4. Victoria and the Ginger

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Lily Evans was excited as she rushed into the Gryffindor common room to find Alice and Marlene sitting at a small table by the window talking over a game of wizard's chess. She didn't bother to notice the four most annoying boys in the world who sat on the couch near the fireplace who watched her intently. 

"Guess who has a date with THE Victoria Hearts." Lily Evans said trying to contain her excitement. She stood in front of Alice and Marlene who looked at the girl in shock.

"You're kidding." Alice said her voice barely a whisper. 

"Next Saturday." the red head sighed as she slumped into a plush chair next to Marlene. The red head gazed into space dreamily. Marlene chuckled as she looked at her friend. Remus couldn't help but feel his heart sink as he heard the words come from Lily's lips. He didn't understand why it hurt so much but it did. 

"I can't believe you actually did it Lil." Marlene said in disbelief.

"What about your soulmate Evans?" Potter asked as he stood up walking towards the girls. 

"I'm sure it's Hearts but even if she isn't I still have free will Potter." Lily sighed as she looked at the hazel eyed boy irritably. His face turned into a scowl as he listened to his lovely Lilypad. He knew he didn't have a chance, but it was still hard listening to her talk about Victoria Hearts. 

 Remus listened from his seat by the fireplace he felt a sinking feeling in his chest as he continued to listen. He felt bad for his friend, but you can't change someone's sexuality. Remus couldn't help the sour feeling in his stomach as he thought about Lily Evans 


The day was long, and Lily Evans couldn't think of anything except Victoria. What should she do for their date? After all it is her job to plan it. She asked her out, so it falls on her. As she sat at her table in the library she couldn't come up with any ideas. It had to be worth it, she didn't want the girl to regret it or give her a reason to not go on another date. It couldn't be boring either. 

"A picnic would be nice." A familiar voice said from besides her. "She likes picnics but there's also a new pub opening that has live music. Either of those would be a good idea for a date." She turned to find Remus Lupin sitting next to her. The boy was looking at his book pretending to read. Lily didn't mention it, but she could tell since his eyes weren't moving down the page.  

"A picnic would be really romantic, but I worry that I might scare her off if I do anything too forward." She said with worry as she rubbed the side of her neck. 

"She's a hopeless romantic she won't mind. If anything, she may appreciate it." Remus said still looking at his book pretending to read. Lily looked at him with a small grin. 

"Thanks Remus you are a life saver. I'll send you an invite to the wedding." She said with a chuckle patting his shoulder as she got up to leave the library. The grimace on his face when she said wedding went unnoticed. 

The thought of Victoria in white dress was a pretty image to Remus but the thought quickly turned sour as he thought about the girl walking down to his red headed best friend. He quickly wiped the thought from his mind. He was getting ahead of himself. There was no way a simple date in fifth year would turn into a wedding he knew that. He anxiously bit the inside of his lip as he attempted to read his book.

 Of course, he couldn't focus though as the sound of a small giggle reached his ears. He knew that laugh and as looked up from his book at the table across from his he saw her. She was trying to laugh quietly. Her friends and her were turning red trying to catch their breathe. Only merlin knows what could have been so funny to get that kind of reaction.

 All of a sudden Remus felt angry and hurt again. Thats when he knew he couldn't think about Victoria Hearts anymore because it simply hurt to think about her. It hurt to see her. It hurt knowing she didn't even notice him. All of that hurt made him angry. Angry that she made him feel that way and angry that it was ultimately his own fault. 

"Merlin moony what did the book ever do to you?" Peter said looking at the boy's white knuckles as he clenched the book, the pressure almost ripping the pages. Remus looked to find Sirius and James moving into the seats across from him as Peter took the seat beside him. 

"nothin just having a bad day." the boy mumbled as he shut his book. He placed it on the table rubbing his hands against his face. 

"Be glad you don't have to sit next to Hearts outside of Potions. I have to sit next to her in two bloody classes. This is ridiculous." James said giving the boys an exasperated look. "If you would learn how to whisper, I wouldn't be in this mess." He grumbled as he smacked Sirius in the back of the head. 

"Hey! I have to deal with her in Astronomy be lucky you're not stuck next to her all night." Sirius snapped as he rubbed the back of his head scowling at James. 

"I don't get what you lots deal is with her but she's super nice. I've never had a problem with her." Peter said with a shrug he wasn't defending the girl, but he never knew what the big deal was about her. 

"Well, she decided to be a bitch to moony therefore we don't like her." Sirius said matter-of-factly. Remus rolled his eyes letting out a frustrated sigh. 

"I already told you it was my fault she had every right to act like that." Remus said frustrated that his friends wouldn't listen and leave the girl alone. When they were sorted Remus made no effort to talk to and continue their friendship. When summer came, he all of a sudden wanted to talk to and hang out with the girl. She was excited to have her friend back so without second thought she accepted his apology. She learned her lesson when September came around and the moment, they entered the platform he had ignored her again almost acting like he was embarrassed to be around her. 

That made the girl bitter towards him. She would turn her nose up at him if he went near her, not because she was better than him but because she felt she deserved better friends that weren't ashamed of her. If the boy tried to speak to her, which wasn't much, she would act as if he didn't exist or make irritated remarks towards the boy. Second year was when James and Sirius decided they didn't like the girl. Since then, the two hadn't let up and they certainly weren't going to now just because Peter had made friends with the enemy or because Remus decided to take blame for her bitchiness. 

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