3. Victoria and Divination/Interrogation

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If there was one class Victoria hated it was Divination. It was useless, the only people who could see the future were seers. Anyone else claiming they could, were simply delusional. 

As she hurried in late for class, she realized divination would be different this year as multiple ministry officials stood at the front of the room speaking in hushed tones. Professor Maywood was trembling slightly as she leaned against her desk out of breath.  Fear and confusion were etched across the young professor's face.

"And where have you been?" Alex asked giving the girl an amused but stern look as she glared at him.

"Had to send a letter off. Anyway, what's going on?" Victoria asked May quietly as she took her seat. The black-haired girl shrugged in response as she folded paper swans. 

"Vision prophecy thing apparently. Something about a Shifter?" Alex replied with furrowed brows and a shrug. Victoria hummed in response looking around the buzzing room. Students talked quietly among themselves. As her eyes drifted around the room they were soon met with a pair of brown eyes. The boy looked at her worried. She gave him a questioning look before turning back to her friends. 

"What's up with Lupin?" Alex asked glancing at the scarred boy. "Not only is he staring but he looks constantly terrified." 

"You act like I would know." Victoria responded rolling her eyes. 

"He is your neighbor." May interjected as she folded another swan. 

"Okay and?" 

"It just means that you may know what's up with him."

"Well, I don't." 

"Okay no need to get snappy." Alex said raising his hands in mock surrender. 

Remus sat next to Peter and Renee who were both chatting excitedly about Herbology. Remus never really cared for the class; he didn't possess the green thumb his blonde friend had. 

He couldn't help but find himself drawn to the blonde girl across the room though. She seemed to be bickering with her friends. He'd be lying if he said he didn't miss Victoria. They grew up together, they were best friends until the sorting when they got separated. He wanted to believe they simply grew apart, but he knew that was a lie. 

He watched as the blue-eyed girl pursed her lips and blew at the paper swans that were now crowding the table. He smiled as he watched the paper swans start to flutter around the room landing on or around people. He liked the way her face lit up when she watched the magic as if it was her first time seeing it all over again. 

He was quickly taken out of his thoughts as the ministry workers started to head out of the room. One woman stayed grabbing the student's attention.

"Goodmorning, besides this recent event I am here to explain the process for the soulmate matching this year. As you may have heard from other students you will receive letters that will contain hints as to who your soulmate is. Some individuals may have multiple others may only have one. Regardless everyone does have at least one soulmate." she continued to explain the process, but Remus and Victoria weren't listening. 

Remus was too busy gazing at the blue-eyed girl a few seats in front of him. Victoria was too busy playing with the small red and orange flame that danced in the palm of her hand. As the woman finished up her explanation and dismissed the class Victoria quickly rid herself of the small flame and grabbed her bag and headed out of the room. 

"I think Renee and Pettigrew are soulmates." May said casually as she rushed up to Victoria. 

"I could see it, bet Black and Potter are soulmates too." Alex said as he walked on the other side of the blonde. Victoria chuckled. 

"I could see it. Never see one without the other." Victoria replied. 

"That just leaves dear little Lupin." May said as she tapped her chin in thought. 

"Probably mated to a Hufflepuff or something." the blonde shrugged. 

"Who do you think our soulmates are?" Alex asked curiosity lacing his voice. Victoria shrugged. 

"Vic is totally mated to Evans and Mckinnon." May said shimmying her shoulders as she sent a playful wink to the blonde. Victoria snorted at the girl's antics. 

"I am not special enough to have two soulmates." She chuckled. Alex scoffed.

"Please that ministry worker was eyeing you down as she spoke you totally have multiple." as the trio continued to walk towards the great hall for lunch.

 As the three sat down piling their plates and talking about random things all of the student's attention was brought to the Marauders who were loudly laughing. James and Sirius were playing around shoving one another as Peter laughed watching the two. Remus was walking slightly ahead of them shaking his head as he chuckled. 

Victoria couldn't help but stare at the boy as he walked by. She missed him terribly. He was her best friend and while she does have May, Renee, and Alex, none of them understand her the way Remus did. Remus and Victoria knew one another like the back of their hand. All she could do was wonder why she wasn't good enough for him. Was she that bad of a friend?

"We should start receiving letters the first Friday of November." May said excitedly taking Victoria from her trance. 

"Why so late?" Victoria asked her brows furrowed. May and Alex shrugged as they continued to eat their lunch. Victoria sent the Gryffindor table one last glance causing May and Alex to send one another sympathetic looks that went unnoticed by Victoria. As Victoria finished her lunch, she grabbed her bag and decided to relax in the courtyard. She needed some fresh air after being stuck in that stuffy and cluttered divinations classroom. 

The girl sat on the bench Infront of the fountain reading a poetry book as she took in the fresh air and the sound of the water trickling. She always liked the sound of water falling it was a soothing sound similar to rain. 

"Hello love." a familiar voice said from beside the girl. Victoria lifted her eyes from her book to find Gryffindor's princess standing next to her with a sweet smile. 

"What can I do for you Evans?" Victoria asked nicely internally sighing knowing she wouldn't get much reading done now that the red head was around.  Lily loved to read and study and was a very kind and quiet girl until she was around Victoria Hearts. It was like anytime the blonde was around Lily became a female version of James Potter. 

"You can go on a date with me." the red head said with a slight smirk as she took a seat next to the blonde. "Why do you always put your hair up?" she asked curiously as she played with a one of the fallen locks of hair.

"Because it's long and don't you think it's time to retire this joke Evans? it's getting old." Victoria dead panned as she closed her book putting it in her bag. Lily looked at the girl confused a sad look in her eye as she stared into the blondes' dark blue eyes. 

"You think I'm joking?" Evans asked looking sadly at the girl. 

"I mean obviously you can't be serious." Victoria forced a laugh. 

"I'm not joking Hearts. I wanna take you out." The red head said earnestly. She looked at the blonde, hope shining in her emerald eyes. 

"What about your soulmate?" 

"I don't care about that." 

"Fine, one date Evans. Don't mess it up." Victoria said grabbing her bag and standing. She looked down at the red head who still sat on the bench smiling excitedly at the blonde. 

"Wouldn't dream of it darling." Evans said before standing up and kissing the girl on the cheek before walking off to find her friends. Lily Evans was fist pumping the air mentally as she looked for her friends to tell them to news. 

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