15. Victoria and Into the Light (pt. 3)

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December seemed to be a great time of the year for Victoria. Despite the issues she had with the Marauders and her schoolwork, she seemed to be doing great when it came to her music, and she learned more about her soulmates. She had also learned who they were. She had finally figured out who they were when she had received her most recent letter leaving her in a bit of a bind.  Regardless of her soulmates though the girl was excited since mid-October the girl had had more correspondence with her mentor than she had in the past year.

She had recorded demo after demo for multiple songs she had written in the past few months. The issue was her mentor John didn't like them. John was a major deal in the wizard music industry. He was a famous composer, singer, and trumpet player. The problem was that Victoria didn't want to sing elevator music or the kind of things purebloods played at their stuffy balls. 

Victoria wanted to sing fun, exciting, and unheard-of things. With a classically trained mentor that had never trained or marketed a teenage girl before he was essentially working blind. As they continued to argue about what she should sing or release it seemed like they were getting nowhere until Victoria finally won the argument when she sent in a record that held multiple demos one for a song named 'Falling Behind' and another called "Feather". They were two completely different genres, but Victoria thought that was the best part. At the same time, she also sent in her demos for a few Christmas songs she had written. 

She wasn't sure what had changed the man's mind, but she was excited when she had received a letter from the man about not one job but two. Her Christmas break would be busy. Recording songs, performing at a Christmas party and then almost a week later performing at a New Years Party. She was ecstatic as she read the letter over and over again and she had to thank whoever had changed the old man's mind because they were her savior. 

Unfortunately, the exciting moment was ruined when a certain red head had called the girls name, taking her attention from the letter. 

"Vic, can we talk?" Lily asked quietly. The Gryffindor girl looked anxious as she fidgeted with the hem of her sweater looking down at the blonde.

"What are you gonna say Evans? That you're not interested in me anymore because I already know." Victoria snapped slightly at the girl as she gave her a bored look. The Evans girl turned as red as her hair as she looked at the blonde mortified. 

"How did-" She started. "I saw you in the library." Victoria interrupted giving the girl a shrug. "For someone who said this wasn't a joke you definitely made me a laughingstock so kindly fuck off." Victoria said coldly as she grabbed her bag and letter before leaving the Great Hall. 


"ALEX!!" Victoria yelled as she rushed down the hall with her letter in hand drawing the attention of most of the students in the hall. May and Alex both turned giving the girl a wide-eyed look as she ran to them. When she made it to them, she stopped as she tried to catch her breath.

"What in Merlin has gotten into you? You never run." Alex said looking at the girl cautiously as she pushed the letter into his hand. May peered around the boy's arm to read it with him. The boy's smile grew bigger as he read down the page, before he quickly opened his arms bringing the girl into a giant bear hug.

 "This is HUGE Vic!" he said with a content sigh as he continued to hug the girl who laughed in his arms. May rubbed her back smiling encouragingly at her. May wasn't one for physical contact, but Victoria could tell May was excited for her. 

As Alex finally let the girl go, they continued to make their way to Potions talking excitedly about what songs the girl would be singing for her upcoming jobs. As the three made their way into the potion's classroom James called out to the blonde girl flashing her a charming smile that only made Victoria roll her eyes in response. 

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