6. Victoria and the Library

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Victoria sat in the library surrounded by books and parchment. She was swamped with homework and currently writing an essay for potions. She was stressed out as she continued to scribble facts about the draught of peace. 

The library was full of students working and chatting quietly. She hated homework, she also hated the library. It wasn't bad just not a place she was comfortable in. She always felt like an inconvenience to everyone constantly. She always worried that she may have a book someone else needed or that she was hogging a table when there were others who needed it. If she was working with anyone, she worried that they would be too loud. She never had any issues in the library, but she was always scared of causing an issue. 

As she finished her essay, she put her quill down sighing quietly. She pressed the heels of her palms into her eyes before running her fingers through her blonde strands. Essays were draining and she felt exhausted. She rested her head in her hand staring at the ridiculous number of books strewed out in front of her. 

Her mind wandered as she stared out at the table. Of course, the thing that came to mind was James Potter and his odd behavior. It had been a few days since their interaction in muggle studies. Since then, she had noticed him at every turn. He was much quieter in recent days. His friends seemed to act the same playing around, laughing, and talking loudly. He was different though. 

Not only was James Potter much quieter recently but he was much more isolated. She had never seen him alone as much as she had in the past week. There weren't girls trailing behind him, his friends weren't surrounding him 24/7, and he wasn't getting into nearly as much trouble. She wondered if whatever had bothered him in muggle studies was still an issue or if he was perhaps planning a large prank. 

She was taken out of her thoughts when she felt a pair of warm lips on her cheek and the smell of vanilla filled her nostrils. Lily Evans. She turned to see the red head slide into the chair next to her smiling. Victoria smiled at the girl sweetly causing Lily to blush lightly. 

"Sickle for your thoughts?" lily asked with a bashful smile. That wasn't the saying technically but Lily Evans would pay anything to know what went through that beautiful blonde head of hers.  Victoria shook her head smiling to herself. 

"I'm wondering what's going on with Potter, looks like someone killed his puppy." she chuckled. Lily scowled slightly wondering why she would think about Potter of all people.

"Don't know why you're worried about him, he's a-"

"Arrogant toe-rag. I know." Victoria cut off the red head finishing her sentence. "He not usually this quiet is all, kinda scares me, might unleash an army of frogs on me as some twisted prank." the girl shivered in disgust. She hated frogs, they grossed her out. Lily laughed shaking her head at the girl. 

"Don't worry love, I'll protect you from the frogs." she chuckled and winked. 

"Oh, of course, my knight in shining armor you are Ms. Evans." the girl replied playfully. 

"And what shall my reward be for saving you from the gross slimy frogs." Lily said flirtation hiding in her tone as she turned to face the girl. Her lips tugged into a smirk. Victoria rolled her eyes still smiling. She didn't mind the flirting now that she knew Lily was actually into her and not using her for a joke. She decided to play along more grabbing a light blue silk bandana. It was one of her favorites and had small white flowers and green leaves. 

"Here." She said handing the girl the silk bandana. "A token of my gratitude." Lily took the bandana tying it around the strap of her bag. She was smiling excitedly before turning back to the girl resting one arm on the back of Victoria's chair. 

"As much as I appreciate it that's not exactly what I had in mind." Lily said softly her eyes drifting to the girl's lips and back to her eyes. Victoria smiled shyly. 

"Now Ms. Evans you haven't actually saved me from any frogs, nor have you taken me on a date yet." Victoria responded with a giggle. Lily smiled as she admired the girl in front of her before leaning in towards the girl's ear. 

"Don't worry love, you're all mine this weekend." She whispered. Her breathe fanning the girl's ear causing a warmth to spread through her cheeks. Lily pulled away winking at the girl causing her to blush even more. Lily couldn't help but laugh.

 "I'll see you later love, I have a frog attack to arrange." Lily said with a chuckle pecking the girl on the cheek before grabbing her bag and leaving the library.  Victoria rolled her eyes at the girl and went back to her homework. 

Little did either girl know that the table behind them was the group of boys they both heavily disliked. Remus and James had both watched the entire interaction. Remus had been doing everything he could to avoid seeing the blonde. He failed miserably when she took the table in front of them not even realizing the boys were close by. He felt a sting in his chest knowing that the girl didn't even know he was there. She had completely moved on from him. She no longer looked for him in a room not even to avoid him. 

James had found himself watching the girl more intently since their interaction in class. It was so small, nothing significant but for some reason he couldn't get it out of his head. She noticed him while everyone else just ignored it. If anything, the conversation piqued his interest even more hearing that the blonde was thinking about him. She wanted to know why he was being so quiet suddenly and that made him feel kind of warm inside. 

Both boys tried to clear their minds and return to their work when Sirius decided he had a great idea interrupting his friend's peace.

"We should prank Hearts with frogs." Sirius said with a mischievous smirk. He hadn't paid much attention to the conversation until Lily Evans had vowed to be the girl's sudden protector.  

"She hates frogs that's mean" Peter said defensively. Remus and James looked at him curiously. The boy shrugged. "I saw her freak out when Renee grabbed a frog out by the black lake." 

Both James and Remus couldn't help but wonder to themselves, when did Peter start hanging out with Victoria. Renee, they understood but Victoria was a mystery.

"That's the best part of the plan, she's scared of them, so we prank her with a bunch of frogs she'll scream and be totally petrified." Sirius whispered excitedly looking between his three friends. "Plus, Evans wants to play Saviour, we should give her the chance." 

James, Remus, and Peter still didn't seem convinced until Sirius argued that they hadn't pranked anyone in forever. James reluctantly agreed causing Peter and Remus to agree as well. James couldn't help but feel a bit guilty as he glanced at the back of the blonde girl's head. 

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