenders gonna kill me if I ruin this wall, you all understand that if I die you die. (We're all nodding.) Good. I watched as Toby and Noah left the room, I was extremely upset, why was he all over Noah and not me? I felt like crying, but I couldn't cry. Once again I watched my hand ball up into a fist and slam into my wall, and again, and again... Both my hands did that, and I was punching the wall. With one huge punch a small chunk of the wall fell out and onto me, right onto my stomach, I made a *phoof* sound. God that hurt, I clenched my stomach while I got up to go grab meds from the infirmary but the dynamic super duo came into the room.
"Jack! What h-happened to the w-wall, and w-why are y-you holding your s-stomach?" Toby ran over to me.
"If I tell you, don't tell Slender." I whispered so Scissors couldn't hear me.
"You know I h-have to, h-hes my B-boss and I'm a p-proxy."
"Fine, Ill be in the infirmary" I got up and pushed past Toby and to the door, I walked down the stairs and into the infirmary, I was met with Dr. Smiley at his desk doing papers.
"Afternoon, Mr. Nyras, what can I do you for?"
"Pain meds, please."
"Oh dear, what happened?" He turned to face me.
"Just, pain meds please." Smiley nodded and got up, he opened a drawer and handed me a bottle.
"These should help, have a good day Jack." I nodded, walking back up the stairs and to my room. When I got there Scissors and Toby were on Toby's bed laughing and chatting, I rolled my head and went to the bathroom. I grabbed a cup and filled it with water, put some pills in my mouth, and swallowed them down with water. I threw the cup out and left the pills on the sink counter, walking back to my bed.
"Hey, Jack-in-the-box." Scissors sneered at me. I wrote something in my notebook and turned it to them. 'Do not call me that again, I don't like that name.'
"Whatever, drama queen, whats with the wall?" I growled at him.
"Come onnnn, just tell us." I growled louder, I just wanted to fix the wall before they told him or Slender found out himself.

~Toby POV~

"Come onnnn, just tell us." Jack growled louder, I could tell he was annoyed.
"Scissors! Why d-dont you go say h-hi to t-the other pastas, I h-have to talk to Jack... A-alone."
"Alright alright, keep the kissing session short." He got up and left, what was he on about? I looked at Jack, he huffed and laid down facing away from me. He adjusted and got under the covers of his bed, placing the piece of the wall on the floor and his mask on his desk. I got up and sat on his bed.
"Why'd you shoo out your new buddy?"
"You're having a lot of fun with him, and you shooed him out. Don't worry about me, just go have fun with him."
"Go." I sighed, hesitating to pat his back but I just got up and left to find Scissors. I slowly closed the door and walked down the hallway, I heard him in the infirmary talking to Dr. Smiley so I went down the stairs and into the infirmary.
"You too dr- oh hi Toby!" I waved at him, Dr. Smiley waved at us and we left.
"You 'talked' to Jack?" He air quoted, I nodded.
"What was his problem with the wall? Or was he being a drama-"
"Leave h-him alone! P-please." Scissors seemed thrown back at my voice raise.
"Okay okay, I was just kiddin'." It then fell silent.
"I'm gonna go catch up with people, see ya' on the fucked side bitch!" He gave me finger guns and ran off up the stairs and down the hallway to the other stairs. I walked to the kitchen to fix Jack a drink, I wanted hot chocolate so I was gonna make him a glass too. I grabbed the milk and the kettle and turned on the stove, pouring 2 glasses worth of milk into the kettle. I grabbed two mugs from the cupboards and set them on the counter, now I just had to wait for it to heat up.
Once it finally heated up I poured it into the mugs and ripped open the hot chocolate packages, pouring the cocoa powder into them, it even had little marshmallows. I grabbed the mugs and headed back to my room, I set one of the mugs on Jack's nightstand/table next to his bed.
"I m-made you hot ch-chocolate, if you d-don't want it just le-leave it." Jack mumbled in response, he sat up and grabbed the mug and took a sip. Jack nodded, he got up and grabbed the piece of the wall before groaning. He kinda fiddle-farted with it before just shoving it back into place, it didn't fit. Jack walked over to our shared desk and opened his drawer, pulling out super glue or something, he slumped over to his bed and put glue on it, then shoved all the pieces back into place.
"I'm going to sleep, g'night." Jack said as he laid down and got back under the covers
"Sleep w-well." I replied.

[Total: 1755 Words]

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now