Realization ~ 15

183 12 6

~Toby POV~ 

After Jack comforted me the other night, he's been acting weirdly towards Scissors, and Scissors has been weird back to Jack. Scissors still hasn't fully moved out of our room yet, his mattress is still in here, and he still sleeps in our room. Jack has been persistent in getting him out and into his new room with the other Jack, LJ. I don't know what Jack has against Scissors, but whatever it is, it must be for an important or personal reason. I want to know what's going on with Jack, but I also don't want to invade his privacy, so I'm at a bit of an impasse.
Anyways, Slender has been asking to see if anybody is willing enough to go out on a mission to take out somebody who knows too much for their own good. According to him, this guy meddled in some stuff he shouldn't and now he's gonna have to pay the price for it. I honestly think out of everybody here, Masky and Hoodie would take on the mission, just to start another completion on who is the best, and to keep up their title as Slenders best Proxies. Those two are honestly really annoying sometimes, because Masky is always acting all high and mighty, and Hoodie is trying to compete against him. I mean Masky did break his leg, and I'd try to get back at him too if he broke my leg, but the only thing worse than Hoodie and Masky competing against each other is Skully and Masky. Those two are so annoying, wrapped around each other's fingers 'cause they did a documentary-type shit youtube series. Those three aren't even that bad, I've heard it's worse when 'Alex Kralie' is here, whoever that is, I don't know him. They all hate him so they all go crazy like rabid dogs against him, that's why his room is in the basement and away from the other three, that's what I've been told. You know, I could name at least five other people who make me wanna throw a hatchet at their necks.
Anyhoo, I was lying in Jack's bed after he had left for the infirmary, Jack's bed was extremely comfortable and it smelt like him, his scent could put me to sleep... that's somewhat gay. I decided I was gonna talk to Smiley about the odd feelings I've been having. I sat up and went to walk out the door when Ben came up to me and shoved me back into my room.
"You and Jack, what's the deal, are you dating? Why didn't you tell meeee" He whined as he shoved his face into mine, I blushed.
"N-no! We a-arent dating!" I waved my arms slightly before me, "Just friends."
"Mhm..." He nodded. "You sleep in his bed. With him." 
"That doesn't m-mean anything!" 
"Just date him already, you already sleep in his bed and cuddle and you two look like a couple."
Ben floated off giggling at me, I scoffed and walked down to the infirmary to see Jack and Smiley talking. I knocked before Smiley motioned for me to enter. 
"Morning Toby, what brings you down?" Smiley asked.
"I w-wanna talk to you, alone." I replied nervously, He nodded and motioned for Jack to wait in Smiley's office. I sat down in front of him.
"What does it m-mean if I have feelings f-for a friend," I gulped. "Who happens t-to be a guy." 
Smiley tilted his head at me.
"Means you're gay." Not exactly the answer I wanted.
"Who's this friend, if I can ask?" I looked into Smiley's office to see Jack, I smiled under my mouthguard.
"A very special f-friend." I looked down at the floor. "Who i-if our friendship w-was broken I d-dont know what i-i'd do." Smiley nodded at me.
"Toby is this friend...?" He nudged his head in Jack's direction. I nodded.
"You c-cant tell him! Please Sm-miley!" I stood up and grabbed his shoulders.
"Confidentiality, Toby." I sighed and sat back down.
"Jack is t-the only real friend i-i've had in a while, a-and now he's m-my crush and i-if I say anything he might let o-our friendship g-go to waste."
"I promise he wouldn't."
"You d-dont know that." Smiley winked at me.
"Trust me kid, now go back to your room please, Jack and I are looking over files." I nodded, waved, and left. I ran to Ben's room and knocked before Jeff answered.
"What do you want?" He looked me up and down.
"To talk t-to Ben." He rolled his eyes.
"BENNNNN!!" Ben came floating out of the bathroom.
"Toby! Favourite client, whats-it-to-ya?" He grinned at me.
"It's about...y-you know... 'him'" I air quoted.
"Ohhhh your husband, alright.
"We a-are not d-dating so we are not m-married!!" He nodded and laughed, sitting on his bed and patting the space next to him, I came to sit down. Jeff laid on his own bed and rolled over to stare at us. 
"Jeff, are you joining our b-boy talk?" He nodded.
"Okay, well, I talked to Smiley a-and I think I like J-jack." Ben seemed unphased. 
"We're just noticing this now?" He asked, "You've been all over each other since you moved in together" Jeff nodded.
"I agree with blondie, Jack has never been this nice to someone. Hes too shy and too weird for anyone to like him." Jeff sat up. "I don't know what you did kid, but you're the only one he lets see his face other than Slender or Smiley." Ben nodded at Jeff's remark. 
"He purrs with you, Toby. You guys sleep in the same bed. I think he might like you a bit more than 'just a friend'." Ben air-quoted. I thought about it for a bit, he's right, we do sleep in the same bed. 
"What do you recommend I do w-with these feelings?" 
"A romantic gesture, I can help!" Ben stood up, he seemed excited about it. 
"You... do romance?" I gave a confused glare.
"Blondie loves romantic movies and novels." Jeff chuckled "Every movie night he and I have it's a cheesy romcom or some shit." Ben nudged Jeff and he stopped.
"Well, what should we do? Romant-tic gesture wise." I asked.
"A surprise in the woods!" Ben's tone changed completely, he sounded like he was a theatre kid reading Shakespeare. "A beautiful walk in the woods surrounding the mansion. The day must be perfect, warm spring day and a slight breeze in the air, the trees swaying and the air smelling musk. You come across the bench at the lake, you both sit down for a small break. Small talk starts up, and then you get serious and tell him he mustn't get mad or freak out, he'll say, 'Oh but my sweet Tobias, why?' You confess your undying love for him poetically, Jack will be shocked and reply 'Oh Toby I love you too!' and you start dating!" Me and Jeff looked flabbergasted, we looked at each other, then back at Ben. 
"Since w-when do you know such big w-words?" Ben shrugged. 
"My novels use fancy words." I got up.
"Well, thanks for the idea. I'm gonna wait a c-couple of weeks before I ask him ou-out though." Ben gave me a thumbs up and waved at me as I walked out the door. I walked back to my room and saw Jack on his bed writing in his notebook, I ran over to him and jumped onto him.
"Jack! Hiiii!" Jack made an *oohmpf* sound as I plopped my body weight right onto him, I got up a bit. 
"Its fine, I just didn't see you come in the room." I chuckled.
"It's 'cause I'm sneaky." Jack ruffled my hair. 
"Where were you? I came back from the infirmary and you weren't here."
"Talking with Ben abou-bout something."
"Can I know what it was?" I shook my head, I laid my head on Jack's chest as he rested his arms on me and continued to write in his notebook, I closed my eyes and just lay there in between his legs. I felt so calm and at ease, but it felt different, now that I had a... crush on him. We cuddled all the time, usually when I had night terrors or tic attacks so this should be normal but it wasn't. I kind of shrugged it off, I got up a tad and removed my mouthguard, throwing it onto my bed. I heard a knock on the door and Ben's muffled 'Dinner time!' Jack closed his notebook, putting it in his nightstand drawer. Jack then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, I let it happen. He walked over to the door and went down the stairs to the kitchen where he then put me in my chair and sat in his own.
"You're eating d-dinner with us??" I asked, excitement lacing my voice. Jack nodded, we watched as everyone else came down, they all looked surprised at Jack at the table. Jeff sneered.
"Jackie is at dinner for once, welcome back deadbeat." He growled at Jeff, Masky suddenly came up behind him, grabbing his shoulder. 
"Can it, Jeffery." Masky sat back down as Jeff gulped, still smiling. Ben sat down next to him and whispered something in his ear. 

About 30 minutes into dinner Jack looked overly nervous, he had barely touched his food which, was understandable. The guy was on an organ-type diet of sorts, I held out my hand for Jack to hold, but under the table. I nudged him, and he looked down and quickly grabbed it and squeezed my hand tight, his hands were warm, and it complimented my cold dead hands. Okay wait, this is so fucking gay. 

[Total: 1600 Words]

⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now