25. Victoria and Backtracking

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After the full moon Victoria was never seen without an entourage. Between Sirius, James, and Remus on top of Alex, May, Renee, and Peter, the girl never had a moment alone. That on top of the recent article the Daily Prophet was circulating Victoria wished all the noise would stop. 

Pictures of her and James, Alex, or Remus mixed with photos of her with Max over the winter break were dragging her through the mud. They were claiming she must be giving boys love potion or she was opening her legs for anyone who went near her. As if that wasn't enough it dragged the boys for even looking at her claiming she was just some fat girl desperate for attention. They were bringing themselves down for associating with her or even being seen with her. 

Victoria couldn't help but revert back to old habits. Skipping meals or throwing them up shortly after consumption became an everyday thing again. The oversized sweaters and baggy clothes every chance she got became her typical style and not even Renee or May could do anything to help the girl. They brought her meals, tried to force her out of the room but unless there was a lesson she didn't budge. 

Her eyes were glazed over as she stared into space the room around her half shifted into this dark abyss and the other half sat normal and untouched. 

"You have to stop this Vic." Renee sighed as she walked over to Victoria forcing her to sit up. The room went back to normal, and Victoria looked up at Renee with dead eyes. 

"It's been weeks. You have to get over this." she said with a sympathetic tone before grabbing the hair brush off the nightstand and brushing through the girl's bed head. Renee made sure to brush it once a day during these kind of episodes after what happened in third year. Once she finished, she grabbed the girls uniform and a sweater passing it to her. "Now get ready. We have class in twenty minutes." 

Victoria sighed before getting up to get ready for classes. She was planning on skipping but of course Renee wouldn't allow that. In the weeks of pretty much starvation, she had lost a lot of weight. Her body looked frail and swallowed up by the sweater and although in any other situation she would have loved to be skinny she couldn't see it. To her she still looked big. Her eyes only saw the chub on her stomach and the arm fat or the thickness of her thighs. The problem was her eyes weren't seeing her reflection but what she believed she still looked like. 


As she sat in Potions next to an anxious Remus, she didn't have the energy to speak and simply stared off into space again. Remus looked at the girl with worry. Her body was thin, and she looked deathly pale, but she had completely shut down. It was like a shell of her being sat next to him and he felt his heart breaking at the sight. 

James and Remus had made an attempt to see her at her dorm every night but failed as Renee said she wasn't up for visitors. Even Sirius was worried sick about the girl. He was so angry with the situation he had even contacted her father, Victor, and threatened the Daily Prophet demanding they retract the story and give him the name of their anonymous source. After all journalists weren't allowed on school property and when they were on the premises students were always made aware. Let's just say a certain Hufflepuff girl ended up in the hospital wing after a wild pack of birds attacked her during lunch shortly after the Daily prophet retrieved all of the old papers and published a public apology. 

Victoria didn't read about the apology though and she definitely didn't know about the girl in the hospital wing after all she had checked out completely. As students around her were taking notes she couldn't hold herself up as her body swayed dangerously. Her vision was blurring and shortly after the world was black. 

A loud thud caused the room to go silent as Remus started to panic quickly trying to pick up an unconscious Victoria. Whispers started to break out as James and Sirius quickly ran across the room to them. Remus was shaking so much as tears started to well up in his eyes, he couldn't breathe and picking her up was out of the question. James started to panic looking at Remus's frozen state. Sirius looking down at the pale frail girl nervously picked her up and started to run towards the hospital wing without second thought. It wasn't long before the rest of the group followed him. 


"I THOUGHT YOU SAID SHE HAD BEEN EATING! YOU SAID SHE WAS DOING BETTER!" Sirius seethed as he got nose to nose with Renee. The group was all standing in the hall Remus was the only one allowed in as he was giving the nurse information about her family and health history. 

"I can't force the food down her throat Black and She was! she was sleeping without nightmares her plates were empty the last few days when I collected them, I don't know what happened!" Renee yelled back. Peter pulled her back forcing her to sit down.

"She's been throwing it back up." May whispered. Everyone stopped to look at her. 

"Why didn't you say anything?" Renee scoffed. 

"Well, it wasn't every time and honestly Renee she doesn't listen to us. Do you see us?" May said with a shaky voice as she shrugged her shoulders. She was on the verge of tears.

"What do you even mean by that?" Alex looked at the girl confused. May rolled her eyes in frustration. 

"Honestly you can't tell me you guys don't see it. Renee, you sit in the mirror in front of her in all of your size two glory and talk about how fat you are to her and what new diet you're gonna try next." May looked at the girl with frustration before turning to James and Sirius. "She's mated to two boys who have done nothing but make her hate her body to the point she almost didn't make it back from the summer break and she's mated to another boy who acted too embarrassed to be seen with her because his bloody friends were assholes." she gritted her teeth in anger before turning to Alex "And lastly you don't even see her as a girl. To you she's just Vic." May said with disappointment as tears streamed down her cheeks. She quickly got up and dismissed herself from the group walking back to her dorm. The group was left in disbelief and silence. 

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