22. Victoria and New Years Eve

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The past few days had been rough for Victoria coping with the death of her mother and the Daily Prophet spreading her business. Her home being filled with letters ranging from threats to condolences. It seemed Victoria Hearts was all the prophet was talking about from pictures and speculations of her and Maxwell being a couple, news of John no longer mentoring the heiress and last but not least the news of her mother's death. 

If there was one good thing that came from the recent events it was that she had the freedom to make her own choices when it came to her career now. Her dad gave her the reigns to make whatever choices she needed to create the image she wanted. He was currently talking to other connections he had in the fashion and music industry to help create the image and market her properly. 

Thats part of the reason this performance tonight was so important despite their grieving. Dressed in a red and pink metallic dress and white platform boots she was ready with a new band and choreography to showcase her debut song Feather. It was her father's way of telling John he wasn't needed and that he had simply been holding her back. 

"Let's get going dear its almost time." Victor said as he offered his arm to his daughter who was admittedly looking nervous. "What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"I'm just nervous. John would never have let me dress like this or perform this kind of music. He approved of the song, but he said it unlikely to go anywhere." Victoria said taking a deep breath. Her leg was shaking as she looked at herself in the mirror again checking her makeup. She felt pretty but she knew how ruthless the prophet was when it came to making comments about her appearance. 

"Well John is a fool. You look great, the song is catchy and fun. It's got a youthful energy just like you so don't stress it." Victor said in a comforting tone as he gave her a hug. She smiled and grabbed his arm and they apparated back to the Potters home.

As they entered the main room where a stage was set up Victoria could hear loud footsteps running out of the kitchen. Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter all stood at the entryway stunned by the sight of her. 

Peter was the first to run up to her and give her a big hug immediately showering her in compliments. Also, condolences for her mother but he was excited to see her perform since he missed Christmas with the boys. He talked about how him and Renee had spent Christmas together and how much Renee missed her and that she would be attending the party tonight. They talked for a while as her father checked everything for the performance and spoke to the Potters. 

She was also graced with the presence of Maxwell Andrews who immediately swept the girl off her feet into a bear hug. It was a similar conversation to Peters. Condolences and compliments and excited talks about the new year to come. She was called away from the conversation with the two boys when her father called her into the kitchen. She simply greeted the other three boys with a nod before squeezing past them into the kitchen to speak to the adults. 


As the night moved on song after song it was almost time for her own original song. This would be the first time she sang her own piece of music in front of so many people. The room was filled with witches and wizards ranging in ages. The lights were dim and other smaller colored lights were light up around the edge of the room white lights lined the stage. She stepped off as the band played to take a small break before her song started. She went for a drink and calmed her nerves before being called up to the stage. 

"Debuting her very first single we have Victoria Hearts with Feather." The guitarist announced enthusiastically and the crowed clapped. 

The music started and Victoria couldn't help the smile that spread across her face as she started to sing. The choreography she certainly thought she would forget came easy as she moved to the music the other dancers moving with her excitedly. Halfway through the song feathers started to fall from the ceiling as she continued to sing. She couldn't have possibly imagined a better debuting performance leading into the new year and as the song came to an end the room erupted into loud applause. She bowed in front of the crowd with a big smile across her face.

"Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the song but it's almost time so let's start this count down!" She spoke into the microphone the crowd cheered excitedly. The crowd moved eagerly as she started to count down from 10. Everyone tried to find their partners. Some looking to share a new year's kiss while others looking to chug down a drink.

"3... 2... 1.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Victoria and everyone in the room said as cheers erupted. Outside fireworks were going off and inside people were hugging, kissing, and congratulating their friends and family. 

As people congratulated one another Remus and James sat on a couch in the far corner of the room. Sirius was off snogging some girl he had invited before they left school for the break and Peter was dancing with Renee closer towards the stage. They both felt conflicted. After finding out about Victorias attempt to end her life and then the news of her mother's death it all felt a bit too much. The photos in the prophet were also eating at James. He hated seeing the photos of Maxwell and Victoria. Maybe they weren't together, but he would be lying if he said it didn't look like they were. 

"Screw this I'm talking to her." James said in a huff to a dazed Remus who was drowning himself in whatever he could find. The difference between James and Remus was that all Remus could think about was the fact that he almost didn't have a soulmate. That he almost didn't have a chance to fix things between them. That he almost lost her completely and didn't even know it. 

James got up from the couch and made his way through the crowd towards the stage. Victoria was leaving the stage for a break and James was going to make the most of what was left of the night. He walked up behind her grabbing her attention when he placed his hand on her waist. She jumped slightly at the unexpected contact. 

"We need to talk" he said in a hushed voice ushering her to a quiet room not far from the party. She followed quietly with a confused look on her face. 

"What do you want James? I really don't have the energy for this." She huffed as she looked at him with a bored look. 

"You were right." He replied. Victoria furrowed her brows in confusion wondering what he meant. "The friendship was one sided and I was terrified of what Padfoot would think and other people. I mean we had been enemies for years obviously people would judge us if all of a sudden we came out as friends and started hanging out." James rambled on.

"We were never enemies." Victoria said forcing him to stop talking. "We weren't enemies I just reacted to your harassment there is a big difference." she said with tears welling in her eyes. 

"I know what I did was wrong, and I should have stood up for you, I should have been there, and I shouldn't have cared about everyone's opinions, and I regret it so much." James said equally teary eyed as he stared down at the blonde.

"You're just saying this cause of the ministry James we both know that." Victoria mumbled as she attempted to dry her eyes without messing up the makeup.

"I was trying to fix things before I even knew we were soulmates. I didn't try talking to you over and over again for nothing. I want to at least be friends V and maybe one day we can revisit the whole soulmate thing." He pleaded as he was moved closer to the girl. 

"What happens if I just want to stay friends. What if I never feel that way towards you." Victoria asked almost testing him in a way. He could feel his heart break a little at her words. He knew he had already started to fall for Victoria Hearts. He knew that weeks ago when they were sitting in the astronomy tower. 

"I'll take whatever you give me." He said with a sigh as Victoria wrapped her arms around his midsection hugging him tightly. He couldn't help but return the hug with a small smile. 

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