24. Victoria and the Full Moon

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"Wake up!" Renee yelled as May hit Victoria with a pillow.

"Whaaaat." Victoria whined rolling over in her bed. 

"Your boyfriends are at the door and annoying everyone so get up!" Renee snapped as May moved to hit her again.

"FINEEE" Victoria groaned sitting up. May smiled as she stood above the blonde with her pillow raised above her head. 

"Don't. You. Dare." She said in a dangerous voice. May's smile only grew before she slapped the girl in the face with the pillow and took off down the dorm stairs with Victoria hot on her heels. As Victoria chased the girl into the common room, she tackled her onto the couch hitting her with one of the throw pillows she found within reach. 

"I'M SORRY." May hollered between laughs as she tried to protect her head from the pillow. "I SURRENDER!!" she yelled in laughter. Victoria laughed as she climbed off and away from the girl about to go back up the stairs 

"Hearts wait up!" Sirius called out causing Victoria to look at him puzzled. Sirius had been nicer to the girl in the past two days which already made her nervous about a potential prank but the fact that she was standing in front of him in shorts and a tank top made her terrified.  "Cute bunny shorts by the way." He snickered as his eyes travelled down her body. James and Remus caught up with him. 

"Uh thanks um is there something I can do for you guys?" She asked curiously. Her brows furrowed as she chewed her lip nervously. 

"Uh yea we were wondering if you would like to sit with us for breakfast." James asked with a nervous smile. 

"Yea sure. Just let me get dressed really quick and I'll meet you at the hall." She spoke.

"Nonsense we'll wait for you it's fine." Remus said giving the girl a soft smile. It looked more like a grimace, but Victoria didn't mention it and quickly left to change. 

As the boys waited, they couldn't help but notice the glances and whispers around the common room. James had to admit the common room was beautiful. There were large windows and giant bookcases that must have had some enchantment on them because they had a light blue shine to them almost like they were in a case. James and Sirius both felt out of place although it was arguable if it was because of the style of the room or the people in it. 

As she finished throwing her hair into a low ponytail, she quickly ran down the stairs to meet the boys. She couldn't help but feel nervous. She didn't know where she stood with any of them but at least they weren't pranking or insulting her, so she wasn't complaining. The four quickly hurried off to breakfast the boys walking with a bit more pep in their step despite the full moon tonight. 

Before she could even survey the options for breakfast James and Remus had already started to argue about what she should be eating. "There's not enough carbs or fruit on the plate Moony. There's gotta be balance!" James argued as Remus rolled his eyes. As the two boys argued Sirius simply placed a bowl of yogurt in front of her with a small bowl of mixed fruits next to it. Deciding to ignore the boys arguing she started to eat the food Sirius gave her hoping it wouldn't turn her skin blue or hair pink. 


The day went well despite three of the four marauders not letting her out of their sight. As the four walked to the Ravenclaw common room James and Sirius chatted about classes. Remus on the other hand could barely walk without pain shooting through his body. 

"You should be getting to the shack. It's late and you overworked yourself today, Rem." Victoria looked over the pale boy with concern.

 "I'm fine we usually don't leave for a few hours anyway." Remus tried to dismiss the conversation. 

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