5. Victoria and Muggle Studies

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Muggle studies was the one class Victoria was always early to. She enjoyed the class, but Professor Moore was her favorite teacher. He was a tall dark skin man with deep brown eyes and a bit of a relaxed air around him. He was always listening to music enjoying himself. He was also very funny and creative. He never failed to make the blonde feel comfortable.

He was also the only teacher who really supported her and her future goals. McGonagall and Flitwick always wanted her to "keep her options open" when it came to picking a career path. She wasn't a fighter or a healer though. She just wanted to play music and bring people together and Professor Moore understood and respected that. He was like a father figure to the girl and the Professor felt the same. The girl was like a daughter to him.

Victoria waltzed into the classroom almost twenty minutes early. That was very early even for her Professor Moore thought. 

"What can I do for you Ms. Hearts?" The tall man asked as he turned the knob of his stereo down, not completely, allowing the music's volume to lower enough to allow a conversation. 

"Two things. One, how could you possibly put your favorite student through this torture." She said groaning dramatically as she plopped into the chair behind his desk. He laughed rolling his eyes as he started to prepare for the upcoming class. "Sitting next to Potter is pure torture Matt, it's not fair either, what have I done to deserve this?" she asked with a pleading look. the man laughed again. She always called him Matt or M it was similar to the way the Marauders called McGonagall Minnie.

"Nothing, he doesn't like you therefore he'll shut up in my class." He replied with a smile as he wrote notes on the chalk board. "What's the second thing?"  he asked without looking at the girl. She perked up immediately as she looked at him excitedly. 

"I was finally able to record a song!" She accidentally shouted loudly. The man whipped his head around looking at the girl with wide eyes. 

"Really?" he asked almost in disbelief. He knew the girl was talented and her mentor was a major name in music, but he didn't think she'd get this far that quickly. The girl nodded eagerly with a big smile. 

"Johnny said he'll try to get it onto the radio, but it's been a couple months, so I don't think it worked out." she sighed slightly disappointed, but she was still excited that a song of hers was now recorded and essentially eternalized.  

"Well, I'll have to keep an ear out in case it comes on!" He said excitedly before returning to his chalk board.

 She smiled as she sat in the chair fiddling with the supplies on his desk and turning the music on the radio up. She wanted nothing more than to hear her song spill through the speakers. She was just vibing to the music as she watched the professor write notes on the board. 

She made her way to her seat, which wasn't far from her current position, when students started to file into the classroom. She slid into her seat pulling out her parchment and other supplies as she waited for Professor Moore to start the lecture. She doodled on the edges of the paper listening to the quiet music that played. 

James Potter wasn't having a good day. His friends were irritating him, and he was eager to find his soulmate, especially since he had to abandon his mission to win Lily Evans heart. He was feeling like he would end up alone as he watched his classmates go on dates and fall for each other. Obviously, everyone was eager to find their soulmates this year but so many of his classmates were already in relationships and experiencing everything he dreamed of. 

He walked into muggle studies early. Well early for him, he was usually a few minutes late. The class was small not many students had arrived yet and many students had opted out of the class. He took the class because of Remus and Lily although now both of those reasons seemed dumb.

As he approached his seat, he saw Victoria sitting in her seat doodling and quietly singing along to the music Professor Moore was playing. This was one of the few times he saw her without her friends. They hadn't arrived in class yet. He slid into the chair next to her quietly as to not disturb the girl. Today he wasn't in the mood for an argument.

She continued to sing along to the song. It was soft and pretty, one of Victoria's favorites. James listened to her voice as the song continued. Her voice was pretty he thought. He watched subtly as the girl softly swayed and sang. It was like she was in her own little world and James liked the image in front of him. Her blonde waves falling around her softly. Her lips turned into a small smile as the sound spilled from them. Her cheeks not only covered in light freckles he never noticed before but also a light blush. Maybe because of the song, it was a love song after all. 

Suddenly James found himself smiling as he watched the girl. His day felt a little brighter after this. He had to remove himself from those thoughts though. After all Victoria Hearts was the enemy and made one of his best mates feel like utter shit. He had to remind himself that she was a bitch and suddenly the little bit of brightness brought into his world was washed away and replaced with negativity. He was taken out of his daze when Professor Moore started to talk. James didn't mind the man, but he felt as if the professor was a bit odd, besides Maywood. Maywood was just weird.

 Professor Moore was just slightly odd. He wore nice suits and muggle clothing rather than the typical robes most teachers wore. He also seemed to have a bunch of different muggle items in his class. James thought the items were cool, but it was odd since more professors were very rigid compared to him. 

Victoria sat next to James in silence. She was glad the boy wasn't trying to start a fight today. She couldn't help but wonder what was wrong though. First of all, the boy came early, and he wasn't surrounded by his crowd of goons. He also looked angry with a scowl painting his features. Curiosity was eating at her when she noticed the dark features across the boy's face again. 

Against all her nerves telling her not to, the girl slid a small piece of parchment across the desk in front of him. That was the beginning of a long paper argument. 

Are you okay? 

I'm fine.

You don't have to pretend around me.

I'm not pretending, I'm fine.

Okay hot shot whatever you say. If you find yourself wanting to talk about whatever your issue is, I'll be here. 

As if I'd tell you, you'd probably spread it through the school.

It's sad you think that lowly of me but even if I wanted to, you act as if people would believe me. 

You're right they wouldn't.

The girl didn't reply and instead balled up the piece of parchment resting it on the edge of the desk. She didn't want to get up while Professor Moore was lecturing, it felt rude.

James wished she had replied instead of crumpling up the paper. He didn't know why he felt the need to be stubborn before but now he wish he hadn't. The girl had noticed him being quiet. Most people didn't notice him unless he was being loud and cracking jokes. Maybe she wasn't interested in talking to him since he wasn't being funny or something, he thought to himself. He caught himself taking small glances at the blonde next to him and the balled-up parchment at the edge of the desk. 

When professor Moore dismissed the class, he quickly packed up his belongings and grabbed the balled-up parchment. Victoria gave him a confused look. 

"I'll throw it away" he said casually. She snickered causing his eyebrows to shoot up. 

"Can't let anyone possibly find out the great James Potter spoke to me." She said with a smart attitude before grabbing her bag and leaving the classroom. His eyes followed the girl as she walked away. He quickly straightened out the parchment and folded it neatly before tucking it into his bag before leaving, receiving an odd look from Professor Moore. He sent the man an awkward smile as he walked out. 

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