2. Victoria and Assigned Seats

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Victoria laid in her bed staring at the ceiling. She was avoiding getting up. Lessons were going to be long especially since most of her classes were shared with the Gryffindors this year. that meant she had two issues. The marauders with their bullying, and Marlene and Lily's consistent flirting. It was fun flirting with the girls, but it also could be exhausting. The joke was getting old for Victoria.

She glanced over at her clock which basically told her she had to get up or she would be late for her first lesson. The last thing you wanted to be was late for McGonagall's class. She pushed herself from the warmth of her bed and got ready for her lessons. Her dirty blonde hair was put into a messy low bun. There were loose strands falling around her face. She wore light makeup consisting of lip-gloss, mascara, and blush. 

As she looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel self-conscious. Her grey school skirt fell to her mid-thigh, which was a bit short for her liking, but there wasn't much she could do about that. She also wasn't a fan of the way the dress shirt hugged her showing off her chub, so she always wore a blue sweater. 

She looked down at herself and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. She hated the way her thighs always touched and jiggled. She hated the way she always looked frumpy because of the oversized sweaters. She hated the way every piece of her was large compared to the small girls that surrounded her daily. 

In an attempt to keep her mascara in tac she tipped her head back blinking back the tears before she grabbed her bag and left for Transfiguration. As she walked into the classroom, she couldn't help but notice there was only one seat left. The only seat left was next to Remus Lupin. The blonde quickly moved and took her seat pulling the stool closer to the edge of the desk. She pulled out her supplies and waited for the lesson to begin.

 Renee and Peter sat at the desk next to her. Alex and May sat in front of them. Marlene and Lily sat behind Renee, and Sirius and James sat directly behind Remus and her. It was the worst arrangement Victoria could think of. 

As Victoria doodled on her parchment waiting on the lesson, she was interrupted when someone placed a blueberry muffin on her parchment. She looked up to see May and Alex giving her a concerned look. 

"I don't want it." she said quietly as other students talked among themselves. 

"Come on you need to eat. You weren't at breakfast so don't give me that 'I'm full' crap either." Alex said stubbornly pushing the muffin closer to the girl. Victoria pushed it back towards him in defiance. She already felt fat the last thing she wanted to do was eat. "Don't make me get Evans." 

"Fine fine I'll eat just don't get Lily." Victoria huffed in annoyance as she took a bit of the muffin. It was good. One of her favorites actually so she didn't mind it too much but all she could think about was the sugar and how she wasn't going to be able to eat lunch later.

 As she continued to pick at the muffin taking small bites, she could here Potter and Black snickering and making pig noises behind her. 

"Didn't have enough to eat at breakfast Hearts?" James asked with a chuckle. Victoria rolled her eyes and stood up. Before things could get worse, she quickly threw the muffin away despite only taking a few small bites and sat in her seat quietly. 

"This isn't primary school Potter, there are better ways to tell a girl you like her than bullying her." Alex responded irritated by the hazel eyed boy. James scowled at the boy a look of irritation in his eyes.

"I only have eyes for my Lily-Flower, everyone knows that." James said in a sickly-sweet voice as he turned to look at the red head who was thoroughly ignoring him. 

"Could have fooled me with the way you stalk Vic but whatever you say." Alex responded sarcastically. Victoria sent the brown eyed boy a look pleading for him to just stop before he made things worse for her. Instead of complying Alex quickly turned to Lily Evans grabbing her attention. "Hey Evans, get your dog under control." 

"That's Black's bitch not mine." She retorted looking at James with a look of disgust. The bespectacled boy's jaw dropped at the red heads words. 

"I'll leave Padfoot for you any day my dear flower." He flashed the girl a dazzling smile trying to salvage his ego. Lily stared at the boy her face blank.

"For the love of Godric Potter, do you ever shut up? If you were quiet, you'd hear the words coming out of my mouth I am a lesbian." she said irritably with a straight face. James looked for a hint of amusement but found none. James knew she liked girls, but he had assumed the red head was bisexual or more like hoped she would be bisexual. Lily quickly turned to continue her conversation with Marlene before turning to look at the two boys again. "And fuck with my girl again and see what happens." 

"Your girl?" Sirius asked slightly confused. 

"Victoria" she said with a blank face before turning away and talking to Marlene who was thoroughly shocked by her red headed friend's boldness. 

Transfiguration went quickly. It was mostly McGonagall lecturing about the importance of O.W.L.s and reviewing things from the previous year. She also discussed potential tutoring for students who need it. The class seemed to go well; at least until McGonagall decided she would be assigning seats and moved the blonde next to James bloody Potter. She was flanked on her right was the school's golden boy and, on the left, was the emerald eyed red head. 

It didn't help that the next class was Potions and of fucking course Slughorn paired her with Remus 'werewolf' Lupin. Charms was with Lily Evans. Herbology paired Victoria with Renee Adams and Peter Pettigrew. Divination was with May Calloway and Alexander Finns. Muggle studies stuck her with Potter because apparently the boy and his boyfriends don't know how to shut the fuck up. Finally, Astronomy, the girl's favorite class, was the worst of them all when she was paired with Sirius 'man whore' Black.

As she pushed herself up to her dorm with her friends, she wanted nothing more than to drop out of Hogwarts. Of course she wouldn't, maybe she could transfer though. That would be something to ask her dad about. She had written a letter that night to her parents. She simply wanted to know if it was even an option although she knew the answer was probably no. She decided she'd take it the owlery in the morning. She decided to quickly get ready for bed and as soon as Victoria's head hit the pillow, she was asleep. 

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