13. Victoria and Into the Light

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James sat on the ledge of the astronomy tower, like he did every Thursday, his legs dangling over the edge. He waited patiently for Victoria to show. His thoughts were racing wondering if the girl was okay. Peter had come into the dorm that night livid. He had never seen the boy so worked up. Peter was a very laid-back person despite his gossiping tendencies that would get him into the occasional confrontation. When Peter came in losing his shit on Sirius, he knew Sirius must have fucked up big time, and once Peter explained what Victoria had showed him it was pretty clear he had.

It had been four days since the incident in the library and although she seemed great, he was still nervous considering it felt like she was ignoring him. She had become louder, bolder, more captivating since the incident. He wasn't sure if it had direct correlation to it though.

James already thought the girl was beautiful, despite his dislike for her, and the past month and a half they had spent sneaking around past curfew had only made him see that she was not only beautiful on the outside but inside as well. She was kind, smart, funny, effortlessly talented, and completely weird and sarcastic which meant there was never a dull moment with the girl. She had become an incredible friend to him, and he was terrified that she didn't want to be his friend anymore.

Victoria cleared her throat as she made her way to the ledge sitting a few paces away from the boy. James noticed her sitting so far away and couldn't help the tugging sensation on his heart as he looked at the empty space between them.

"Didn't think you were gonna show." He said in a low whisper almost in disbelief. He had been waiting for almost an hour after their regular meeting time.

"I wasn't." She said in a clear voice not looking at the boy.

"So why did you?" He asked sadly.

"I honestly don't know." She replied before turning to look at the boy. His eyes looked tired and sad as they grazed over her figure. His hair disheveled and pink lips bitten raw from anxiously waiting for her. Her eyes grazed over the usually confident prankster to find him looking nervous and worried. It was an unusual site during the day. At night in the astronomy tower though? It seemed to be a common site for Victoria.

James was someone with a lot on his mind. Thursday nights were his safe place to let out all of his worries and let down his walls. He talked about every dream, goal, wish, and worry he had with Victoria Hearts. Victoria wasn't as forthcoming with information though. She was worried James would take it and use it against her; leaving her to just listen and offer advice typically.

"I'm sorry about Sirius, are you okay?" James asked as he looked out at the sky. There were dark clouds filling the sky covering the stars and moon. Victoria laughed.

"It's been four days and now you fucking ask?" She said almost in disbelief. She shook her head speaking again "I'm fine now, though I could have used your help when it happened, but ya know" she shrugged "What can I really expect from you anyway."

"What's that supposed to mean?" James asked defensively. He felt hurt by the blonde's words although she wasn't wrong, he should have helped her that day.

"It means that this 'friendship' is very one-sided. Whenever you need me, I'm there, all you have to do is ask and I'll be here any time, but you don't do the same Potter." She said a scowl forming on her face as she looked at the dark scenery. It really reflected her mood at the moment.

"Well, what do you want me to do?!" He asked his voice growing in volume. Her using his surname bothered him. He thought they had made progress but now he felt shut out again. The girl stood up walking away from the ledge looking to leave the room before James hopped up grabbing her arm forcing her to face him. "Come on V, talk to me." He pleaded.

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