23. Realization

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Remus, James, Sirius, and Victoria no longer received letters from the ministry about their soulmates especially since they had received their confirmation letter at the start of the new year. Sirius was back to his usual behavior which simply meant he screwed any girl he could. James was back to obsessing over quidditch although him and Victoria did start to hang out. That news spread through the school like wildfire. If you thought the daily prophet was bad well Hogwarts was worse, and they simply piled on top of one another. 

Victoria was bright and bubbly with the release of her new song and things seemed to be going well for the most part. Peter and Renee were hitting it off and recently made things official. Alex and May even seemed to be doing great. Remus couldn't help but notice those two getting a little closer recently as well. 

Remus seemed to be the only one struggling. He felt numb after finding out about the attempt and he was confused how Victoria was talking to James but not him. He also felt some kind of way because Sirius started making comments about her again and things between the friend group were getting tense. James continuously fighting with Sirius for his comments and Sirius for some reason refusing to write to the ministry stating his rejection of the match. 

Thats what most people did when they were uninterested in their soulmate. There have been many students who outright rejected their soulmates. It was mostly Slytherins due to their arranged marriages but still it was an option. Remus just didn't understand why he wouldn't take the out and make things easier for himself. 

Remus felt like he was in a haze and just going through the motions. The full moon was getting closer, the pain was setting in and his temper was worsening. It seemed like everything was just too much. That was the reason Remus didn't go to classes that day. He simply laid in bed and slept most of his day away though it didn't seem to help much. He was woken up with a gentle knock on the door though. 

"Hey Rem, I know we haven't talked much but I wanted to come check on you and bring you the notes and homework from class." Victoria said in a soft quiet voice as she stepped into the room making her way over to his bedside. She took the notes from potions and divination out along with the homework and placed them on his desk before turning to him. Remus looked at his desk where she had placed the papers and back up at the girl who was standing there sheepishly. 

"Thank you. I would have gotten them from Prongs though." He said in a groggy voice sitting up in the bed. 

"Please we both know James has horrendous handwriting." She chuckled tucking some hair behind her ear nervously walking closer to him. Remus laughed with a slight grimace. He was taken by surprise when Victoria held his face in her cold hands pressing her lips to his forehead. He couldn't help the blush that quickly covered his face. 

"You definitely have a fever must be close" She mumbled pulling away from the blushing boy. "I'm coming with you this month" she spoke softly.

"No, no you're absolutely not coming." He said sternly in return looking at her with a sort of fear she had never seen before. 

"I used to come with you all the time and nothing ever happened Remus it'll be fine" Victoria tried to reason but Remus shook his head. 

"I was small I was a child I couldn't do the kind of damage I do now! The damage I do to myself is enough of a reason for me to say no. I don't want you watching me turn into some caged monster." He said angrily.

"Merlin, I hate when you say that." She sighed. "I was able to help you before, I can do it again Remus. Maybe if you had something or someone familiar you wouldn't hurt yourself so much." she attempted to argue. "You never hurt me before please Rem." 

"No and that's final you're not coming." He said in a stern voice one that made Victoria stop arguing. 

"Fine. Can I at least stay with you for now?" She asked quietly. Remus smiled and nodded quickly pulling the girl into the bed and under the blanket. That was how they spent their evening. Remus rested his head on Victoria's chest as she ran her fingers through his hair and up his arm that was draped across her waist. It was quiet and soon Remus drifted off to sleep. 


As the day drew to a close and classes ended James couldn't help but find himself worried. Alex and May hadn't seen Victoria since Divination class. It had also become a habit for James to walk her to her other classes in an attempt to spend as much time as possible with the girl. When he walked into his dorm room though he was met with the sight of a sleeping Victoria curled into Remus. He felt the tension release from his shoulders as he felt better knowing she was safe. 

James was also met with a moody Sirius who sat on his bed occasionally looking at Victoria and Remus. 

"What's wrong with you?" James asked snapping Sirius out of his thoughts. 

"I hate her. Her stupid smile and that snoring. It's annoying. Also do you see the way she's all cuddled into Moony? She's stealing him from us." Sirius said with a frustrated sigh. He didn't want to wake them up and he definitely didn't want Victoria to hear his conversation. 

"I'm starting to think you don't actually hate her." James chuckled.

"Oh, sod off!" Sirius said hitting him with his pillow. "What else could it be prongs? She's this like ball of energy that draws all the attention on her. Maybe it's not intentional but it's hard not to notice her. Her laugh and when she sings, I mean honestly I don't know what it could be besides annoying." He rolled his eyes. James couldn't help but think that maybe his friend had fancied the girl all this time without even realizing it himself. 

He would like to think that maybe there had always been a connection between them. Maybe the signals were just mixed up because they were trying to protect Remus who clearly didn't need it. 

"Well, if it's bothering you so much why don't you just notify the ministry and free yourself from all this. You can still be civil with her and maybe you two can even be friends ya know. Especially if things between her, Remus, and I end up working out. She's going to be a part of your life unless you plan on dropping me and moony." James said thoughtfully as he admired the girl. He sat on the edge of Sirius's bed as the long-haired boy glanced between the three of them. 

"I'll be civil with her. I'll stop with the insults, and I'll try to be friends with her for you and Moony. You guys are like brothers I don't want to lose you over a girl." Sirius said as he twisted his silver signet ring.

"She's not just a girl Sirius she's your soulmate. I don't understand why you're so against that. Why won't you just try?" James asked sincerely as he watched Sirius stare at the girl in deep thought. "Is it fear? She was able to forgive me maybe if you try, she can forgive you too." James tried to reason with the silent boy.

"I don't know." Sirius said with a sigh 

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