Cats ~ 2

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~Toby POV~ 

I was woken up by my alarm, 6 am, time to get ready for training. I got out of bed and went over to my wardrobe, picking out my outfit. I threw a tight black turtle neck and jeans onto my bed and quickly got dressed, then I grabbed my goggles and mouthguard and left the room. When I got downstairs some of the others were already up, I went into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat, maybe a bagel? I found some bagels and just ate it like that while going back to my room. I opened the door and Jack was already up and dressed.
"G-good morning!" No response as usual, why do I even try to talk to him? He obviously doesn't like me, every morning I've said good morning and asked how his sleep was but he just glares at me. He writes in his journal every morning and every night and I'm very tempted to read it, but that's an invasion of privacy. I noticed the time and figured I should just head out. So that's what I did, I went outside.

After hours of training, I decided to see what the others were up to, but sneakily, I climbed a tree and jumped from tree to tree. I ended up finding a large group of cats just sitting there, I watched them for a while when Jack walked over and sat next to them. He started petting them and they climbed all over him, it's only now that I saw other features of his, like his pointed ears. He always had his hood up so I could only see his mask and some of his hair, but I never knew he had elf-like ears, like Ben's, just gray like the rest of him. His hair was a light brown, it looked dark when his hood is up, especially in a dark room like mine. He looked so magical and mysterious, the sun was shining but it was a bit foggy. The air smelt damp, which matched the trees and leaves being vaguely moist. It had rained the day before, so it was also foggy. That actually made Jack more mysterious... I sat down and got comfortable, I wanted to watch Jack for a bit. That sounds creepy but.. I mean he does look mysterious and magical and cuddly and whatnot. I moved to a different tree making me a bit closer to him, which made a rustling sound but that could've been the wind or a squirrel. I sat in another tree and watched him stand up as the cats played on him, he walked over to a log and sat down. I watched as a cat played with his ear and it twitched, which I found adorable. Another cat was rubbing his neck, another was playing with the rips in his jeans. I don't know how long I watched him but I know I must've zoned out, I heard him humming a tune I didn't recognize. He has a nice voice, demonic sounding sure, but a nice voice. I'm sure Jack would kill me if he found out I did this, which is why he'll never find out. I jumped trees again until I was far enough away I could jump down and be undetected by anyone even remotely nearby, I started walking to the mansion just admiring the spring weather. This old forest has its own weird beauty in any season, I've started noticing the little things nowadays. Once I got back to the mansion, once I got to my room I flopped onto my bed, and put my music on while just looking at the ceiling. My eyes fell heavy, and suddenly I found myself drifting off. 

I was woken up by a sobbing sound, like a weeping child, but it was distorted in a demonic sense. Almost like a radio being messed with? Not sure how to describe it. I looked at the time, 11:43 pm, I sat up. The sobbing wasn't in the room, but it was close. After a bit of listening, I figured the weeping was coming from the bathroom, I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom door pushing my ear against it. The weeping was most definitely from the bathroom, I looked around and noticed Jack was missing. Knowing this now I thought it was Jack in the bathroom, I lightly knocked on the door and was met with a low raspy growl, yup.
"Jack, i-is that y-ou in the bathr-room?" My tone soft. Another growl, expected. I knocked on the door again.
"Jack I know y-you're in there, c-an I come i-in? I w-wanna help." Silence, unexpected. I kept my ear at the door to listen for something, anything. I suddenly was hit with reality that he doesn't like me, so I sighed and walked back to my bed while talking quietly to myself. I sat on my bed with my knees held up to my chest, the weeping got louder.. and louder.. and louder.. ugh!!
"If you a-arent gonna accept m-my help t-then keep i-it d-own please." The crying stopped. Then the bathroom light turned off and Jack walked out of the bathroom, covering his face. Maybe that's why he didn't want me to come in? Makes sense, the guy doesn't like anyone seeing his face. (or he just really doesn't like you.) ugh, the voices again. (like reallllllyyyyy doesn't like you.) I curled up into a ball and stared at the wall, I don't know why I wanted people to like me all the time but the fact that almost everyone in the mansion doesn't like me or thinks I'm annoying is one of the worst feelings in the world. I needed Jack to like me so at least someone liked me in this house, I knew that wouldn't happen though. I got up to grab a different pair of pants since I fell asleep with my jeans on, I grabbed a pair and changed, taking my shirt off too. I sat back down on my bed with my arms resting on my knees while I stared at the ground, I then felt someone staring at me, it was Jack. We stared at each other for a minute before he walked away and went back to bed, I sighed, I wish I was normal.

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⟨⟨A Different Kind Of Love⟩⟩ ⟫Eyeless Jack X Ticci Toby⟪ ❴CREEPYPASTA❵Where stories live. Discover now