11. Victoria and Thursdays?

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After the first time it became Victoria and James' thing to meet after curfew and hang out or talk. James typically talked about quidditch, classes, or what seemed to be the main topic for the night his soulmate.

"So, we got three letters and I'm still nowhere near figuring out who my bloody soulmate is!" James whined giving Victoria an annoyed look scrunching his nose before looking back down at his most recent hint.

"Well does Black or Lupin have any idea?" Victoria asked chuckling at the boy.

"Sirius lost interest the moment he read she was in Ravenclaw." James chuckled as he grabbed his other two hints to show the girl. "Remus probably knows but won't say which is pissing me off. Every time he opens a letter, he looks panicked."

"Merlin, I wish I could see that" Victoria laughed grabbing the hints from James.

1. Her middle name is Marilyn.

2. She is in Ravenclaw.

3. Blonde hair.

"Aww, your soulmate and I share a middle name!" Victoria giggled with a giddy smile. James immediately peered over her shoulder to read it again. Marilyn. Victoria Marilyn Hearts. It was a pretty name. "Well, they aren't giving you much to work with. This could be almost anyone honestly." She sighed handing him back the letters.

"What about you and your soulmate?" James asked as he tucked his letters into his back pocket.

"Soulmates" She corrected. He gave her a questioning look as she held up three fingers. "I have three, but I don't know much. I haven't been reading my letters." She said shrugging at the boy.

"Why not?" He asked confused. He felt kind of hurt at the idea. She had three soulmates. Even if things didn't work out with his soulmate, he would never stand a chance against three soulmates. James shook the thought from his head. He didn't have a chance anyway after the way he had treated her for years. He was lucky she was his friend even if they only ever met in these circumstances.

"I'm seeing Lily and well I really like her, so I don't think it really matters." She said with a small nervous smile. James felt his insides twist at the name of the red head. It wasn't what it used to be before the two started to date though. Now it felt more like guilt. He had seen Lily Evans roaming the castle corridors with a new girl on her arm recently. Mary Mcdonald. The thing was James wasn't sure if the two were seeing each other or just friends. He didn't want to assume anything, but he knew he felt guilty about not saying anything to Victoria.

"Well, if you're happy then I get that, but I think you should at least try and find them." James responded; Victoria nodded understandingly. Her lip tucked between her teeth as she thought about his words. 'It couldn't hurt right?' she thought to herself.

James couldn't help but find himself mesmerized by the sight of the blonde next to him. Since the first time they met here he couldn't help but admire the way the moonlight made her practically glow. The sudden sound of James's stomach rumbling took both of them out of their thoughts as the boy turned red and the girl laughed.

"Did you eat dinner?" She asked as she continued to laugh. The boy shook his head and before he could speak the girl grabbed his hand dragging him out of the Astronomy tower.

As the two stumbled through the halls and to the kitchens James whipped his head around checking for filch or any prefects.

"What are we doing?!?" James yelled in a whisper slightly panicked as the girl pulled him into the kitchens.

"We are making something to eat now what are you in the mood for?" Victoria asked as she grabbed an apron one of the house elves made for her wrapping the strings around her waist.

"What?" James said as he took in the sight of the girl. She wore a pair of flared jeans and a white cotton t-shirt that fit her figure well with a light brown cardigan that looked much too big for her.

"What do you wanna eat?" She asked again as she leaned against the counter crossing her arms over her chest.

"Um... I don't know." James shrugged. He was nervous being put on the spot like this and it didn't help that he was visually distracted by the girl. The girl replied with a 'hmph', rolling her eyes as a slight smile made its way onto her lips.

Victoria made her way around the kitchen grabbing ingredients for alfredo. With her salted water boiling she added the pasta before grating the parmesan cheese. James watched her curiously as she moved around the kitchen easily humming a song as she worked. The hazel eyed boy stood up walking over to the girl. She didn't seem to notice his movement as she continued her tasks. The boy moved behind her resting his hands on the counter on both sides of her before resting his chin on her shoulder watching her work. She jumped slightly as she felt the weight on her shoulder. She turned her head slightly to find James Potter gazing at her a soft smile gracing his lips, feeling slightly flustered due to the distance, or well lack of distance, between them she turned back to her work.

Soon the food was finished, and she placed a large bowl on the counter in front of James chair. The boy moved quickly to his seat. He ate his food quietly rolling his eyes in pleasure as he did so. The girl chuckled and James smiled.

"Where's your bowl?" James asked his brows furrowing together.

"Didn't want one." The girl said as she scrunched her nose slightly and shrugged. She took off her apron hanging it by the door before taking a seat next to the young Potter boy. James decided the girl needed to eat especially since he had noticed she had been skipping meals recently. He twirled some of the pasta around his fork before offering it to the girl who politely declined.

"Come on at least a bite." He said bringing the fork towards her.

"Okay but I can feed myself." She said chuckling as she went to grab the fork. James quickly pulled it away shaking his head a goofy smile on his face.

"Nope" He said popping the 'p'. "I wanna do it." the girl rolled her eyes before finally agreeing to let him feed her. He obviously tried to make her eat more than one bite which ended in them splitting the bowl.

After that every Thursday turned into an adventure. They would wander around the school grounds and castle learning things about each other and trying out new things together. Victoria found out that James was very good at guitar. James found out that not only was Victoria an incredible singer, but she also danced. They also learned that while James may be able to lay down a few moves on the dancefloor he was ultimately terrible at it causing them both to laugh loudly as he tried to learn the choreography Victoria was making for some song he never heard of.

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