14. Victoria and Into the Light (pt. 2)

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As transfiguration came to a close Victoria was flanked. On her right Alex and May stood and to her left Peter and Renee.

"What the hell is Potter's deal?" May asked interested in any possible gossip she could get her hands on.

"No idea, the boy is bloody losing it." Victoria responded with an eyeroll.

"He was staring at you all morning too, him and Sirius got into an argument. Remus had to break it up before it went too far." Peter chimed in excitedly. He glanced behind them to find Sirius, Remus, and James all scowling at them though he couldn't exactly tell who they were looking at.

"Well, whatever his problem is you completely killed it!" Alex said throwing an arm around the blonde's shoulders. "My little Victoria is all grown up!" He exclaimed causing Renee and May to laugh shaking their heads at his theatrics.

Victoria made her way to her seat in muggle studies sitting at the desk she shared with James. She was very tempted to ask Professor M to move her, but she knew he wouldn't.

"Is something going on with you and Jackson? or Alex?" James asked as soon as he sat on his stool next to the girl. Victoria rolled her eyes.

"No, for Merlin's sake I'm not seeing anyone now can you leave me the hell alone, Potter!" She exclaimed irritated.

"No, I can't." He stated staring at the girl who was attempting to tune him out.

"In case you forgot the sun is still up so you might want to stop talking to me Potter. People might think we're friends or even worse you fancy me." she said in a loud whisper. James's heart sped up and his breathe caught in his throat. He couldn't think as the girl sent him a smirk. 

She was clearly pleased with herself since her words must have made the boy shut up. Her eyes seemed slightly sad at his quietness though. Maybe it was her own fault for thinking he would ever want to actually be her friend. All the late-night talks, star gazing, cooking, dancing, singing. Everything was just a waste, and it was her own fault. She should have known better after all she was just Victoria. The same Victoria he called Ms. Piggy. The same girl he always made animal noises around to taunt her. The same girl he watched get tormented and shunned by his own friends. It was her own fault for thinking James Potter could ever be anything more than a bully.


Clearly James didn't win her over in muggle studies after shutting down due to her comment. As if he didn't hate himself for not standing up for her almost a week ago, now he had only proved her point even if he didn't really feel that way. 

Now the hazel eyed boy had to sit and watch from afar as she worked with Remus on their bloody potions project. Clearly it was going well as the two were laughing and talking about merlin knows what.

"What?!?" Remus asked defensively a large smile plastered on his scarred face as the girl continued to laugh.

"I can't believe of all the possible things you could do with this potion that would be your choice!" She exclaimed as her face started to turn red from the laughing. Remus was blushing as he bit back his own laughter. He had missed this. The joking and laughing. He missed her. 

"Okay well what would you do then since you're such a mastermind?" He asked giving her a quizzical look. The girl stroked her chin thoughtfully in a joking manor before looking at the boy with wide eyes. 

"I'd ask the Gryffindor captain about their best plays. Then I'd obviously tell the Ravenclaw team. Maybe then we could win the bloody quidditch cup. Though I have to admit we are looking pretty good this year." She said with a smirk as she stirred the potion checking it thoroughly. The color was in its transitioning phase from a milky white at the beginning of the month to a now cloudy greyish white color. It was on the right track and would soon be completed once the full moon passed allowing it to become completely clear. 

"You are a mastermind, aren't you?" Remus said with his jaw dropped an impressed look on his face. Victoria shrugged. "Good thing you aren't allowed to keep the potion." He remarked playfully.

"Baby all I need is fire whiskey and a little flirting to get all the information I need." She said in a suggestive tone sending the boy a playful wink. The werewolf blushed intensely at the nickname and flirty behavior. He couldn't stop it even if he tried which he definitely did. 

"I've missed this." Remus blurted out before he could stop himself. The girl stopped turning to look at him with a sad look in her eyes and frown on her lips. His could feel the heat from embarrassment crawling up his neck as he stuttered attempting to apologize. 

"I've missed it too Rem." She said with a sad smile. The boy looked at her slightly shocked at her response.

"Why can't we have this V?" He asked sadly. His voice sounded hurt almost like he was choked up thinking about everything. Victoria shook her head her eyes not leaving the potion in front of her. 

"You don't get to do that." She started.

 "Do what V? tell you I miss you? Tell you that I hate being without you?" Remus interrupted. The boy was worked up his chest was hurting, and he felt like he couldn't breathe as he looked at the blonde. She wouldn't look at him. "It's killing me V. You were my best friend. You ARE my best friend. I miss you." 

"I'm not your best friend Lupin. Not anymore and that was your own choice when you ditched me for those roommates of yours." The blonde said continuing to avoid the boy's gaze. She scowled as she looked at the potion. She masked her hurt with anger. 

"And you have no idea how much I regret it. I regret not spending time with you when we got here. I regret ignoring you and avoiding you the first two years of school. You deserved better than that." He pleaded as he moved his chair closer to the girl begging for her to look at him. 

"And what about third year? Why wait till halfway through fifth year to say something." She said irritated shrugging her shoulders finally looking at the boy. 

"Because I'm an idiot and I thought you wouldn't accept any apology, not that you have currently, but still I was terrified you'd reject any advance I made at fixing this." He said with frustration. His brows knitted together as his eyes scanned the girls face looking for any hint of emotion. He was nervous as he poured his heart out. 

"You know it's going to take one hell of an apology and a lot of work to fix what you did Lupin." She said giving the boy a questioning look almost like she was asking if it was really worth it. To Remus she was worth everything. 

"I'll do whatever it takes." He said with an excited smile as they started to pack their belongings and notes for the project. 

Remus left potions with a pep in his step that was unexplainable and odd for the scarred boy. He was a relaxed person so to see him with the newfound energy was an unusual sight that many seemed to enjoy as he walked the halls. Unbeknownst to him two sets of eyes glared at him from behind as he rushed away to the library. One pair sat behind a pair of round glasses looking at the boy with jealousy as the other pair starred in anger. 

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