17. Victoria and the Hosts

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Victoria knew she wouldn't be met with the welcoming smiles of her parents when she stepped onto the platform but that doesn't mean she wasn't surprised when she was met with the face of her mentor, Johnathan. 

"Victoria! Dear it's so good to see you." The tall man said with a bright smile as he hugged the girl. Victoria hugged the man in return before looking around her to see many people staring at them. 

"Firsts of all people are staring, second what are you doing here?" The blonde girl asked in a sort of hushed tone. John pulled away before grabbing her luggage off the floor. 

"I'm here to pick you up. My brother is hosting us for the holidays; after all you are their star performer!" He exclaimed excitedly. "I offered to pick up my nephew and his friends, but my brother never misses the train." He said rolling his eyes. 

John offered her his hand and Victoria took it with a nervous smile. One thing she always hated was apparating. The feeling of being squished and deformed as you moved through space essentially to get to another place left her queasy; just like she felt now as she stood in front of a large cream-colored house. The brown shutters and roof complimented the home well as it had vines up the sides. They weren't green or sprouting flowers which she assumed were beautiful during the summer. The home was large but gave off a small cottage feeling as John lead her to the front door stopping to look at her with a nervous smile. 

"I know this may not be ideal but please bear with me and remember that most of your break will be spent at the studio!" He said with a nervous smile as he opened the door leading the girl through to the living room. 

"John is that you?" A deep voice yelled from another room. A tall man with graying hair and circular glasses walked into the room with a smile as he brought John into a bear hug. The two look incredibly similar which left Victoria to believe that this must be his brother. 

"And this must be Victoria Hearts!" The man said with a smile. "Fleamont Potter." He said extending his hand out to the girl. Victoria felt a cold shiver run down her spine as the man introduced himself. 

"Potter?" She asked in a sort of daze as she shook the man's hand. Before the man could say anything though they were interrupted by the sound of woman calling his name. 

"FLEAMONT! You are not going to believe what your sons did!" She said in a stern voice, but it was clear she was smiling as she walked down the stairs; a loud clunking of footsteps following closely behind her. As the smiling woman reached the bottom of the stairs her eyes lit up at the sight of the blonde girl standing in her living room. 

"Fleamont why didn't you tell me she was here?!?" She asked as she pulled the girl into a hug. Victoria froze as the woman hugged her but slowly, she relaxed wrapping her arms around the woman in return who once satisfied broke the embrace. 

"You, dear, are gorgeous. Merlin, I remember when I looked like you." The woman said as she ran her hands down the girl's arms stepping back to get a good look at her. 

"Oh, where are my manners! My name is Euphemia, but you can call me Mia." She spoke excitedly before stepping to the side looping her arm with the blondes. "These are my son's James and Sirius! I think you are in the same year, yes?" She asked and Victoria nodded sending the woman a smile. 

She was stunned as she locked eyes with both boys. Her blood ran cold, and she was absolutely mortified. This was by far the worst way to spend Christmas she thought. 

"Boy's show Victoria to her room please. Dinner will be served soon so no mischief." Fleamont said giving the boys a playfully stern look. Both boy's nodded not daring to say anything with the adults still in the room. Victoria grabbed her bag before following the boys up the stairs.

"Your room is right across from mine. There's a bathroom at the end of the hall to the right. Right across from that is Sirius's room and my parents and uncle John are on the next floor up. If you need anything just let me know." James said giving the girl a tight-lipped smile. She nodded in response before entering her room and shutting the door behind her. She could hear the two boys talking in a very badly attempted whisper.

"Merlin she's bloody everywhere?!?" Sirius exclaimed in a hushed whisper. "Can't believe your parents would invite her here!" 

"Shut up Padfoot!" James's whisper yelled as he hit Sirius in the back of the head. "I bet she can hear you with that loudmouth of yours." He grumbled. 

"Good then she knows I think she's an ugly slut who needs to go back home!" Sirius said a little louder than before. James quickly grabbed the boy dragging him into his room slamming the door shut behind them. 

Victoria couldn't help but feel stressed and hurt. The situation was overwhelming as she unpacked her bag. She just hoped she wouldn't be in the house too much. Afterward she reluctantly made her way downstairs to dinner. 

In an attempt to find the kitchen, she followed the noise and was met with the sight of everyone starting to settle into their seats for dinner. Victoria took a seat next to John considering she was the most comfortable with him. This also put her next to Mia which only made her more nervous though. 

As dinner went on Victoria sat quietly eating her dinner as the family around her chattered. Of course, her silence didn't last long when Fleamont asked his boys about their soulmates. He then learned that not only did Sirius and James share a soul mate. They also shared a soul mate with one of their best mates Remus Lupin. 

"Well, you lot do everything together why am I not surprised you'd all share the same girl." Mr. Potter chuckled as his wife sent him a playful glare before turning to Victoria. 

"What about your soulmate, have you found him yet?" She asked looking at the blonde with a pleasant smile. The blonde felt awkward as all eyes landed on her. 

"I have multiple soulmates and no I haven't found them. I do think I might know one of them though." Victoria said in a soft manner hoping that would be the end of her interrogation. 

"How many soulmates?" Fleamont asked interested as he looked to be connecting theories in his head. 

"Three, sir." She smiled before returning to her food. Fleamont and Euphemia shared a knowing look as they turned to their boys. 

As dinner passed and plans for tomorrow were made Victoria made her way to her room with hopes for the Christmas break to pass quickly. 

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