16. Victoria and the Train Home

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Renee wasn't talking to Victoria but to be fair Victoria wasn't speaking to her either. Victoria was angry that the brunette had not only forced her to expose her business while under the influence, but she also made wild assumptions and forced her into a very uncomfortable position with most of their friends. Remus was still talking to her, but things were awkward between them. Renee was outright ignoring her and because of that so was Peter. Alex still talked to the girl, but the boy was trying to play neutral between the feuding parties. All Victoria had was May. Like previously mentioned May wasn't much of a talker so it was mostly quiet. 

Of course, James was avoiding Victoria like the bloody plague and Sirius had taken up harassing the girl again this time though Victoria wasn't very quiet and retaliated against his shit. Especially today on the train when he muttered the word 'slag' under his breath when he passed Alex giving Victoria a hug as he tried to cheer her up. The girl had gotten word that morning that her parents wouldn't be home for Christmas. Her mother across the ocean filming and her father in Italy. 

The Hearts family was a family of Purebloods known for their contributions to the arts. Her mother Marilyn Hearts was an actress and model. Most of her work being done in the wizarding world, she did do minor projects in the muggle world which is what had dragged her across the ocean this Christmas. Her father Victor Hearts, a writer and critic. He was known for writing not only novels but pieces in the Daily Prophet about recent music, ballets, art that had been released. What had pulled him away from his daughter this Christmas? A new art exhibit that would be released Christmas Eve.

As soon as Sirius muttered the word Alex quickly whipped around releasing his hold of the blonde girl. He was tempted to knock the smirk right off of Black's face until he felt a pull on his arm. Victoria stepped between the two boys looking up at the tall grey eyed boy that gave her a disgusted look. 

"That's rich coming from you Black" Victoria spoke venom laced her tone and Sirius couldn't help but cave slightly as the words fell, flashes from weeks earlier and her words still hurt but Sirius wouldn't let her see that. "Especially since you're the biggest whore in Hogwarts history."

"Am I really a whore if they wanted it?" Sirius asked causing the blonde to chuckle. 

"Yes, you're still a whore. You crave to be loved so badly you just lay with anyone." Victoria retorted crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, I wouldn't say anyone." He said looking the girl up and down. "I do have standards." Alex tried to speak before Victoria quickly shut him down with a gaze. The boy simply excused himself heading into the carriage with May. 

"You couldn't have me even if you tried. You're a dog Sirius and I mean that figuratively and literally. You're nothing but a disgusting animal so sod off." She said in a commanding voice. The sudden appearance of James Potter is what shook her though. 

"Back off Hearts" Potter said coldly. The Potter boy had no doubt been struggling not only since Victoria had stopped showing up to hang out but also since the potions class. The list of reasons James Potter had to hate himself seemed to be growing with every interaction he had with Victoria Hearts. 

"Like I said before Potter, keep your bitch under control." Victoria sneered as she walked past the boy and into her carriage with her friends. 

As the blonde disappeared into her carriage James rounded on the grey eyed boy beside him. James could feel his blood start to boil as Sirius started to walk to their own carriage. 

"The hell did you do Pad's?!" James asked frustratedly. 

"Didn't say anything that wasn't true." Sirius said with a sigh as he rolled his eyes finding his seat next to Remus who was reading. James sat next to Peter as he read the facts on his new chocolate frog card. 

"Which was?" James asked growing only more irritated. 

"Called her a slag." Sirius grinned shrugging his shoulders. James could feel his blood boil as he ran his hands through his hair taking a deep breath. He didn't want to do anything he would regret. 

"Who's a slag?" Peter asked nonchalantly wanting to be included in the conversation as he examined his card. 

"Hearts" Sirius started but was quickly shut up when Remus clapped a hand over his mouth. 

"I'd shut up if I were you." Remus said in a dangerous tone. The scarred boy never resulted to physical violence just simple threats, but the threats were enough to keep anyone in line. 

"How about we change the subject!" Peter said with a nervous chuckle as he stashed his cards away. "I got confirmation on my soulmate yesterday!" the boy exclaimed excitedly. 

"That's awesome wormy, who's the lucky lady." James replied with a tight smile as he tried to shake Sirius and Victoria from his mind. 

"It's Renee. She also got her confirmation and we've agreed to go on a date once we get back from the break. Merlin, I'm so excited Prongs. She's just perfect." Peter started to go on a tangent about all the incredible things about his soulmate. James eventually tuned out letting Peter continue on as his mind wandered. He had a feeling he knew his soulmate but for some reason he couldn't quiet put his finger on it, but he definitely thought he knew the girl. 

James was quickly taken out of his thoughts as Peter snapped his fingers in front of the boy's face trying to get his attention.

"You alright there, mate?" Peter asked worriedly. 

"Y-yea I'm alright sorry." The boy muttered as Peter leaned back into his seat. 

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